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Deity Dude Challenge - AKA Eyes Is Afraid

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  • #61
    Just so we don't get too far off subject, remember the point of this thread.

    Eyes is afraid to me in a 1x1x deity game.

    Eyes is afraid to play RAH in a 2x1x deity game.

    Anyone else wanna join the list of players Eyes refuses to play.


    • #62
      Afraid may be too strong a term for this.
      Refuses is more appropriate.
      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #63
        I like afraid


        • #64
          I love popcorn. Especially with a little butter.

          Ants. An MGE scenario


          • #65
            I actually remember you guys discussing that on here way back in the day and I don't think it is as good as my strategy. I was using the nearest to also back when I first got this game, but I didn't "triangulate" it. I also don't think it's as accurate as mine. Plus my way allows me to know what is in the guy's city view which has paid off in many games giving me the win. Ex: Against Rocmaster (some of you may remember that name) I was actually losing a game against him. He got some good huts and he had more land covered. I slipped a horseman into his perimeter using one of my many horserushing tactics and using the nearest to I knew his capital was somewhere nearby. I also knew he had silk in his capital and I came up on a silk well into his territory. I then used the blank clicking bug (I know you don't approve but the fact is everyone uses it) to determine there was in fact a city there which allowed me to determine not to move onto the slik that turn. So I hit the space bar with 3 moves left and waited till next turn praying that he didn't defend his capital. Next turn I moved in and ended the game. There were alot of situations where I used that, many of them were games that I had had a bad start and was behind and my only hope was to sneak a horseman in and take his capital. I highly doubt your triangulation is that useful and I doubt it is useable that early in the game. I also used to name my furthest out city the name of the city I was nearest to.

            The interesting thing is that now everyone goes republic mostly first and I could probably switch back to my old style and kill them. The point is it wasn't what strategy that was used it was who used it best, as it is in all games. Finding people's capitals isn't what got me 3310 points on gameleague and number 1 for 3 years straight. People didn't copy me because I sent out horsemen and ran them all over, anyone can do that. They copied me because I could do that strategy the best. I can feel when I need to defend and when I need to start expanding and I can feel where I am weak. I've taught alot of people over the years how to play, Rocmaster was one of them and he became number 1 on gameleague. Drfell was another and he too became one of the top players. I could never teach them how to feel the board though and so I still won the majority of the games. Accusing me of cheating all these years and hyping up the early capital taking (there weren't even really all that many even in the early days) actually helped me to build a psychological advantage over people playing right into my strategy. Everyone was so afraid I'd take their capital they built mass horsemen and put phalanx in their cities. From there it was just a simple contain and expand game. So really I should thank you for helping to make me into what I am today.


            • #66
              Nothing changes around here.
              You guys still play this great game, and Sean still thinks he's the best at it...
              Hey Eyes, I beat you once on small map 2X2X
              Where I've been

              SAVE THE TREES...wipe your ass with an owl:)


              • #67
                Think I'm the best? I am the best.


                • #68
                  If you are the best then post a web page with all your stragedies and game secrets you have found.
                  Bring Star Trek back to T.V.!!!!


                  • #69


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by StarLightDeath
                      Think I'm the best? I am the best.

                      Yup, Nothing changes, ever....

                      I am Chuck, and I approve this message...
                      Where I've been

                      SAVE THE TREES...wipe your ass with an owl:)


                      • #71
                        I've written alot of strategies and you might know me as EyesOfNight. I've also divulged pretty much every secret I know. Now what separates me from others is simply pure skill.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by StarLightDeath
                          and you might know me as EyesOfNight.
                          I think he figured that one out...
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • #73
                            Then why is he asking me to write ****? Is he blind? I've written more stuff than anyone.


                            • #74
                              I think he was asking where it was so he could suckle at the Teet of your knowledge.

                              It's not exactly on the first page of this forum.
                              It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                              RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • #75
                                Which is obviously a mistake. I assume you will fix the problem and front page all my works.

