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Conquests Bug Thread (post BETA 1.12-patch)

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  • #16
    The difference is the river. Cities (for Agricultural civs) next to fresh water (lakes and rivers) gain the bonus during Despotism, their other cities don't.
    Last edited by kring; December 24, 2003, 02:19.


    • #17
      Originally posted by alva
      I think it's best that people make the destinction between an 1.0 C3C game loaded with the new patch and a new game started in 1.12.
      good idea, alva!
      - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
      - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


      • #18
        Reposted (from the other thread):

        Very minor bug in 1.12: In the main menu you can't get to the "Exit" option with the keyboard, you have to use the mouse to exit. Has probably to do with the new "Play last world" menu option.


        • #19
          Graphics bug in the scientific advisor screen...

          ... and only there, the other advisors are alright.
          Attached Files


          • #20
            Enemy unit vanishing bug?

            During the AI turn, the Hittites will land a Medieval Infantry at Avignon-9. Before the AI turn ends, this unit vanishes. This is not necessarily a bug, may be they can't afford it anymore and it's disbanded by force, but shouldn't that be before they move it? Anyway, here is a save. Just end the turn.

            EDIT: Just read alva's proposal... It's a new game, started with 1.12. I didn't play epic games in 1.00/1.02.
            Attached Files


            • #21
              An hour or so into my first 1.12 game. (And enjoying it BTW )
              I've noticed that the 'apply these default Governor settings to all new cities indicator thing' doesn't seem to work, i.e. when I put the settings as I want them via the Governor and check this box, new cities do not have those settings.

              Also, I've seen an amusing example of the "peaceful" Barbarians noted elsewhere. In PTW I enjoyed the annoyance of the Raging Horde level of Barbs, so I set this game at that level. I got the Barb. Uprising notice and watched as 17 Barb Horsemen left their camp and finished their turn one square away from my city which had only one spearman in it. I also had a worker working one square away from where they stopped. As I am playing this game to check out how things are working I choose not to move the worker. I wondered where the Barbs would attack next turn. Well, they didnt! All 17 Barb Horsemen fortified within reach of my poorly defended city, and unprotected worker and are still there some 20+ turns later!


              • #22
                They really trimmed the barbs. I had 10 next to a town with two wounded AC and they never attacked.
                Another civ has one spear and a settler come by and the horsemen sat there, until I finally killed them all a few at a time.


                • #23
                  Considering soren wasn't even sure what he did to make the barbs better in ptw, it's probably difficult for the C3C team to revert the bards to its original state without deleting a whole bunch of AI modifications.

                  I noticed that AI was really ignored in the dev chat CivFanatics sponsored. I had prepared a bunch of quesitons but could not make the chat when they delayed it to a new time and date. What ended up happening was someone asking a very generic question about Navy AI and being given the stock marketing response that (paraphrasing here) "there were many AI tweaks and navy AI was improved"

                  Would be nice to know what exactly these AI tweaks are instead of playing the guessing game.
                  AI:C3C Debug Game Report (Part1) :C3C Debug Game Report (Part2)
                  Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
                  Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew


                  • #24
                    Re: Enemy unit vanishing bug?

                    Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                    During the AI turn, the Hittites will land a Medieval Infantry at Avignon-9. Before the AI turn ends, this unit vanishes. This is not necessarily a bug, may be they can't afford it anymore and it's disbanded by force, but shouldn't that be before they move it? Anyway, here is a save. Just end the turn.
                    I think I can comfirm that it's forced disbanded by bankruptcy. I have spotted this phenomenon several times in 1.00/1.02. And yes, it's disbanded after move.


                    • #25
                      Having trouble playing MP with more than two humans

                      Can't seem to get into the game setup window together with more than two human players for an Internet MP game. Not sure if its a bug, but I thought I'd mention it.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by b_ramsdell
                        Everytime I try to start the game I get a message to insert the Conquests CD when it is in the CDRom drive, So I can't play.
                        The same to me.
                        I can't play too.
                        Somebody knows how to turn off securom?

                        I'm really excited to play.
                        I had got Civ3 recently but still haven't played because of corruption calculation problem.


                        • #27
                          The SPHQ still works outside communism.


                          • #28
                            I got the same error message but I think it was because of my dumbass CD drive. It started working again next time I tried it, just when I had written out an e-mail, taken screenshots and tried to find the correct support e-mail address from Atari (Their support page is abominable). However, when I had the same problem with Civ 3, a very helpful staff member of Firaxis provided me with a no-CD patch, so if you can contact them it's better I should think. They might not have one yet since they're working on a regular patch at the mo...


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by alexman
                              The SPHQ still works outside communism.
                              Are you sure this is a bug?

                              I think that the SPHQ should work outside Communism. As corruption is supposed to be the same across one's empire under Communism, I don't see much benefit to the SPHQ under Communism.
                              Call me Frank.
                              To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. - Thomas Jefferson


                              • #30
                                Upgrading "*" units

                                I've noticed that if you upgrade a unit which has previously got you an MGL it's unit description dosn't alter.

                                i.e. If an elite "*" tank is upgraded to Modern Armor it's still called Tank after the upgrade.

                                Of course you can manually rename it.

