The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
25 themes/skins/styles are now available to members. Check the select drop-down at the bottom-left of each page.
Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
Thanks guys! A portion of the events are centered around making those nasty barbarians especially stubborn to eradicate, which should, within reason, create a more realistic depiction of subduing conquered territories.
Oh yeah, the economic units of the game might be problem for the AI, but if all goes well I have made the game playable from the view of 5 civs. 6, if you're willing to wait awhile for the Parthians to pop onto the scene.
Oh I will. This scenario is as much a community scenario as it is my own. This sucker is quick and dirty, with some of my dirty tricks thrown in. I'll need all the help and input I can get.
I've nearly finished the later Romans and other barbs if you still want them Harry. I'll post sometime this weekend. If you want to send me your existing units file and rules I can fill in the missiing icons unless you've already had a go yourself at the units.
As you said the drunken bastard had it coming.
He had sold his trophy collection!!!!!!!!!!! for whiskey and a mansion in Corfu.
Typical Brit.
"Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII
All those who want to die, follow me!
Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.
Originally posted by fairline
I've nearly finished the later Romans and other barbs if you still want them Harry. I'll post sometime this weekend. If you want to send me your existing units file and rules I can fill in the missiing icons unless you've already had a go yourself at the units.
Thank you Fairline Most of the units are done at the moment, barring the ones you're creating. I just have to do some prep work and I think I can release this for some playtesting. I've used your already posted "odds and sods" units for the bulk of the units.
EDIT: Wait, just remembered. I need a Syrian Archer unit too.
Last edited by Harry Tuttle; November 25, 2005, 14:07.
Ok guys, I have hashed the scenario out to the point where I think it can be playtested. This is in MGE format, for now.
But... I must warn you, it's not done yet. I still have some graphics to include and a lot of cleanup to perform, so don't go too nuts on the critique. This sucker is supposed to be quick and dirty so I'd like some suggestions on the gameplay, historic accuracy, how the events are doing, etc...
The tech tree is very small, almost nonexistent. I'd like some input on what techs I can add to forward improvements and maybe some units.
You can play as all civs except the Tribal Barbarians, which represent just about anyone without an "empire" per say. The scenario is supposed to be centered around the Romans but improvements and units can always be moved around.
The Parthians will come in at a point and will most likely be beaten back by the Seleucids due to a lack of firepower. I can fix this of course, but let me know your thoughts.
The scenario's bread and butter is conquest. Don't sit there like a bump on a log. Go out and meet people... and then kill them. There are some very nice rewards for those that take territories, like Carthage, Gaul, Britain, Syria, Eqypt, and Macedonia.
The Economic units will be marked by an "EC". They have the caravan flag, but are more worthwhile to you if you take them and disband them in your cities.
Roman Standards are "zone of control" units. They are meant to mark Roman territory. They are most useful when they sit upon the "tribal land" terrain tiles, which oddly enough, are the exact location of tribal unit spawn points. Cover all the spawn points in a territory (ie. Gaul) and the territory will no longer generate any tribe units or militray units, making it perfect for settling.
There should be four levels of Roman units available with each level being given to the Romans upon reaching a specific year.
@Fairline: Beat me with a stick if you dislike the graphics. Some of the barbarians have bad unit choices, most notably the units that are tagged as Britons in the event file. Please let me know what should be changed. All the units have been swapped into MGE format so they're bound to have some pixels missing. In the ToT port this will be fixed.
@Everyone: Just about all the graphics were not made by me. Fairline, Curt, Palaiologos, and Paul Mathias were all beaten, stolen from, and dumped in an alley. I will credit the graphics when the scenario is finished.
Anyways, without further ado, my quickest scenario ever :
EDIT: Beta1.0 obsolete!
Last edited by Harry Tuttle; December 3, 2005, 01:22.
*What are the Standards for...To mark out territory?
Yep. They are just basic cheap units that should be used to eliminate AI spawn points thereby "conquering and clearing" a region.
*Do the Triremes carry cargos? One ditched my Princips into the sea!?
Yeah, they should, but now that I think of it, one did the same thing to me last night, but I thought nothing of it. I'll check the unit stats and see.
*Are the blank casualty/population messages intentional?
Hmmm, no. I'll put it on my list.
*You could have a 'census report' to make these pop-ups useful.
I think I will
*The seizing of Massilia gave me a whopping 1000+ gold!
Yeah, it used to be actually more. I gave the Tribal Civ a boatload of cash to start with, but then of course they really can't build anything. I thought it would be a good bonus for taking a historically trade oriented city. The game is supposed to give out massive rewards, but I may scale it down a bit.
I take it the wonders and things have not been given techs or been placed yet?
Erm.... Well most of the wonders should have prereqs, like "Carthage". When the city is taken the attacker should gain the tech to build the wonder.
Please tell that the prereqs are still present and that there are a bunch of wonders that are able to be produced. I had to wrestle with the improvements and the "no, nil" techs for awhile before I just gave up and stopped all diplomacy in the game.
As the build list is very packed.
Yeah, I'll probably add some of the improvements to the tech tree as researchable rather than have them be buildable from the start.
If you want, I can upgrade the game.txt to fix that blank message...
Sure, be my guest
Also, I would have a short event popping up when a legion standard is killed.
Something like:
"A legion Standard has been captured by the enemy, this is a grave disgrace for Rome!"
Just an idea...!
That is a good idea Curt! Something that will tell the player that an incursion into their territory has occured.