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After RomaMini, Throughout AEII

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  • #61
    Blimey! That bloke looks az if ee' could tame a croc wit' heez own two hans!

    ...Oh God that was a horrible Croc hunter impression...

    Anyways, the units looks great. Thanks for the quick turnaround.


    • #62
      I also took the liberty of updating the British and German leader units with uniforms more fitting a 1920's setting, along with the British Native and Camel unit.
      Attached Files


      • #63
        Very cool stuff. They look better I confess. More modern.


        • #64
          Would you happen to have a version of the donkey unit by itself Harry on hand? I have a good idea of what your describing and think I can make a go of it with the donkey graphic.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Sarsstock
            Would you happen to have a version of the donkey unit by itself Harry on hand? I have a good idea of what your describing and think I can make a go of it with the donkey graphic.
            I can post it tonight. It's the same donkey Fairline's used in Hannibal.


            • #66
              No worries then, I found the donkey only graphic in Hannibal's War just where you said it would be. I'll take a run at it tonight and hopefully tommorow I'll have something post-worthy.


              • #67
                Well here are those units I said I'd post earlier. They're not quite up to par yet, especially with your recent work. These guys were pretty much some units I set aside when I was making that old exploration scenario of mine.
                Attached Files


                • #68
                  This looks like it could just ooze with pulp fiction from the period.
                  El Aurens v2 Beta!


                  • #69
                    That dinosaur with the travelling gear on its back is just beautifull Harry! Man I wish I could train my dino's to carry luggage that well .


                    • #70
                      Thank you both. I'll post some more units as I find them.


                      • #71
                        Say, Harry, about them Gigantic Lizards: Did you (or anyone else) take a look at the FW scenario about Dinosaurs?


                        • #72
                          You havn't forgotten this?

                          Nice units, Chris!
                          Find my civ2 scenarios here

                          Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by jim panse
                            Say, Harry, about them Gigantic Lizards: Did you (or anyone else) take a look at the FW scenario about Dinosaurs?
                            Yep, I know all about them. That's probably where I got the ones I posted. I'm sure we'll use a few

                            @ Eivind: There will be some sort of underground civ in this, to be sure. Not quite set on what it's going to be, but I've got an idea...


                            • #74
                              Hmmm, gonna right this down for later...

                              Originally posted by kobayashi
                              What kobi did in ZWK was have AI u-boats loaded with torpedoes (cost 1, range 1, sub flag, missiles). An event would generate new torpedoes at a sub base when the subs fired their torpedoes or when a sub sank with its torpedoes. When a new AI sub was built or spawned at the base, it would automatically carry the new torpedoes with it making it a perpetual reloading system. Only limitation is that the AI subs only fire the torps if they end their turn next to an enemy ship.

                              The original idea came from someone else (cannot remember who) who was talking about using a similar scheme to simulate a spear-throwing hunter.


                              • #75
                                Alright, let's get this on the road. Here's a list of our units so we know what we have and what we need. (*) designate that we need a finished unit graphic posted. I can knock off a few tonight I think. Any additions/edits welcome, of course.

                                Playable Civ Generic Units:
                                • Freighter
                                • *Raft
                                • *Riverboat
                                • *Light Recce Airplane
                                • *Water Caravan
                                • Liquor Distiller
                                • *Insect Tamer (supplement with Beast Tamer?)
                                • *Camp Worker (donkey settler unit)

                                American Civ:
                                • Wild Bill McClintock (Hero Unit)
                                • Beast Tamer
                                • Clumsy Dynamite Expert
                                • Freighter Deck Hand (Tommy Gun)
                                • Ford Motors Pickup Truck

                                British Civ:
                                • Sir Edmund Drake VI (Hero Unit)
                                • Freighter Deck Hand (Rifle)
                                • Aussie Explorer
                                • Native African Trackers (It's a new island, so 'guides' would be not really be descriptive)

                                German Civ:
                                • Baron Von Muenster (Hero Unit)
                                • Chlorine Gas Specialist
                                • Zepplin Air Machine
                                • *Fokker Airplane (Did you milk my cat Fokker?)

                                Nature Civ:
                                • *Mountain Side 1
                                • *Mountain Side 2
                                • *Mountain Top
                                • *Mountain Bottom

                                Economic Civ:
                                • *Turtle
                                • *Turtle Soup?
                                • *Boulder (for crater changeterrain event)
                                • *Fruit
                                • *Distilled Liquor
                                • *Insect Mound
                                • *Insect Mercenary

