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American Civil War (McMonkey vs Techumseh)
American Civil War (McMonkey vs Techumseh)
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This is a much different version than the original test play version. If any one wants to follow this game, let me know and I'll send you the new files. Here are the major changes:
AI civs are handled more effectively, with Confederate units appearing in Neutral and Civilized Indian cities when they activate their alliances. Sioux and Apache raids have been strengthened.
Trade has been enhanced. Bermuda and Havana have been added (not quite accurate geographicaly, but close enough), and British territorial waters have been added for protection of CSA blockade runners (new unit). Rail links into Canada have been improved for US trade units.
The Union blockade has been strengthened, with extra US naval units created at Key West for the Gulf Coast blockade. Ground units will be able to be sealifted from either Boston or New York to Key West (airports).
River gunboats have been added for the Union. They are cheaper and better on the attack than Ironclads, so it should speed up the river campaigns. CS Ironclads are now more expensive. CS submarines are now buildable (and invisible). Blockade Runners (capacity, 1 trade unit only) are now available to the Confederates. They have the sub flag, and Frigate units now have the 'can see subs' flag. All this should add a new dimension to the naval war.
All units are now unbribable. Randomly created generic Generals are more frequent, esp. for the Union. CS generic generals can now appear in Texas.
The US can build Northern Industry (Hoover Dam) once they have inflicted significant defeats on the Confederates. The CS can build the Ordinance Bureau (Darwin's Voyage) once they've researched Commerce Raiding.
Researching the 'Copperhead' tech creates random CS spy units in the north.
Rules against selling improvements have been cancelled. Basic city improvements are now very inexpensive.
A bit more fiddling with the map, and a few changes to the tech tree.
New house rules; 1) generals may only attack if stacked with a combat unit. 2) city walls must be built immediately (0 cost) when a city is captured without them.Attached Files
Tech, could you please send me the latest version of your ACW scen.Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :
Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.
A little PBEM gaming tip Tech. At the end of your turn place your cursor in a remote corner of the map, that way when I load the turn there is no chance of me accidentally getting an eyeful of your troop dispositions. This time all I saw was a slave flashing in Richmond (as in ready to move, not exposing himself!) before I hit return.
Ditto.Attached Files
Union February 1861
As tension begins to rise over the Southern States attempts to succeed from the Union the various state militias of the north begin to muster.
Attached Files
Confederacy Proclaimed!
The Confederate States of America is founded in the
city of New Orleans! The Confederates intend to protect
slavery from Yankee attempts to restrict it.
The Confederates prepare for the Civil War that
now seems inevitable.Attached Files
Union March 1861
The Federal government does not recognize the legitimacy of the Confederate States. The Union must not and will not be split.Attached Files
Ft. Sumter was captured by Confederate troops under the command of General Pierre Gustave Toussant Beauregard. War on!Attached Files
Union April 1861
Alexandria and Harpers Ferry captured
1 Cannon Battery and 4 State Militia destroyed or captured. No Federal losses.
Attached Files
How dare you, suh? Ah shall avenge the honor of the South. Prepah for war!Attached FilesLast edited by techumseh; March 5, 2010, 01:23.
Union May 1861
Winchester captured
The northern part of the Shenandoah Valley is cleared of Rebel forces. Two State Militias are wiped out after putting up bitter resistance. One headstrong Federal General insists on leading the final charge, despite already being wounded, and is killed.
Attached Files