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Per Sparrowhawk's request: the "7 player PBEM" - game...

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  • #46
    If you can't install Civ2dip and if I can't upgrade my game I guess we are stuck.
    Here is my proposal:
    1) You post your savegame
    2) I play my turn
    3) I try to uppgrade and you try to install Civ2dip

    I am sorry about not having been able to join you. We'll do better next time
    Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


    • #47

      I just sent you the game (BTW, I hope you keep my real name to yourself).

      About Civ2dip: the problem is not installing it; it's running it that's causing trouble.

      If I understand things correctly you need another program ("Java Runtime" or something like that; it's mentioned in the instructions) in order for Civ2dip to function and this other program is what's killing my laptop (I think).

      As I said before, I managed to open your barter after about an hour of waiting for various screens to pop up... When I finally managed to read it, it contained exchanging maps only...



      • #48
        I have to work a little now... Will check back later (here or my Hotmail account) to see what's up...



        • #49
          Guys, I stumbled into this thread by accident, but if there is any way I can help, let me know. For example, I could probably run Civ2Dip on LaFayette's barter file and Rex's latest save [assuming there's no password]and send the modified save back to Rex.

          Actually I have been having a few computer problems too, but we can try this if you want.


          • #50
            Works for me, and though I am not positive of their intent, I believe that La Fayette wanted to gift all the Babylonian cities and units to the Mongols.

            Similarly Carolus Rex wanted to gift all the Roman cities and units to the Mongols (particularly the city with the dam stolen former U.S. President).

            I know I speak for both Carolus and La Fayette when I say how much we all appreciate your help Peaster

            /me not surprisingly, of the Mongols
            "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


            • #51
              Yes Sparrowhawk, I am planning to gift all Babylonian units and cities to the Mongols ... if it happens that there is ONE Bab unit inside ONE Bab city remaining

              BTW thank you very much , Peaster, for kind proposal
              Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


              • #52
                OK. If you decide to go ahead with that plan, post a copy of the barter file (or use email) and let me know if C.Rex uses a password. I probably don't need the scenario files, but will DL those if necessary.


                • #53
                  This is vanilla civ, (though with an accelerated start) we have been playing for a long time.......I started at 550 BC I think, and we are at ??720 AD?? now. I think kengel is the only original player still playing, and I don't know what year it was when they started but I think it was something like 2700 BC.

                  Anyhow my point is that no scenario files are required

                  "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                  • #54

                    PLease don't forget to post your 720AD savegame ASAP

                    (the one you sent is 700AD that I already played quite a while ago )
                    Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                    • #55

                      Thanks for your kind offer! I will try once more with my laptop and see if it works. If it doesn't I'll come back to you.


                      I suspect that some surprise or other awaits me when I open my turn... Has the HD a new owner? We shall see...

                      La Fayette,

                      Please send me your barter file again (or give me its name as I probably have it in my Civ directory somewhere); I deleted your e-mail to gain server space (thanks Hotmail!)...



                      • #56
                        [Horrified mood]Accelerated start-up?[/Horrified mood]

                        That explains a lot!

                        BTW, what's "vanilla civ"?



                        • #57
                          I found it!

                          Will play now (hopefully!).



                          • #58

                            Been waiting about 5 minutes now at the "Choose leader/civ"-window... Have clicked "Caesar (Romans)", but the "next" button has not yet highlighted...



                            • #59
                              Ah... "Welcome, great Caesar"! Well, they got that part right!

                              Let's see... "Make barter"...



                              • #60
                                Damn! First mistake... Should be "View barter", right?

                                With these lags, I can't afford such sloppiness!


