General McMonkey suspects that the majority of the Rebel troops had arrived at the Battle of Beech Creek (as it is known in the north) straight off their trains and were not able to attack immediately in force. Had they had the first full blooded attack I have no doubt the result would have been reversed. It looks like surprise was the key factor in this battle!
No announcement yet.
American Civil War (McMonkey vs Techumseh)
Union December 1861
Euphoria over the Federal victory at Beech Creek soon evaporates as the public starts to count the cost in lives. It is clear that this victory will not be enough to force the Confederate states to capitulate. This war is going to last longer than most people anticipated. In an attempt to make the Norths industrial and manpower advantages count the Federal government introduces the Draft system to fill out the ranks of the new armies. This is generally not a popular move and there are widespread riots in northern towns and cities. There is talk of martial law being declared in an attempt to quell the unrest.
In the east a Confederate Militia unit is destroyed on the road to Charlottesville.Attached Files
A new year dawns, and the scenario is one year old, the war 7 months. Despite Union victories on land and Confederate ones at sea, the war is no closer to a conclusion. The Union now has 48 months to utterly defeat the South.Attached Files
Union January 1862
No pressure thenI have nothing to report this turn. The north is still recovering from the draft riots.
Attached Files
The Confederate Army, chastened by it's defeat at Green River, has grown more cautious as it rebuilds in the West, waiting for the next move of the Yankees.Attached Files
Union February 1862
A month of mixed fortunes for the Federal Army. Reported in the order it was played:
The Army of Ohio destroys one Militia unit in Tennessee as it continues to lick its wounds after Beech Creek. One Cavalry raider unit is discovered north of the Ohio river and routed.
The Army of Illinois begins its long awaited offensive down the Mississippi. Two Militia units brushed aside before an attack on Corinth is launched. One Militia unit and three regiments of Volunteers are wiped out for the loss of three Federal Conscripts. Corinth captured.
In the west a probing attack by the Army of the Potomac under General McClellan develops into a major offensive after a sucssesful attack on Charlottesville. Two Militia units and one Volunteer regiment are destroyed for no loss of Federal troops.
Spurred on by their breakthrough the Army of the Potomac continues on to Lynchburg in an attempt to cut one of the Confederates east-to-west supply lines. One Cannon battery and two Militia units are killed for the loss of two Conscripts. At this point the Union forces believe the city to be empty of Rebel forces as they cannot see a stars and bars flag flying. However when they move into town they are surprised by a Rebel General who is captured. Realising the town is still defended the Infantry press on and are astonished to find General Beauregard who is also captured. The Northern press have a field day after this unexpected Union victory.
Spurred on by his success General McClellan realises an opportunity has arisen to make a play for the Rebel Capital Richmond. Federal forces at the limits of their supply lines launch their initial attacks on the cities defences and are encouraged to find it defended by units of the Virginia State Militia. There does not appear to be any Volunteer regiments or Artillery present. Wave after wave of Infantry are sent into the assault only to be repulsed. Believing the city is on the verge of falling McClellan sends in more green Conscripts. Then a Volunteer Regiment is encountered and it becomes apparent that the assault is going to be too costly in lives. General McClellan recalls his brave boys, but not before fourteen Regiments have been virtually wiped out. All of the Rebel units defending their capital manage to retain their cohesion. Richmond holds out.
Attached Files
Ther has been heavy fighting in both the Eastern and Western theatres. A Confederate counter-attack north of Charlottesville has resulted in heavy casualties for the Union. 12 state militia rgts and one general were destroyed or captured. No Confederate units were lost.
The Battle of Corinth was a resounding Confederate victory. In the battle, 10 miles north off the town of Corinth, Mississippi and in the ensuing pursuit, 3 yankee artillery rgts, 7 conscript infantry rgts, 1 cavalry bde and 1 engineer rgt were destroyed or captured, with the loss of 2 Confederate regiments of volunteers.
Despite the defeat of the Union's state militia in the Battle of Charlottesville, the situation remains difficult for the Army of Northern Virginia which has lost part of it's leadership and is still outnumbered by the Army of the Potomac.
However, in the Mississippi theatre, a clear Confederate victory at Corinth has lifted the Yankee threat for the present, and erased the stain of the loss at the Battle of Green River. President Davis has declared a national day of celebration in honour of the victory.Attached Files
I'm having some PC problems. The damn thing keeps on crashing and resetting. I have played my turn on a spare laptop and will try and post the save in a bit! If I can't I will post from work tomorrow.
Union March 1862
I do believe my computer is in league with the Rebels
I managed to play the turn on my spare laptop and for now my PC has stopped crashing. Fingers crossed I will be able to sort out whatever is wrong as it isn't a very old machine and I could do without any unnecessary expense!
1 Militia killed north of the Ohio river
1 Militia killed for the loss of 1 Conscript on the banks of the Mississippi
Roanoke captured. 2 Militia killed.Attached Files
Army of the Potomac cut off in Virginia.
The Army of the Potomac is cut off in Roanoke and Charlottesville. A probing attack on Lynchburg was successful, with the loss of one Confederate vounteer rgt, cutting off Union forces at Roanoke. A similar attack on Charlottesville was beaten back by Yankee regulars, with the loss of another CSA volunteer rgt. The Army of Northern Virginia then moved to cut off the Army of the Potomac by moving Longstreet's corps between Charlottesville and Washington. Headquarters believes a great battle is imminent.
Little to report on other fronts.Attached Files
Union April 1862
The Federal Army clears the Shenandoah Valley of Rebel forces. 2 Volunteers and a State Militia unit destroyed.Attached Files
Yankees Retreat!
The Union Army of the Potomac has withdrawn from Charlottesville. Units have taken up a strong position just west of the city, presumably to cover the retreat into the Shenandoah Valley. The town was recaptured by units of the Army of Northern Virginia on May 17, 1862. The townspeople gave the troops a rapturous welcome to celebrate their liberation from Yankee tyranny.
No news from other fronts.Attached Files
Exuse me sir. The Federal army did not retreat. It simply advanced in another direction
Union May 1862
1 Militia killed in Tennessee and 1 Volunteer unit killed in the Shenandoah valleyAttached Files
Originally posted by McMonkey View PostExuse me sir. The Federal army did not retreat. It simply advanced in another direction