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An epic MAFIA scenario

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  • #46
    I'm going to use the pollution graphic extensively in this scen, John. Do you think you (in the end of the development, not just now) could remove global warming from this scen like you did with the Norwegian Campaign?
    Find my civ2 scenarios here

    Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


    • #47
      Delighted to help any time. You know my e-mail address.

      BTW, I'm slowly getting towards the end of week 3 in your Norwegian Campaign and the scen is entering the end phase. Excellent scen.
      Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

      Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
      Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


      • #48
        Thanks, John! And I'm glad you enjoy the scen

        Btw, can this hex editing out global warming be done with TOT files? You see, well read below...:

        Originally posted by fairline
        Sorry to bang on about ToT Eivind, but there is the perfect device in ToT to ensure that your cars stick to the roads and don't end up driving into houses etc. Techumseh had an armoured train in his Russian Civil War scenario which was confined to railways as follows (IIRC!): Make all terrain other than that with railways/roads impassable and give all units other than trains/cars the 'ignore impassable terrain' flag.
        After some tests with the ocean road idea, I've begun to get some second opinions on how practical it really would be on my NYC map. I would have to oceanify every road square which could cause some problems...A lot of terrain is lost, especially on Manhattan as I would have to have double ocean terrain for cars not to block up "straits". Although the TOT sollution of techumsesh's sounds very practical, it would entail some problems as to the feasability of cars carrying mobsters and such. Only sollution I can think of, from MGE, is to infact make cars paradrop units with the carrier flag (Ju-52 from the Norwegian Campaign and Glider from Second front if you may). Hmm, quite a dilemma, as they would have to land on airbasess or inside cities Maybe airbases could be parking lots?

        Any thoughts on this, gurus?

        Also, has anyone checked the map I posted two posts above?
        Last edited by Eivind IV; January 18, 2005, 07:44.
        Find my civ2 scenarios here

        Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


        • #49
          I would like to add some possibilities to GePap's list

          Blue areas are Big MOney-rich people, financial areas, Midtown offices- not very fertile areas for the Mob.
          Prostitution, speakeasies, bootlegging, gambling . . . these fat cats want it and have the cash to pay for it. This is also the hotel district with both tourists and business travellers who want a good time, not necessarily at Coney Island.

          Black areas: well, blacks-also not friendly territority for the MOb.
          Numbers, bootlegging

          Gray: Jewish areas at that time- medium fertileness-there were Jewish crime families.
          Protection (small businesses)

          Only sollution I can think of, from MGE, is to infact make cars paradrop units with the carrier flag (Ju-52 from the Norwegian Campaign and Glider from Second front if you may). Hmm, quite a dilemma, as they would have to land on airbasess or inside cities Maybe airbases could be parking lots?
          No prob. Remember, I asked you if it was legal to use Ju-52's to drop units next to a city, have the units kill any defenders and capture the city, and then move the Ju-52's into the city with their remaining movement point. No need to fuss with airports. Does that solve some of your dilemma?

          Also, could other cars not be fighting vehicles to break open garage doors (kill defenders), run over people on the street, drive-by shootings and so on.

          BTW, IIRC you not only nixed the brilliant Ju-52 idea of mine but also said that attacking British bases and disbanding useless ships to RB very useful aircraft were no-no's. I had that scen by the throat even before starting to play and you made me let go. And there was not a single word about any of these in the house rules.
          Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

          Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
          Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


          • #50
            New idea:
            I have an idea on howthe mafia could establish themselves with organized crime into new areas. When one of the mafia civs capture a "city", the "cities" surrounding resources will be changed to a mafia only terrain with "illegal gambling", "brothels", "bootlegging", etc. The resources will have high trade production. The resources will vica verca be changed back into some "legal" resources if the police capture the city.

            What if you don't manage to capture the city with the guys you carry along that is landed outside the city? Then the car would be stuck, right?

            There will be seperate drive by fighting cars indeed!

            I also think that maybe TOT would infact be the best option right now, if the armoured train technoque indeed works. Could I do all the dirty work in MGE first and then convert it over to TOT? That's the problem you see, I don't know anything about TOT, practically never played it. Played El Aurens for a turn or so, and looked around in Market Garden. But I can take a challenge Can you play Multiplayer with TOT?
            Find my civ2 scenarios here

            Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


            • #51
              I have an idea: What if cars are planes and they are life bombers: 2 movement but have 20 movement in total (when it ends there is no more gas) and you have to stop in a garage or an airbase (parking lot or petrol station) and then the sides of roads could be barbarian "building" units that have a defence of 100 so if you hit the wall it crashed and dies
              But the only problem is planes cant carry people.
              "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


              • #52
                What if you don't manage to capture the city with the guys you carry along that is landed outside the city? Then the car would be stuck, right?

                Perfect, the car had its tires shot out, driver killed or whatever. You now need to bring in "mechanics" to repair it . . . build an air base under it. You have to take a risk to get the vehicle back. Serves you right for not planning the attack better.

                New idea:
                I have an idea on howthe mafia could establish themselves with organized crime into new areas. When one of the mafia civs capture a "city", the "cities" surrounding resources will be changed to a mafia only terrain with "illegal gambling", "brothels", "bootlegging", etc. The resources will have high trade production. The resources will vica verca be changed back into some "legal" resources if the police capture the city.
                I thought about that one some days ago and decided it was probably a no go. Lets assume that you have X cities. As separate events are needed for when the Mob captures a city and for when the Cops take it, you would need 2X events to change one square if a city changed hands. If you want to change 2 squares, the number of events needed is 4X, and so on. How many events can you afford to allocate to this? You could, of course, do this only for a limited number of important cities.

                An alternative might be to give only the Mob the ability to build city improvements such as prostitution, bootlegging etc and make the improvements very cheap to build. Add a house rule that, if a city is captured by the Cops, such improvements have to be sold as quickly as possible. If the Cops can't build improvements and their units cost a lot more to build (Would-be policemen require training, would-be mobsters require no training, they just do what they are told to if they want to live.) that would balance the scen nicely.
                Last edited by AGRICOLA; January 18, 2005, 15:17.
                Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                • #53
                  @Stalin II:
                  Not only would that mean cars couldn't carry people, I don't want cars to cross oceans or fly over houses either

                  Ok, that makes sense.
                  Last edited by Eivind IV; January 18, 2005, 17:38.
                  Find my civ2 scenarios here

                  Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                  • #54
                    So can I work on everything in MGE, and in the end just convert it to TOT, and then change the role for the cars to make them stay on the road?

                    I looked a bit through the TOT rules file and was totally confused with everything. I found an advanced role option called "impassable terrain override". I guess that's what you spoke of, Gareth. But how do I make the terrain impassable?
                    Last edited by Eivind IV; January 23, 2005, 17:59.
                    Find my civ2 scenarios here

                    Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                    • #55
                      So far as roads go, at the scale of the map, every tile will cover at least a block.

                      Thus cars should be able to travel to any road. What you can have is a "boulevard" terrain tile that allows for faster travel.

                      Let me know what city graphics you might need, I'd think that some "units" such as the Empire State Building would add flavor if you've got the slots and a neutral civ to spare.
                      Visit First Cultural Industries
                      There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
                      Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd


                      • #56
                        I think I might take you up on that Empire State building thing. Sounds fun

                        Here's an experiment on some mobsters as I got tired waiting. Would you do it very much different, Gareth?

                        Note that these are only some tests I cooked up to see how it would look. I havn't added any details yet.

                        What do you guys think? What could be improved?
                        Find my civ2 scenarios here

                        Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                        • #57
                          The clothing looks a bit pre-1930's. The hats should be fedoras. Also, no self-respecting mobster would leave home without his Thompson machine gun . . . . or at least his violin case.

                          Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                          Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                          Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                          • #58
                            Point taken. I'm looking for a template to use as a starting point for more mobsters. When I've found it I can start adding tommy guns and such to them.

                            Here's my new try. I'm dying to see if you, Gareth (whereever you are ), would do it otherwise

                            A presto!
                            Last edited by Eivind IV; February 1, 2005, 09:06.
                            Find my civ2 scenarios here

                            Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                            • #59
                              And here's a screenshot to those too lazy to download and view the NYC map draft posted above in game
                              Find my civ2 scenarios here

                              Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                              • #60
                                Looks fine, Eivind

                                If you need anything I could provide you with just ask

