Originally posted by GhostOfDisco
I still have a problem, however; even when the are created right next to an enemy city, event-spawned units won't move in the turn they are created in. Which means a single cav unit can kill an army of 90+ units (such as the army besieging Kamieniec) with one move. I suspect it may have to do with the fact that I have done the "Set Human Player" thing a few times in order to found some more non-Polish cities, etc. I dunno, has anyone encountered a problem like this before? (And if so, how did you solve it?)
I still have a problem, however; even when the are created right next to an enemy city, event-spawned units won't move in the turn they are created in. Which means a single cav unit can kill an army of 90+ units (such as the army besieging Kamieniec) with one move. I suspect it may have to do with the fact that I have done the "Set Human Player" thing a few times in order to found some more non-Polish cities, etc. I dunno, has anyone encountered a problem like this before? (And if so, how did you solve it?)
What about something like this:
Civ0 = Barbarians/An enemy of Civ2
Civ1 = City Defenders
Civ2 = Besieging Army
@IF Turn turn=# @THEN CreateUnit owner=Civ0 unit=[WeakImmobileTrigger] veteran=false homecity=none locations #,# (Some area near Civ2, inaccessible to Civ1*; multiple locations if the tile has a chance of being blocked - no Randomize modifier) endlocations @ENDIF @IF UnitKilled unit=[WeakImmobileTrigger] attacker=Civ2 defender=Civ0 @THEN CreateUnit owner=Civ2 unit=[HordeMember] count=90 veteran=true homecity=none locations #,# (Adjacent to Civ1's city; again, multiple locations if the tile has a chance of being blocked - no Randomize modifier) endlocations @ENDIF
Or this:
@IF CheckFlag who=[Whatever] flag=# state=on @AND CityProduction builder=Civ2 unit=[Some type they're always producing] @THEN JustOnce CreateUnit owner=Civ2 unit=[HordeMember] count=90 veteran=true homecity=none locations #,# (Adjacent to Civ1's city; multiple locations if the tile has a chance of being blocked - no Randomize modifier) endlocations @ENDIF