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Silly Rules succession game

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  • I noticed that the Spanish are researching Space Flight. Once they get there, I would assume they will embark on a space program. With their huge warchest, they will be able to launch within a few turns after gaining superconductor.

    Query to the group -- Should this affect our strategy?

    No chance to play more until Sat. soonest.
    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


    • I think that anyone silly enough to build a spaceship and launch it deserves to be suitcase nuked repeatedly until we chase down their (presumably mobile) capital.

      So I would have a fleet of Spies and a Spy delivery system available.

      And don't go after them until you see the whites of their eyes (i.e.: until they have some Modules built, at least) because the capture-capital-destroy-spaceship tactic only works once. The AI can build another spaceship, and if they have no capital, there's no way for us to recall the ship.

      I suppose we could build a faster ship... but where's the fun in that?
      "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

      "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
      "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


      • Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man
        I think that anyone silly enough to build a spaceship and launch it deserves to be suitcase nuked repeatedly until we chase down their (presumably mobile) capital.

        So I would have a fleet of Spies and a Spy delivery system available.

        And don't go after them until you see the whites of their eyes (i.e.: until they have some Modules built, at least) because the capture-capital-destroy-spaceship tactic only works once. The AI can build another spaceship, and if they have no capital, there's no way for us to recall the ship.

        I suppose we could build a faster ship... but where's the fun in that?
        A win is a win is a win. If we could build a faster ship that would be good enough for me. We have a lot more production capacity than the Spanish and we could probably obtain the required technologies. BUT ...

        ... even when they have discovered spaceflight they still have to build Apollo and discover a few more technologies before they could launch a bird with fusion power.

        For the moment I don't think we need to change strategy. Once we have eliminated the the Sioux and the English it would be natural to take on the Russians and the Spanish. At our present rate that means we will be capturing Spanish cities in the 1960s. That should be early enough to disrupt their space programme.

        Let's carry on with the cultural assimilation (conquest) programme, keeping an eye on what the Spanish are up to.

        RJM at Sleeper's
        Fill me with the old familiar juice


        • Zipfile 1962

          A lot can happen at this stage of the game -- and did. A lengthy but invigorating turnset.

          I believe that atomant, technically, is next. If he's still on safari, OnS gets to start the endgame.

          Log coming shortly...
          Attached Files
          Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
          RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


          • La Fayette is next. Bob Smurf & atomant are both MIA.

            I'll be gone for the holidays, so STYOM can step in after La Fayette if the jokes are there.
            Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


            • What a busy rabbit you have been!! Good job!!

              Moment of silence for the Souix....

              Look forward to your log. The Nukes have been flying and the "Sun" is very hot.

              so long and thanks for all the fish


              • The Reverend Rabbit Soup Returns

                Cautiously, stealthily, a discreet caravel arrives in the capital. Cleverly, it avoids the Spanish armada and Zulu navy and reaches port. It's human cargo emerges, smiles broadly, and heads for the palace...

                It's 1954 AD and, sensing revolution in the air, Rabbit Soup is poised to take over the government. In preparation, he notes the current conditions...
                Population = 17.74 MM ppl across 37 cities.
                The treasury holds 1662 GP via a heavy tax burden.
                The scientists are nowhere to be seen. rumor has it they were sold for cash...
                The silly civ is Strong, its reputation Honorable.

                We are at war with the Zulus (19 cities, 9250 GP, Fundy).
                Sioux -- at war. They are a democracy of 7 cities.
                Spanish -- Cease fire. They have 20 Fundy cities and an impressive 13,643 GP. Studying Space Flight.
                English -- Cease fire, republic, 7 cities.
                Russians -- Peace, republic, 3 cities.

                Much of 1954 remains unplayed, so we move forward...

                --Parley with Spanish, who demand 1000 GP and give us WAR when we decline.
                --Destruction of Spanish troops (2 marines, howitzer, and nearby naval support) on doofus Island begins.
                --Rapid deployment Naval force drops a load of units outside isolted Spanish outpost of Three Forks (size 10), taking out a mech inf, artillery, partisan, bomber, and three fighters with our armored divisions. Three Forks (now size 2 ) captured, netting 135 GP and Darwin's.
                --Spies report defensive positions of Sioux strongholds of Kildeer and Stony Lake.
                --Many increments and several purchases are made. Warchest down to 764 GP.
                --REVOLUTION! (adjust to 60-0-40)

                --Coupon is cashed in. Rabbit Soup is declared Communist dictator. Back to 80-0-20.
                --Spanish battleship spotted outside vulnerable-but-happy Beeblebrox. Submarine rushed.
                --Exploration detail finds Sioux outposts of Wood Lake, Big Mound.
                --Military detail conquers Kildeer (84 plunder) and Storm Lake (34).
                --Point of Rocks, Raging Brook noted as only 2 unmapped Sioux cities.
                --Zulus demand reaparation for imagined slights. We chuckle in their general direction. Still at war...
                --We start to sell unneeded infrastructure to finance the war effort, starting with Libraries and Universities.

                --Spanish discover Space Flight, then start -- and nearly complete -- Apollo program.
                --Spanish revolt, heading for democracy.
                --English demonstrate heavy troop movements, refuse our offer to chat.
                --Zulu Aegis outside Jerry Lewis.
                --Vigilant fighter spots and destroys Zulu submarine in Goodie cove.
                --SDI completed in Fright Wig. Many barracks and military units in process.
                --Sell 3 more libraries, one more uni, a granary and 2 aqueducts. Unemployed academicians drafted into our growing militia.

                --Zulus trade howitzer technolgy to Spanish for Space Flight.
                --Spanish complete Apollo Program in Madrid. Note: this is the first time the AI has ever beaten me to Apollo. Photos from space reveal missing cities, unclaimed huts, etc.
                --Two more Zulu subs spotted and killed near Monty Python. Rabbit Soup calls for increased patrol capabilities around home island.
                --Northern troops capture Sioux city of Bear Paw (80 GP).
                --English sue for peace. We grant their silly request and they withdraw their forces from the greater Liverpool metroplex.
                --Our anti-Brit forces continue to build through shipchain to Old Chuckles.

                --Many increments, much barracks-buying. Yes, more vet spies are included.
                --Sell three deserted harbors and a useless sewer system.
                --Russians gain Advanced Flight.
                --Spanish discover Plastics, build their first Structural.
                --Spanish aegis cruiser/DD stack downed by our cruise missile.
                --Beeblebrox rushes coastal fortress. Monty Python switches to Palace.
                --We conquer Wood Lake (71 plunder).
                --We complete our first nuke, which inspires the Spanish to request a chat. They welcome us to the Nuclear Club and negotiate an (uneasy) peace treaty.
                --Spies break through English lines, report Winchester defended by 2 alpines, 2 fanatics, with support of walls, coastal fort, and SDI.
                --REVOLUTION!! (60-0-40)

                --Zulus learn Environmentalism and build 6 Structurals.
                --Zulu battleship DIES attacking vet mech inf behind coastal fortress in Bullwinkle.
                --Spanish discover Nuclear Something-Or-Other.
                --Jerry Lewis grows, becomes disorderly.
                --We are now, fundamentally, the Reverend Rabbit Soup. 80-0-20, of course.
                --Raging Brook, Big Mound taken from sioux (net plunder = 130).
                --English (3 rifles) chat, but ignore our "feeble" request for tribute.
                --Spies detail English defenses in Canterbury, coventry, Warwick, and Nottingham. All have 2 alpines and another unit or 2. Most have walls.

                --Zulu helicopter attacks lightly defended Bears Paw. City now empty.
                --Spanish build 2 more Structurals (= 3 total).
                --Spanish armada steams past our island cities, seems to be heading west. Homeland Security alerted.
                --More barracks, more howies.
                --Three cities declare WTRev.
                --We request tribute from Russians, recieve 200 GP. (Why didn't I do that before???)
                --English refuse to declare war -- so we do!
                --Capture English city of Kiev (310 GP), sell its granary.
                --Residents of Coventry see the light, revolt to the Silly cause for 1312 GP (minus 290 plunder).
                --Third spy succeeds in pulling down walls in Nottingham.
                --Cedar Creek fighter spots and strafes English ironclad, becomes Vet.
                --Patrolling fighter spots and sinks Zulu transport, killing 7 units.

                --Treasury near bare, but netting +860/turn under Fundy.
                --We buy SDI in Bullwinkle, Coastal Fort in Leiden, and various barracks.
                --Zulus build 6 Structurals, get Plastics from Spanish in exchange for Environmentalism. (Nice trade!)
                --Zulu copter lands in undefended Bear Paw, answers the burning question: Yes, a copter can capture a city. We get 2 very useful partisans.
                --We capture Nottingham and its 179 GP.
                --We recapture Bear Paw, get 58 GP and Plastics. No partisans on recapture (normal?).
                --Raging Brook is treatened by English BB, plus Zulu and Spanish forces sharing the island. Tempted to bribe the BB for 968, but elect to abandon the city instead.
                --Again, it takes 3 spies, but walls are down in Canterbury.

                --Cashflow now +902 GP/turn.
                --Down to one city, Sioux decide to upgrade their defenses by going Commy. We prep a spy.
                --Russians and Spanish sign secret "Moscow pact" to prevent the inevitable. Russia gets Rocketry in the deal.
                --Zulus overwhelm abandoned city of Raging Brook. We get 2 partisans.
                --Zulus demand parley, declare their decision to "rid the world" of our "worthless" and silly civ.
                --Spanish now have Superconductor, contact us to request removal of our troops outside Winchester.
                --We capture Canterbury (228 GP), sell its granary.
                --Spy reaches Sioux outpost of Point of Rocks, which revolts for 227 GP (86 plunder). SIOUX CIV DESTROYED.
                --Zulu solo sub and sub stack spotted by patrols from Bob Hope. solo unit bombed to death. We suspect a fighter may not be enough for whatever else is in the stack...
                --Zealously silly troops take Coventry and 192 GP. Bribe artillery (247) to help clean up partisans.
                --Naval troops land and take English capital of London (243 GP, Oracle, KRC). Bribe local engineers to created needed diagonal transportation system.
                --Spies report defenses of last 2 English cities.
                Warwick has 2 alpines; York has an alp, a rifleman. both have walls and barracks.

                The Rev. Rabbit Soup, about to be defrocked of his religious title, opts for mandatory retirement...
                Last edited by -Jrabbit; December 22, 2003, 11:35.
                Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                • Notes and thoughts...

                  Originally posted by Bloody Monk
                  What a busy rabbit you have been!! Good job!!

                  Moment of silence for the Souix....

                  Look forward to your log. The Nukes have been flying and the "Sun" is very hot.

                  Actually, no nukes exploded during these turns. I've been trying desperately to keep pollution cleaned up, but it appears we will need more engineers to do that effectively.

                  FYI, our power is now Supreme and our reputation is (inexplicably) Excellent.
                  Population now 20.98 MM. Only 860 GP in the treasury, but an aggressive build program was needed.
                  I think our city count is now 50 or (captured 14, abandoned and lost one).

                  Some further notes --

                  In hopes of finding a decent use for them, I'm using a helicopter as a patrol unit around the home island, augmented by various fighters and such.

                  I failed to detail all the troop deliveries by shipchain from Old Chuck and Beeblebrox to the English homeland. (This should answer the question of how we handled transportation to London without diagonal roads).

                  There's also a bristling ground force in iirc Sevastopol just waiting for action vs. the Russians. Don't forget (as I consistently did ) to demand Russian tribute.

                  Fortunately, neither the Zulus nor the spanish seem to be in a huge rush to get to Alpha Centauri. But both have made progrogress, and both have huge cash reserves to enable swift completion.

                  I was working toward making 3rd Rock a waystation enroute to Zulu/Spanish lands, but constant skirmishing has made it difficult to build the proper infrastructure.

                  Beware attacks on (arrg, that Zulu island city we've been trading, north of 3rd Rock), as there seem to be multiple fighters there now.

                  This is the key turnset. coming up. The English are as good as dead, the Russians should be just a bump in the road.

                  Then, it's down to the 3 superpowers...

                  La Fayette, prenez le monde, si vous pouvez, s'il vous plait!
                  Last edited by -Jrabbit; December 22, 2003, 12:10.
                  Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                  RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                  • Good looking turns!

                    Yes, partisans only seem to appear one time - if a city is lost and recaptured, no additional partigiano are created.

                    My one worry is that the Spanish have a lot of gold to move capitals with (13 times!). If they accelerate their space program, we'd better be ready with a lot of spies and paratroops to for the chase-the-capital game.
                    "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                    "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                    "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                    • *Psst! Rabbit, monde is masculine!*

                      Mostly through judicious use of the ignore government change rule, you've made great progress at the end of this game. to all. I can't download the game to look, but from what has been reported here, then the Spanish will be the final test. Show them what silly things the SXN players are made of!


                      • Originally posted by duke o' york
                        *Psst! Rabbit, monde is masculine!*
                        Damn, had it right the first time. then stared at that final "e" and talked myself into doing it wrong...
                        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                        • There were some crooked men, & we walked some crooked miles...and we've moved along the game and now have crooked smiles...

                          As La Fayette said, we can do this! LF
                          Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                          • Originally posted by Old n Slow
                            There were some crooked men, & we walked some crooked miles...and we've moved along the game and now have crooked smiles...

                            As La Fayette said, we can do this! LF
                            That's silly ...but &

                            Now we all get a lesson in spycraft.

                            so long and thanks for all the fish


                            • Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man
                              My one worry is that the Spanish have a lot of gold to move capitals with (13 times!). If they accelerate their space program, we'd better be ready with a lot of spies and paratroops to for the chase-the-capital game.
                              Well, it's improving somewhat. Apparently the Spanish purchased Apollo outright, because IIRC they were down to 10K GP by the time I finished.

                              I wish I knew for sure if the program keeps you up-to-date with SS build parts for all AI civs. Seems that the Zulus have about 10 or 11 Sturucturals and the Spanish about 5-6. But I never bothered to check the SS status menu which presumabl would tell me.

                              In any case, I trust that, as we prepare for our Communist years, M. La Fayette will produce a sufficiency of Matas Hari to handle any contingency...

                              Also -- forgot to mention part of the Frenchland Security package -- building cheap vet Fanatics in Fundy years and sending all those Mech Inf units to the front lines!

                              Also2 -- The engineers near Sverdlovsk (or is it Sevestapol? --the one just north of the Russian cities) were planning rails into Russia (side-by-side so we can legally move), insta-fort, and more rails. I also held a transport there for simultaneous troop moves by sea. (Said transport can also reach Spanish shores... )

                              Also3 -- This is a big, sprawling game board, and it was pretty shocking to see the juicy land that was never claimed, especially up north. But I couldn't dedicate resources to hut-popping with so many other fish to fry...
                              Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                              RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                              • Great turnset your rabbitness. I wish it had taken longer for the AI to begin the space race, but with the help of LF's Mata Haris we should be able to keep things under control.

                                A Silly Christmas to one and all.

                                RJM at Sleeper's
                                Fill me with the old familiar juice

