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American Civil War (McMonkey vs Techumseh)
Confederates recapture Roanoke, Virginia. Union losses are one regular infantry rgt. Otherwise, no news.Attached Files
Union June 1862
No major news reports from the frontAttached Files
A Yankee cavalry brigade was forced to lay down it's arms west of Nashville.Attached Files
Union July 1862
Nashville captured
Federal troops under General Grant launch an assault on Nashville. Four Infantry and one Cannon unit destroyed for no Federal loss. Also two Militia units E and NE of the city are surrounded and overwhelmed.
Federal scouts encounter two Rebel armies, one to the south-east and one to the south-west of Nashville. The larger force is either too late to reinforce Nashville or poised to launch a counter attack. Federal troops at the end of a long march and fight decide not to offer battle across the River Duck and opt to attack the much weaker Rebel force at Stones River and take up a strong position on high ground to await the Rebel move. One Volunteer and one Cavalry regiment destroyed. Federal troops pour into Nashville in readiness for the expected counter-attack.
Other fronts remain quiet.
And the correct zip!:Attached Files
I have a concern about city walls. For example, Nashville is size 6 but lacks walls due to the southern Great Wall wonder. I could put a thousand troops in the city but a Confederate counter attack would still wipe it off the map after six of the defenders are killed.
I would propose the use of CivCity (just rename file .sav, add the walls and rename it back to .hot) to rebuild the walls as soon as a city is captured. This way the chance of total annihilation is much reduced.
I have included a fixed file in case you decide to adopt this rule. If not use the first zip.Attached Files
Ready to get this show on the road again Tech?
Yep. I'll use your City Walls restored file.
Momentous Events! Major Yankee defeats!
The Yankee Armies of the Potomac and the Ohio have both been badly beaten by heroic Confederate troops of the Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of Tennessee.
In the west, the Army of the Ohio has largely been destroyed in the Battle of Bell Buckle Ridge. General Grant is dead, and several other Union generals were killed or captured. Heroic assaults against the Union army on Bell Buckle Ridge, southeast of Nashville, were launched under the command of General A. S. Johnston and his deputy commander Braxton Bragg. Twenty one Yankee Conscript regiments and one of militia were destroyed or captured, with a loss of four regiments of Confederate volunteers.
In the east, the Army of the Potomac has been routed at the Battle of Waynesboro, to the west of Charlottesville. Thirteen regiments of Yankee conscripts have been routed or captured, along with their commander, General McClellan, who was captured by Confederate cavalry while trying to flee dressed as an old woman. Confederate losses were also heavy, estimated at seven regiments of volunteers. Newly appointed commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, Gen. Robert Lee was victorious, supported by able subordinates Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson and J.E.B Stuart.
In the south, Confederate artillery sank a Yankee transport that sailed into Apalachicola Bay and conveniently dropped anchor under the guns of Fort Gadsen.
With these defeats, Rebel newspapers are wondering how much longer the Yankees can continue the war.Attached Files
It looks like those walls in Nashville made all the difference...not!
Sorry for the delay but its going to take me a little while to digest this whopping defeat and motivate myself to pick up the pieces and build again. Its too early in the game to concede defeat (IE a stalemate) although I feel like it right nowI should be able to summon up the energy tomorrow night. The Conscripts I can replace but the loss of the Generals is a bitter blow! Congratulations Tech
Union August 1862
Suspecting the Confederate Army of Tennessee is still in the vicinity Bell Buckle Ridge Federal scouts are sent out to find it. Locating it on low ground to the north-west of the ridge a message is sent back to bring up the remainder of the Army of Ohio. In the ensuing battle a veteran Union General leads a mixture of Conscripts and Pennsylvanian Militiamen in a determined assault on the Confederate positions in the belief that some Rebel Generals will be at the bottom of the stack. A Cannon Battery and eight Regiments of Volunteers are taken out by the brave Union troops who lose seven Regiments (3 Pen Militia and 3 Cons) in the assault. Four Rebel Generals, believed to include Generals Bragg and J. Johnson, are captured.
Some measure of revenge is gained, though once again the battle seems to have been costly and inconclusive for both sides. However Union morale is much improved as it becomes clear that the setbacks are not as disastrous as first thought, despite the vast loss of life!
In the south a Rebel Volunteer unit is killed west of TallahasseeAttached Files
Another battle SW of Nashville
In the Battle of Murfreesboro, Confederate forces attacked and destroyed a Yankee division consisting of 3 regiments of militia and one of regulars, commanded by a general, who was killed in action. No Confederate units were lost.
Intercepted Northern newspapers report a Sioux uprising, with attacks expected in Minnesota.Attached Files
Union September 1872
Yorktown captured by Union troops advancing from Fort Monroe. One Militia killed for the cost of one Conscript.
Attached Files