I'm playing now...
A question: are we not supposed to report acts of war? I have a unit in the yellow in one of my cities and would like to know who attacked me!

Also, destroying city improvements is an act of war and I suppose we should report that as well...
I seem to lose city improvements every now and then, but it could be bad memory + long between the turns (see the list above!)...
Another strange thing... All my cities are not cycled through when I jump to the next city in the city window?! Strange!
A question: are we not supposed to report acts of war? I have a unit in the yellow in one of my cities and would like to know who attacked me!

Also, destroying city improvements is an act of war and I suppose we should report that as well...
I seem to lose city improvements every now and then, but it could be bad memory + long between the turns (see the list above!)...
Another strange thing... All my cities are not cycled through when I jump to the next city in the city window?! Strange!