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Flags Needed...Again

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  • Once again sorry for the delay. Yes, I am busy but I feel like an ass for making people wait so I try not to do it too often.

    Anyways, here are the original Zimbabwean flag, Ugandan flag and two different mixes of the two. Since both are a combination of stripes, unfortunatly they tend to look like a mismatch of stripes and colours.
    Attached Files


    • Not to overburden you Sarstock, but could you possibly make a Soviet Union flag?

      (And BTW- Thank you very much for you Raging Dragon flagset. I used it in a graphics update, hop you don't mind.)


      • Mind? Hell no. I was working on the graphical update long before you were but I was too lazy to finish. Where as you actually got it done and put it out there, so in the end I was just glad to help out.

        Anyways, here's the Soviet Flagset. I included a shield for the Russian army, airforce and navy as well as their modern day counterparts.
        Attached Files


        • Actually Typhoon, ignore that Red Air Force shield. I can get a much better one in a collection I'm putting together of air force shields from around the world.


          • Thanks Sarsstock, as usual!


            • @Sarsstock:
              Just posted to see if Steph's made any progress on that grand North America map. I look forward to beginning the Western Separatist scen, but I can't start without the map. Please don't think I want you to rush him, though. I can wait, but just post to tell me about how long I'll be waiting, if you can. Thanks!


              • Honestly, I don't think he's even working on it right now. He's in the middle of track and field training as well as working on some other scenario's that I've mentioned before.

                I'm not sure he's looking to work on it any more, I'll try to inquire but I wouldn't expcet good news. Of course, your free to try to work on it yourself man. I too would like to see this scenario get off the ground, especially with the idea of global warming and severe drought triggering the worlds first "Water Wars", something I do believe we'll see in our lifetime.

                In the mean time, try to take a shot at the map.


                • Well, I'll give it a shot, but I'll probably produce a pretty crude map. I'll also open a thread to see if any map experts who are very familiar with North American terrain can help me. I do like the ideas we came up with and will work to get this going.



                  • Thanks for the Soviet flags Sarsock. I'm quite indebted to you, so allow me to repay you with something I made. Hope you can use it in your scenario
                    Attached Files


                    • Hey, Sarsstock, may I ask one more set of flags and shields (for now)? I need the shields (to a lesser degree the flags) of the Basque and Chechen rebels and the IRA and Polisario militias (as well as any other rebel or terrorist group based in Europe and North Africa since 1990 outside the old Yugoslavia I may have missed). If you could help me out, I'd be most grateful. Thanks!


                      • This thread seemed to drop like a rock down the forum, obviously before you could get to it. I'm just bringing it to the top. Could you, if you find the time, whip me up the new Rwandan flag; not the one with the 'R' in the middle, but the new one, unveiled in 2001, with the sun in the upper left corner. If you could, as well as the above shields, I'd be most obliged. Thanks!


                        • I think the IRA badge is the same as the flag of the Irish Republic... I had a look on google and couldn't find anything specific.
                          "You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye Who cheer when soldier lads march by, Sneak home and pray you'll never know The hell where youth and laughter go." -- Siegfried Sassoon, 'Suicide in the Trenches'
                          "What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing." - Oscar Wilde


                          • I wouldn't be surprised; the IRA does want to portray the image that the Republic of Ireland supports them, and vice versa. Do you know any of the others? I did remember another insurgency group from the early 90's, however: the RAF (Red Army Faction, not Royal Air Force) in Germany, opposing the 'annexation' of East Germany by West Germany.


                            • Sorry, I've been away from the computer for a bit and didn't see your flag request. I'll get right on it. Though I have to know, where the heck are you needing these flags for?


                              • Actually, the shields are the important thing; the flags would be a vanity. They're for barbarian units for a contemporary to near future European scenario. The Rwandan flag itself is more needed, as that's for an East African scen, and there I need both the flag and shield. I appreciate your help. Thanks, as always!

