Thanks Henrik, that's everything I needed to know. The French communique is satisfactory. (I did read that post but I forgot about it )
No announcement yet.
Age Of War PBEM Game
Abdul SunTzu I
Ottoman Empire Economy Plan
Abdul SunTzu I signed the Economic Stimulate Policy today, it encourages the building of Warehouses in all cities and the irrigation of all land before production. This, if it works as planned, will make Ottomon cities grow like Desert Hash.
Emissary travels to Moscow
Rah Shef was sent by Abdul SunTzu I to Moscow to meet with Russian leaders to discuss the situation in the Balkans. All plans have been with-held by the Government Secrecy Agency(GSA).
The Prime Minister today put his name to a controversial bill calling for 200,000 volunteers to form labour brigades for a limitless time until such as the british empire is industrialised the same all over the world. This was only for britain the governer generals of the states of the empire are expected to form their own brigades in all haste.
According to eyewitnesses today the Royal Navy North Seas Fleet set out today from various ports in the british isles at a destination unknown. The Silence of the Admirality is quite an omen of the fortunes of this country and which way they will be going. It is believed that the Fleet is set to meet with the German High Seas Navy for combined operations but this is an unstantionated rumor
The Prime Minister today congratulated Germany on the aquirance of Amsterdam and that city in denmark. This is seen as a great sign that the alliance will back up its words with actions by protecting the countries from the despots in France and Italy
Rule Brittania!!!Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
Spanish Communique
Spain wishes to announce that she shall protect all shipping in her territorial waters as long as no fighting takes place. We roughly define our territorial waters as resource squares occupied by our costal cities and any other squares which are against the spanish coastline plus one. We are of course open to negotiations where other countries coastlines are in question. Thus we hope to ensure the security and stability of Spain. We do not wish to compromise our neutrality.
Spain also wishes clarification on the German seizure of neutral Odense. We understand that Germany is signed up to the Democratic Alliance whose mandate is to protect democracy. Spain urges the other signatories of the alliance to caution Germany. Are democtratic ideals to be crushed under Prussian imperialism?
Caspian of SpainLast edited by Caspian; August 15, 2001, 14:53.
Editorial in the Rome Tribunal 4th July 1900:
And so Germany herself has once and for all proven what she, the youngster of all European states, has in her manipulative mind!
The peacefull and defencelless nation of Denmark was ruthlessly and aggresively attacked by German forces earlier today, violating a the integrity of a proud independent nation, whitout even a declaration of war is what Germany did, and of this the German Empire is proud!
I say we must put an end to this German Imperialism, and we must do so here and now!
For how I say can one trust a nation whit no respect whatsoever for Diplomatic treaties?!?
And the Brittish Empire, ruled by the cousin of the inbreed Monarch of Germany (who by no means have been elected, just becouse he claims to be conducting "Democratic Reforms"), CONGRATULATES Germany for her teritoral gains !?!
Something smells of rot and decay in the Anglo-German politics. I for one cannot see how our noble Emperor Henriko can tolerate this for a minute!
It is rumoured that an envoy from the Danish Monarch arrived in Rome earlier today, having escaped german imprisonment only barely.
Giovanni Lohmandero
Editor of the Rome Tribunal
No Fighting here, this is the war room!
Editorial in the Rome Tribunal 5th July 1900:
It was merely yesterday that I wrote about the great injustices in the world where great "Semi-Democratic" nations as the German Empire can attack smaller independent nations at will, violating everything that is right!
And now the following day we receive the message that the Once-Proud Republic of the Netherlands has had it's neutrality violated and overrun by the Teutonic Hordes!
This, is outrageus I say!
Nobody in the world walks safe as long people like the imperialist intriguing expansionists such as the german Kaiser can conduct direct violations of everything a people believe in, ruthlessly crushing a nations sons as they go out to defend thier small but proud State!
Rumours has it that Dutch officials are seeking refuge in Belgium and France, dreaming to once again re-estabilish thier nation under thier own flag!
Giovanni Lohmandero
Editor of the Rome Tribunal
No Fighting here, this is the war room!
Rome Tribunal 6th July 1900:
In response to the aggresive behaviour of the German Empire during the last two days, the Meditereanen Pact has declared that all neutral nations that wishes may receive troops from the members of the pact to defend themselves against an eventual attack from a mighty enemy.
Switzerland directly responded to this by accepting and breaking her famed neutrality, as of now Switzerland will be guarded by joit French and Italian garrisons.
Talks are also underway whit the nations of Denmark (ofcourse), Belgium, Sweden, Marrocco and Romania.
What is there to say? Although it is a sad thing that independent nations should have to give up thier neutrality I can only curse the Imperialist Block ruled by the German Inbreed for making it a necesity!
I think this is a good thing, perhaps in the future attacks from the monster in the midst of Europes Belly will be thwarted!
Giovanni Lohmandero
Editor of the Rome TribunalNo Fighting here, this is the war room!
Just a little question (or rather, suggestion) I'd like to be clear upon before playing my turn, especially with my allies in the democratic alliance.
I suggest we perform all diplomatic action (tech trade etc) as gifts. I tried bartering with the AI with techs, and it didn't work. While I got a warm reception, the AI didn't really feel like trading techs. I'd wish I could change my government now, but I guess I'll have to wait until the receipt of the techs etc.
So what do you say, Britain, and Germany, we exchange gifts on our turns respectively? -Is there anything you might want from Russia before I send the game on? -I'll set my attitude to worshipful, and try to make the alliance, and pass on techs of interest. If I fail, you're free to make the alliance with russia when you get the game.The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
Kaplak Stream
And now the big question : HOW do I change my profile????The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
Kaplak Stream