Originally posted by Sarsstock
Well everything you just described sounds mighty interesting, especially the Indian Jonesesque rail car ride through the mysterious island's interior. I am curious about how this boardwalk graphic that will be used in place of roads will look like, do you have one stashed away somewhere or will you be making it up from scratch?
Well everything you just described sounds mighty interesting, especially the Indian Jonesesque rail car ride through the mysterious island's interior. I am curious about how this boardwalk graphic that will be used in place of roads will look like, do you have one stashed away somewhere or will you be making it up from scratch?
The rails are basically done and can be used as is for regular use. The problem with the rails that I hope to use lies with overlaying the entire tile with non-transparent color to simulate terra firma. Each Civ2 rail graphic lays on top of eachother, left to right, so I have to make sure I can make this work and maintain visual integrity. Right now the diagonal rails work great, but curves are a problem.