Hi, i strted working on a new scen, about the ancient greek world, which is starting in the 7th century and is about mainland Greece, Magna Grecia + Sicily, and asia minor. In theory this will be about how the city states grew and how the colonies became idependent. It should be ending with the Pelloponesian war, although its a bit too ambitius, with the persian wars in between!
my plan is to have the original nation-states grow into their unions, so:
-Athens ---> Athenian League
-Spara ---> Spartan union
-Phocaea (ionian city, founding city of Marseille and others) ----> Delian league (not exactly historical, but realistic in a civ2 scen)
-Locroi (important city, and even more important power in the persian wars, more than 50.000 Locrian soldiers died in those wars) ----> Thebes (this isnt historical, but -Thebes in a way replaced the vacuum of power left in south-central Greece after the decadence of the commercial power of Locroi, which had some colonies in Italy)
-Sybarite (Sybaris, or Sybarite, was originally a colony, but then became independent and founded important colonies of its own, like Elea, in west-central Italy) ----> Colony supremacy side
The 6th side might by Chalkis, in Euboea, since it founded a number of colonies in the Chalkidike peninsula (named after Chalkis, in Macedonia) and elsewere. However i might opt for Syracusai-Syracuse
The 7th side probably will be reserved for the independent greek cities, since trade will be important in the scen.
I already picked units by others, but, as you can see in the map, up to now i havent placed a lot of the cities. I am interested in finding if there were any Tyrrhenian-Etruscan cities in the part of Italy i have in the game
also any ideas are always welcome (for example if you have a different city-state to suggest)
ps: the phrase "The America of Ancient Greece" was a phrase used by Fernando Pessoa, the national poet of Portugal. A very sad person, but i liked this parallelism between greece and rome, and europe and america the entire phrase reads: "Rome was the America of Ancient Greece, and thus its complete missjudgement"
pd: ugly map? What ugly map? -- sorry, my manic compulsive syndrome has gotten the best of me
my plan is to have the original nation-states grow into their unions, so:
-Athens ---> Athenian League
-Spara ---> Spartan union
-Phocaea (ionian city, founding city of Marseille and others) ----> Delian league (not exactly historical, but realistic in a civ2 scen)
-Locroi (important city, and even more important power in the persian wars, more than 50.000 Locrian soldiers died in those wars) ----> Thebes (this isnt historical, but -Thebes in a way replaced the vacuum of power left in south-central Greece after the decadence of the commercial power of Locroi, which had some colonies in Italy)
-Sybarite (Sybaris, or Sybarite, was originally a colony, but then became independent and founded important colonies of its own, like Elea, in west-central Italy) ----> Colony supremacy side
The 6th side might by Chalkis, in Euboea, since it founded a number of colonies in the Chalkidike peninsula (named after Chalkis, in Macedonia) and elsewere. However i might opt for Syracusai-Syracuse
The 7th side probably will be reserved for the independent greek cities, since trade will be important in the scen.
I already picked units by others, but, as you can see in the map, up to now i havent placed a lot of the cities. I am interested in finding if there were any Tyrrhenian-Etruscan cities in the part of Italy i have in the game
also any ideas are always welcome (for example if you have a different city-state to suggest)
ps: the phrase "The America of Ancient Greece" was a phrase used by Fernando Pessoa, the national poet of Portugal. A very sad person, but i liked this parallelism between greece and rome, and europe and america the entire phrase reads: "Rome was the America of Ancient Greece, and thus its complete missjudgement"
pd: ugly map? What ugly map? -- sorry, my manic compulsive syndrome has gotten the best of me