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Age Of War PBEM Game

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  • I now know Bo has got the game, but unfortunately his motherboard got burnt in the process of installing new RAM... so I guess the game's on hold.... Maybe he can get to play his turn on my computer when I see him again.
    The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
    Kaplak Stream


    • Can't Bo go to a friends house with a computer and a net connection, email his friend the saved game. load civ2 on the computer and play it? or lets have someone else play his turn. No telling how long he'll be out


      • Can anyone get ahold of him? In anyway? I don't mind waiting, being as school is hectic with projects up the wazoo, but I'd like to know whats up. How soon do we go looking for another player?

        Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
        -The Artist Within-


        • Hi All!

          I have now completed my turn on Mortens computer, so here you are. Sorry for the delay, but i see that Morten have informed you about my incident.

          Game sent on, but here it is as well
          Attached Files
          The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
          Kaplak Stream


          • German-Italian Relations Up

            Power plants in Italy will soon be recieving monthly shipments of coal from CEU mines. The first caravans are said to be coming in later this year around July. The secretary of trade says that such relations can only strengthen over time.

            Border Skirmishes Reported on German-French Border

            The German town of Milhouse yesterday was the scene of massive spitball exchanges between French and German Factions. The incident is said to have started when a traveling troop of French soldiers snubbed thier noses in the face of CEU soldiers. What followed was not a pretty sight.

            'I don't know what happened,' An Austrian recruit said, 'but someone on one side shot a big wad of goo, and the next thing I knew the air was full of them, thousands of spitwads darkened the sky and pow, I was down, soaked. Next thing I recall is you sitting next to me with that notepad and pencil of yours.'

            Commander of CEU forces, President Elect, Ioannes I commented on incident, rubbing his head which still bore a large lump. 'French snobbery is at an all time high. First they snub thier noses at their allies, refusing to help them to become modern nations, and now they're snubbing thier noses at us and taking our soldiers down with spitwads. Whats next? Sticks, Stones? They may break our bones, but words will never hurt us!'

            Aside to not having any clue whatsoever as to what Ioannes meant by that, this editor also wishes to report unconfirmed reports of actuall rifle exchanges near Nancy. Is this the begining of hostilities, or are our soldiers just tired of regulation armament? Only time will tell.

            In response to the events, Ioannes has called the CEU Armies V and VI with artillery batalions 3-8 to the German French border. 'We will have peace in our time.' Major Payne of the 4th division is quoted to saying, 'or else.'

            Naval Blockade Unfair

            The CEU secretary of Foriegn Relations and Trade with All Who Are Not Opposed to Us whined considerably concerning the British blockade of the Channel. 'Its unfair!' He is quoted as saying. He even said what he was quoted as to have being said, 'Its really unfair! I'm going to hold my breath untill you lift this blockade!' Later that day he passed out and is currently recovering in the Amsterdame International Hospital for the Mentally Durressed. Ioannes said, 'I have apointed someone else as temporary chair for that posission. If the British don't lift the blockade we'll have to find a permament replacement. Eitherway he'll have a nice vacation in Indo-China-America sometime this coming winter.'

            --Vienna World Times
            March Edition 1902

            Game sent and posted here.
            Attached Files
            Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
            -The Artist Within-


            • That's really funny JMarks. Have you you escaped from a funny farm or something? You're totally bonkers


              • What do you expect from a Greek speaking Welshman from America?

                Let the game continue!
                Let the smiles roll on!
                Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                -The Artist Within-


                • BRITAIN INDUSTRIALISING!!!

                  This month most of britain was celebrating the opening of many munitions plants all over the country. One unfortunate side affect was that to make the people move into the factorys we had to give them trade unions which means they could strike at anytime which would be disasterous for our factories now making explosive powders and bullets.


                  Transports full of trading caravans pulled up outside French Ports of Brest and Le Harve escorted by numerous battleships. Also battleships in the atlantic along the french coast are moving into position to protect their ports from german agression seeing as war sems to be brewing. This is happening in the med where British battleships met up with french ones patrolling the north african coast. Words were exchanged but as neither side could understand what was said it was pointless.
                  Also today britain told germany that is their Foriegn Relations and Trade with All Who Are Not Opposed to Us minister was going to hold his breath until things calmed down and the blockade was lifted then he would surely die because until german stops this obvious propoganda war against our friends the french it would continue.


                  Today on the steps of 10 downing street Mr Smith, whose nose is so obviously broken told his story about the fight which we have already reported in an earlier edition but he maintained that germany was the enemie and any action against france would be indication of a declaration of war on britain itself. With that he stormed inside bashing his nose on the closed door and letting forth a howl of pain. But what howl will germany let off when they learn of this.

                  Map Attached
                  Attached Files
                  Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                  "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                  • and the game. i cant get my emal to work but when i do ill email you caspian
                    Attached Files
                    Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                    • So you got the game i emailed you grothgar?
                      about time


                      • I know frankly i was amazed!!!
                        Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                        "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                        • We Love The Presidents Day Held in Bucharest!

                          A quiet summer in the east...
                          Several new railroad lines projected...
                          Attached Files
                          The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                          Kaplak Stream


                          • ***Bump***

                            you played your turn yet henrik? and if you have did you pass it on to france in which case france have you played your game yet? or was it france with the motherboard problems?
                            Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                            "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                            • So whose turn is it now?


                              • Its france's turn, and has been so for a while.
                                Here is the save as Jmarks has asked me to attach it.
                                Attached Files
                                No Fighting here, this is the war room!

