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Deity Dude Challenge - AKA Eyes Is Afraid

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  • #46

    Thanks, I had forgotten about that one.
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #47
      Originally posted by rah

      Yes, probably very true.

      And 10 years from now he will still be turning down challanges in CIV II.
      If he's still turning down CivII challenges in 10 years, I think that means he wins. Cause there would be other retards out there who keep challenging him like it means something. :P
      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


      • #48
        So Ozzy... in your signature line... where did rah post that gem
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #49
          Ozzy, who's the ******?

          The person who comes here and claims to be best in the world at all settings and difficulty levels, but won't play anyone.

          Or the one who says prove it.


          • #50
            I already proved it years ago when I beat everyone on here on all settings (including 1x1x Deity). It's not my fault you are just now deciding you want to challenge me to the most boring possible game imaginable. I told you how you could make it worth my time but the fact is you suck.

            I changed the riot factor, my cities still went into disorder. All changing it back did was make me go republic and build statue and then go communism hence no riot factor. I still end up with 100 cities and dragoons by 1000BC in small map duels.

            If "brilliant strategic dissertation" really means... a smoke screen to cover the fact that he was blank clicking or using another computer.... yeah, Brilliant
            Riiiight...that's why people use horse rushing and play the style I pioneered. That's why people use explorer rushes because they want to cheat like me. How many people play like Ming? How many people used to gossip about Ming and about all the things they couldn't figure out how he did? How many people play Ming's style? Should I keep going?

            Probably not as long as it took you to write that bull crap piece on how to determine where they are based on the band they are in... You either blank clicked or used a second computer... I'll give you the beniffit of the doubt and assumed you were blank clicking
            Do you know how often I take someone's capital before 3000 BC these days? Probably 1 in 100 games. Do you know why I took people's capitals back in the day? Let me explain it to you. When I first started horserushing I went straight across the map. I didn't go after the hut pattern I just rushed straight to where my opponent was. Now, that strategy I wrote determined whether I went further south or further north. You try blank clicking and finding where someone is at on a small map in the first turn of the game and you let me know how long it takes you to find them. I guarantee it will take you at least 15min to do it and everyone who ever played me knows I move very fast. The reason I moved so fast was because I used the ctrl+N trick (another thing I did before everyone else) so that when I came up on an undefended city the guy didn't have time to rush buy a unit. I won many games by moving very fast including the game against Abramelin_66 that gave me my first big win back when I first started in this game. The real use of blank clicking for me is on medium sized island maps once I get trade so I can know exactly where each city is at and on what island. I play a very different style now because I rush to republic. My style now is quick horse rushing with as few units as possible setting up my perimeter and forcing my opponent to overbuild. I can defend my entire empire with very few units which allows me to maximize expansion and since I go republic my riot factor is lessened. IN addition I enjoy all the perks of republic and once I hit communism I start building 5+ cities per turn. Once people started using horse rushing too the games started to become more about luck because it was a race to see who could race across first. Now I use it against them by using very few units to hold off many more and forcing them to defend and over build too early allowing me to out expand them. It's why I can overcome just about any hut start. When people start imitating your play Ming, come talk to me.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Ming
              So Ozzy... in your signature line... where did rah post that gem
              It was a typing error that I corrected within minutes, but he nabbed it before I could finish.

              And eyes, to have beaten all the players here would have required actually playing them.
              It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
              RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • #52
                Why do people switch to commie after statue I'll never understand


                • #53
                  It can be quite effective. You can crank the science % up to 90 and happiness ceases to be a problem. And finally, you can release the hounds.
                  It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                  RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #54
                    More talk no action from Eyes.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by rah
                      It can be quite effective. You can crank the science % up to 90 and happiness ceases to be a problem. And finally, you can release the hounds.
                      I prefer the shieldsupport of fundi, just deliver caravans for science, have your cities celebrating and make ****loads of money to buy more units.


                      • #56
                        Indeed, but delivering caravans is time consuming and for that reason I rarely do it.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Deity Dude
                          Ozzy, who's the ******?
                          Originally posted by StarLightDeath
                          I already proved it years ago.
                          "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                          *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                          icq: 8388924


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by StarLightDeath
                            I changed the riot factor, my cities still went into disorder. All changing it back did was make me go republic and build statue and then go communism hence no riot factor. I still end up with 100 cities and dragoons by 1000BC in small map duels.
                            It would have been nice if you had told your opponents that you had made a change in the rules.txt file...

                            How many people play like Ming?
                            First... I have never once claimed I'm the greatest... but secondly... I hope most people play like me... that they play an honest game and don't cheat

                            How many people used to gossip about Ming and about all the things they couldn't figure out how he did?
                            At least people didn't gossip about me in regards to being a cheat...

                            How many people play Ming's style?
                            True... I don't use a second computer

                            Should I keep going?
                            Feel free... it's really pretty entertaining...

                            I didn't go after the hut pattern I just rushed straight to where my opponent was.
                            Simply amazing how you could always go right to where your opponent was... almost like you could see the whole map

                            Now, that strategy I wrote determined whether I went further south or further north. You try blank clicking and finding where someone is at on a small map in the first turn of the game and you let me know how long it takes you to find them. I guarantee it will take you at least 15min to do it and everyone who ever played me knows I move very fast.
                            Yeah, I guess you are right.. so that just proves you were using a second computer instead of blank clicking

                            When people start imitating your play Ming, come talk to me.
                            People who play honest games are usually the people I talk to
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • #59
                              You have some proof I used a second computer? Funny how I was the one always kicking people out of gameleague for doing it. Funny how when Kwang had someone he thought was cheating he came to me. I was the supreme policeman of gameleague. Even today when people have something they can't figure out they send the game to me. Unless you have some sort of evidence you should shut your ****ing mouth. The only thing you could get me on is that I use bugs. That's not cheating though, that's taking advantage of poor programming. Normally in games people exploit the advantage and then the game gets patched. Like the fishing boat bug in age of kings that allowed fishing boats to build buildings. Either you use the bugs or you don't and you'll never know someone else is using them. Using them can't be stopped so you might as well use them yourself. The fact that people today still play the way I pioneered proves everything you have to say wrong. You can come back with your smartass comments, but the fact is everyone knows who I am and everyone plays the way I created. Face it, I'm god.

                              Oh, and by the way, I was finding people's capitals so fast early on before the advent of these bugs. So your only explanation is that I could be using a second computer. Let me clue you in on another little thing, people weren't horserushing yet back when I started doing this. That means I had double the huts and if you recall people were complaining how I got hordes of units incredibly fast. Now put in the fact that I went straight across the map and then I was guided by what the person had in their city view. Not too hard to see how I could have the most high probability spots on the map explored very very fast. In addition, back in the day gameleague sent Dangime to test to see if I was cheating and I did the same **** to him. In fact one game I sent a warrior straight into his capital. The fact is you can only go left or right on small maps and you have that direction down exactly from the very first turn due to the shape of the map. From there it's a matter of finding if you go up or down across the map and with tons of units and knowing what's in the guy's city view I'm sure even you could see how easy it is to find someone. There's only 40 or 50 squares on the X axis on a small map and on 2x movement that means it takes only 10-12 turns, not counting the help of rivers or the slow down of terrain, to cross teh entire map. THen on top of it, about 5-10 of those squares are ocean so you aren't even working with that many. Which means it only takes 10 turns or less to be in your opponents capital assuming he is placed at the farthest point (which is almost never the case).
                              Last edited by StarLightDeath; September 22, 2005, 11:12.


                              • #60
                                Why didn't you use triangulation from nearest city like most people did? It was quite effective.
                                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

