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  • Mine the hidden silk S of Susa after building a fort on the tile. 2 birds with one stone, yes?
    (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
    (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
    (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


    • Originally posted by Straybow
      Mine the hidden silk S of Susa after building a fort on the tile. 2 birds with one stone, yes?
      [68,30]?? Yes, if a road is done between. Faster to road while still grass, yes??

      [71,29] will also need a Fort.

      so long and thanks for all the fish


      • 'Inner Dalek' and now 'Bloody Luddite' - I resemble these remarks!

        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


        • Well, my turnset is over, it is mostly uneventful as I was setting up infrastructure, but here is the log and sav anyway.

          50: Change all production to Crusaders and triremes, taxes raised to aid war effort, I predict a conquest victory by 1000 AD.
          I suddenly remeber I am not Stu and reset production back to normal.
          Take a break to play Risk to appease my inner Dalek.
          I leave taxes as they are, since delivery next turn should fill beakers.

          25: Deliver Silk to Athens 264g,
          Rush 4 vans for HG, and several Warriors for Disorder.
          Again I am broke .
          Reset Taxes to Science.

          1AD: Astronomy -> Medicine.
          Hides to Athens 208g.
          A few more warriors rushed.
          Saviour born.

          20: Canal rushes its last van commodity.
          Van rushed in SSC,
          one last warrior rushed.
          Invading Barbs destroyed by horse. Not worth risk for 100g since SSC not on river.

          40: HG one turn build in Arbela.
          Partial rush van in Persepolis (for copper delivery once rehomed).
          Two hides vans from Arbela moving to Parsagade for delivery to Athens.

          60: HG in Arbela,
          Give techs to Mongol for tech cost reduction, share maps.
          French: give techs to share maps (they were hostile and researching maps, I wanted to reset tech goals).
          Nearly all cities now producing settlers.
          Change citizen in Arbela to Scientist to cause celebration.

          80: Aztecs Discover Banking with a cry of "Jesus Saves!", now researching Mysticism.
          From last tech list we will not be able to research towards sanitation next turn,
          trade Aztecs for Construction,
          give techs to give them Mysticism (their new tech goal),
          am forced to give them Astronomy (vs Monotheism),
          share maps.
          French new research goal is University(!) hopefully they can get it quickly (2 hides vans en route to Athens should complete any tech we are researching).

          100: Medicine -> Engineering,
          Copper in Persepolis,
          Everyone but Celts, French, and ourselves are republic (Celts lack the tech, French haven't revolted yet).
          Salt rehomed in Arbela.

          120: Snoozer Turn, incremental rush with small funds. Do some food/shield micro.

          140: Celts want to talk, they recently started war with the French, so I abstain (no good could happen).
          Zulus learn to Bank (doh! I should have traded earlier and gifted this to them, we could have got another free tech,
          I wanted to avoid tech carrying costs and didn't think the 2 city civ could generate a tech that fast),
          Gift a few techs to Greeks to ensure safety of hides vans.
          More IRB.

          160: 4 Settlers completed,
          2 hides vans ready to be delivered to Athens,
          2 headed to (or in) Pasargadae ready to head to the Aztecs (huge cities = huge bonus for demanded goods Salt and Copper).
          Aztecs also have Bridges, so this may be a worthwhile trade in a few turns.

          The next player also might consider gifting Astronomy to the Zulus and Greeks who a researching it (to get a useful tech). I left the settlers unmoved so as to let the next player decide how best to use them.

          So not a stellar turnset, but not too bad in the scheme of things. Settlers should help the player after next get some good commodity delivery action going on. Next player may also want to save up vans for Copes, Mikes, Shakes, etc. I would recommend Mikes first (over Copes) to get us in Republic faster for growth. I probably should have saved the hides vans for this purpose, but I did not want trade/science to stagnate (That and we get over 200g per delivery which allows for more than one Van IRB). That and we are hurting for income.

          So, who is up next?

          Attached Files
          Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons.

          StuporMan's Supply and Demand Calculator
          Supply and Demand Calculator 2.0.1 Beta Now loading savegames!


          • StuporMan,

            Excellent turnset and I loved the log. Laughed out loud at 1AD!!

            Several AI are building WOW and hopefully they will not switch to Cope's, but that gives another reason for us to build it next...AND it will pop our Science. After Cope's, build Shakes so the SSC can grow, then Mike's for other cities.

            I suggest this order to give a little time for doing the irrigation and road work to prepare for Republic. Along this line of thinking, we need to trade for Seafaring, and Bridge. Harbors are a quick substitute for irragation to allow WeLove growth to continue. (And always give Republic to everyone , yesterday.)

            I understand your choices and agree mostly. I would build boats at Gordium and Tyre, for example, and build a Dip for exploration. Also, I think getting a second route, at least, from SSC to Zim is a priority. But, accumulating the 20 vans for 3WOW's is THE priority. Several vans for delivery--to finance Aqua and Sewer--will be needed, too.

            And, let's not forget the Az for delivery. Their city size will pay off better than Athens for demanded goods. Thus, the 'build more boats' idea.

            Forgot to the Scientist in SSC on river-trees and up Lux to 10%. Science stays at 9 turns, SSC get +1 food and +1 arrow for routes.

            You say your turns were not "stellar", but I disagree. You set things up very well for future development.

            Okay, who wants the game over the weekend??

            so long and thanks for all the fish


            • Thanks Bloody Monk for the kind words,

              I would have to disagree slightly with your WOW order. I would recommend moving Mikes ahead of Shakes. The reason being is that we need Republic in order to grow the SSC, and Mikes should allow growth up to 12 without the need for Shakes (if my math is not incorrect). The only issue being whether or not we can get the irrigation, roads, and harbors in place to support republic in time. Actually, the way things are going we might be able to skip Republic and go straight to Democracy, as terrain improvements may take more time than getting some quick techs through deliveries.

              As to Bridges and Seafaring, I was avoiding these carrying costs these turnsets as it was going to be a bit too soon for them to be of use. Bridges are only useful when you have active settlers that need to road rivers. Likewise, harbors are only (truely) useful in a Republic/Democracy for continued growth. Bridges should probably be traded early in the next turnset, Seafaring a bit later when the switch to Republic is more imminent. No sense in paying for those harbors until we can use them to grow our cities!

              As to trading with the Aztecs, There are now 2 vans prepped and ready for delivery to them. Salt and Copper are waiting at or near Pasargadae for delivery, I would have built ships if we didn't need Settlers and Vans a whole lot more this last set of turns (we had 0 settlers at the start of this turnset). I figured the hides deliveries could fund the fleet, along with a few of the WOW vans.

              At this point I am wondering if we shouldn't switch to 70% taxes to get fleet/infrastructure/WOW vans going and use some deliveries to keep science going. We really have no immediate tech needs we cannot trade for, and delaying could yeild us some free techs from other civs.

              I guess my turnset was not as bad as I thought. I always tend to be overcritical and second guess myself. I do regret that I did not acquire and trade banking with the Zulus, that is a possible free tech opportunity lost. But I guess there was no way for me to guess they were that close to a discovery. I also wonder if I could have built 2 WOWs this turnset if I had played differently, I guess it is too late to worry about that now.

              Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons.

              StuporMan's Supply and Demand Calculator
              Supply and Demand Calculator 2.0.1 Beta Now loading savegames!


              • Looks very good to me - pity you backed off from your first instinct

                "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                • Originally posted by StuporMan

                  1AD: Astronomy -> Medicine.
                  Saviour born.
                  Too bad we don't have this smilie...

                  Someone should make an extra note when the Council of Nicea rolls around...


                  • Originally posted by StuporMan
                    Thanks Bloody Monk for the kind words,

                    I would have to disagree slightly with your WOW order. I would recommend moving Mikes ahead of Shakes. The reason being is that we need Republic in order to grow the SSC, and Mikes should allow growth up to 12 without the need for Shakes (if my math is not incorrect). The only issue being whether or not we can get the irrigation, roads, and harbors in place to support republic in time.
                    Actually, SSC can support 12 w/o any irrigation, especially if it had another milunit. But, I don't think Republic makes sense any time soon. It will kill the new cities. They won't support their units. Thus, getting Shakes first will allow the SSC to grow while the other cities 'mature'. This will bump its trade routes and make deliveries payoff better.

                    Actually, the way things are going we might be able to skip Republic and go straight to Democracy, as terrain improvements may take more time than getting some quick techs through deliveries.

                    Methinks you forget that Democracy will not allow our trading fleet to go to sea until Galleons are available. Whereas, in Republic, each city can have one boat out of the city. Now if the SSC had been built as a port city...

                    Actually, I think that going back to Monarchy, after SSC gets to ~21 may be sensible. Depends on how long before Magnetism is in hand. I assume we will build Leo's so that the fleet upgrades then. Related to this, I wouldn't disband warriors as they will be needed if Monarchy returns. Also, Leo's will turn them into Rifles, which means that when it comes time to build spaceship parts, these 10 shield units will give a 20 shield jumpstart. doubleplus

                    As to Bridges and Seafaring, I was avoiding these carrying costs these turnsets as it was going to be a bit too soon for them to be of use.
                    Yup, completely agree. We absolutely want Sanitation ASAP. That mention was not in relation to your turnset. Just keeping the idea up front. Same with boats -v- Settlers. Cities need to get Setts first so they can regrow quicker.

                    About research, lets keep in mind that getting either Navigation or Invention will cut delivery bonuses (cash and Science) in half. So getting the other early on-path techs first would help speed things along.

                    At this point I am wondering if we shouldn't switch to 70% taxes to get fleet/infrastructure/WOW vans going and use some deliveries to keep science going. We really have no immediate tech needs we cannot trade for, and delaying could yeild us some free techs from other civs.
                    A switch now would make a 25g difference, one line of rushbuild, but push research from 9 to 20 turns. It would also slow AI research (received wisdom is that they match our pace at this stage of the game). We want the Fr to get Univ for us so this may not work out.

                    so long and thanks for all the fish


                    • Research Path

                      @ Next Player,

                      I've looked over our recent tech aquisitions (research and trade) and advise no tech trades until Engineering is finished. Sanitation will be offered next, but not if we add another tech by trade (or hut). StuporMan has things well and rightly set up.

                      Then, after Sani, University and Th. Grav will be nice. Hopefully, the French will discover University for us.

                      So, who will be next??

                      so long and thanks for all the fish


                      • OK guys, no one else has stepped up, so I'll take this.

                        Be warned though, I'll play it my way.

                        Fill me with the old familiar juice


                        • Wonderful!!

                          Curious warning though. Everyone plays it "their way", after all.

                          Have fun!!

                          so long and thanks for all the fish


                          • Originally posted by Bloody Monk

                            Curious warning though. Everyone plays it "their way", after all.

                            Have fun!!


                            That's the point and perhaps the true reason I never played sucession.

                            I would feel well if I jump into a game people are played and play my way. And it wouldn't be fun to play against my way.

                            Best regards,


                            • Originally posted by Bloody Monk

                              Curious warning though. Everyone plays it "their way", after all.

                              Have fun!!

                              Well yes, but my natural style of play for an early landing seems a long way from the majority of players who have participated so far. For example, you raise the possibility of reverting to monarchy after growing the SSC. But even a celebrating SSC in monarchy produces less beakers than in republic. OK, the van delivery bonus is the same, so perhaps that doesn't matter too much. For myself, I'd want to prepare for democracy as soon as possible.

                              Anyway, having looked at the save, I think I'm going to change the build in most cities. I want an early republic, so I'm thinking of temples everywhere. I'll probably disband a lot of warriors once we revolt. I need to develop the land around Arbella - that will be the first job of our 4 settlers (although it will take forever for them to arrive). I think another galley would be nice too. After that, lots of food vans to build wonders.

                              Anyway, that's the plan. If anyone wants to talk me out of it, they have a couple of hours.

                              Fill me with the old familiar juice


                              • Strategy: I'd like to revolt in AD 200, but Arbella is so poorly developed that I don't think that's on. So I'll aim to revolt to republic in AD 280 and then start celebrating Arbella. Therefore I'll move the settlers to develop Arbella and build temples in supporting cities

                                AD 160 Hides (d) Arbella->Athens (312); rush van in Arbella, Tyre; switch to trireme in Canal; part rush a few vans elsewhere. Engineering->Sanitation
                                AD 180 Swap mono for bridge building; Hides (d) Arbella->Athens (312); rush van in Arbella
                                AD 200 Rush van in Arbella; rehome van in Arbella
                                AD 220 Barb landing near Canal; move ele from Susa to deal with it.
                                AD 240 Sanitation->Banking
                                AD 260 swap with Zulus for banking; Mogols complete SWA and switch to KRC
                                AD 280 revolt;
                                AD 300 Persian republic established; begin celebrating Arbella;
                                AD 320 Copper (d) Arbella->Tenochtitlan (373); salt (d) Arbella->Teotihuacan (373); rush build Aqueduct in Arbella; swap with French for university; Invention->Theory of Gravity
                                AD 340 Rush van in Arbella;
                                AD 360 Hides (d) Arbella->Athens (192)x2; rush van in Arbella

                                There are vans approaching Arbella for a choice of wonders (I'd go for Shakes) and (I think) enough money to rush a sewer system and a university. I've avoided giving anyone astronomy until I have Copes in sight. There are quite a few vans for delivery in Athens that should keep us solvent for a while.

                                That's my attempt to nudge this game forward; good luck to the next player.

                                Attached Files
                                Fill me with the old familiar juice

