Re: Re: Re: Re: Agricultural Food Problem
So just to clarify - Agr civs get +1 food bonus on centre tiles whether on rivers or not, but due to the Despotism penalties this third food is lost. However, being located on a river tile removes that penalty?
Originally posted by Merepatra
Ooops thats what can happen when I do an answer without checking my notes . Yes you do get the extra food in the city centre when you change out of despotism to any Government that doesn't have the Standard Tile Penalty flag checked, which in the standard game means you get the extra food in all Governments except Despotism.
By the way, I'm a she not a he
Ooops thats what can happen when I do an answer without checking my notes . Yes you do get the extra food in the city centre when you change out of despotism to any Government that doesn't have the Standard Tile Penalty flag checked, which in the standard game means you get the extra food in all Governments except Despotism.
By the way, I'm a she not a he