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Sid games C3C: how to improve our skills

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  • The victory status screen. Strangely, the cultural victory in 1946 AD (100'000) did not pop up.

    More details early next week...
    Attached Files
    The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps



      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


      • Way to go MS. I am still looking forward to hearing how to get the tech lead without trimming the AI.

        Was this a large map?


        • I stand by my claim in another thread. Poly is the home of the kamikaze pilots with 20-odd successful missions
          It's all my territory really, they just squat on it...!
          She didn't declare war on me, she's just playing 'hard to get'...


          • The Champagne flows and the people dance in the streets my lord for a great event has occurred. Hail the conqueror!
            The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.

            Anatole France


            • Here is what I have seen as a typically situation. After the GL expires the KAI runs off with the tech race and I have nothing to trade and no other AI's are in the race either soon afterwards.

              Now at SciMeth, the Chinese were running at a 4 turn pace for a long time, I could must 25-30 turn. They were not much bigger than me, I was #2 in all the good stuff (#1 income).

              I was staying right up with them by using cash to steal everything they learned. During my GA I was going over 500gpt, now over 300. Steals are now about 1300 and rising (more if done safely). I had build up a lot of cash.

              I started the ToE the same turn as them and had an 8 turns to finish, no prebuild was possible. They started in 1430 and finished in 1430 (4 turns). No Leader was used as they were not at war.

              I did manage to beat them to the Voyage with a great prebuild.
              BTW the city I used was 76 shields no corruption. Had factory and coal plant. Hospital was build with the shields from the ToE, so it will grow now.
              Last edited by vmxa1; April 30, 2004, 17:09.


              • Here is a map of the US landing two horses next my infantry and calvs. I soften them up with arties. I let them land to try for a leader as I have only gotten two so far:
                Attached Files


                • Here is the F1 shot:
                  Attached Files


                  • Strangely, the cultural victory in 1946 AD (100'000) did not pop up
                    That is because you had a rival with at least 1/2 of your culture. If you reach 100k culture, and you have a rival with 50k or more, you don't win.

                    grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                    The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                    • BTW I screwed this up a bit. I should have used Ironclad as my research as soon as I got to the age. I was not thinking. So I lost a lot of turns being bounced off of different projects, very dumb. I probably would have learned it by now or soon. Using one scientist.


                      • Originally posted by Arrian

                        That is because you had a rival with at least 1/2 of your culture. If you reach 100k culture, and you have a rival with 50k or more, you don't win.

                        Yes you need twice as much as the next civ to win with culture and be beyond the levels requirements (160K for huge?). The 20K city still flies though.


                        • Here is F11:
                          Attached Files


                          • Another funny thing is look at the Aztecs with some 11 cities and way behind in tech and the F3 advisors says I am weak next to them. We shall soon see. As soon as I aquire or build two more armies, I will pay them a visit to get some dyes. I want two infantry armies to stop any counter attack (I hope). I will have to ship them as 3x and add the fourth after arrival. Well I may get transports before then, if China is going that way.

                            They took Sanitation and Steel with the ToE and may be going for flight or tanks with cruisers along the way. If so I plan to try to steal the transport tech and upgrade.

                            I have maybe 100 units for military, maybe more at this point out of 177.
                            Last edited by vmxa1; April 30, 2004, 17:11.


                            • Practical use of tech stealing? Tell me more on how you did this...!
                              (other than clickling 'steal' )
                              It's all my territory really, they just squat on it...!
                              She didn't declare war on me, she's just playing 'hard to get'...


                              • I racked up a ton of cash with no research from right after the GL was built. I used the cheap way most of the time as I did not care if they caught me most of the time.

                                I used safely when we got close to the ToE as I did not want to be prevented from stealing at that point by war. I only have had one declared war from it so far.

                                It is a joke. I once did three steals in the same turn with immediately and got away with it. Maybe it is a pay back for no SGL's and only 2 MGL at that time.

                                I did make a few trades for tech, but not many. Note I have not built the IA as I think it will make it harder to steal and cost more.
                                I do not know that for a fact, but why rock the boat now?

