dave_v9 at yahoo dot com
No announcement yet.
Per Sparrowhawk's request: the "7 player PBEM" - game...
Game moves onwards...
But on a world wide issue - I don't want global warming again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which nation is not taking care of it's own pollution?!?! I have seen alot of pollution around the Babylonian cities.... maybe they should get their act together !!!!!
Unfortunately even bigger issues plague our players. We lost La Fayette as per this thread.
One of the best civ2 strategists, and a well known player in many of the civ2 games. He will be missed
Edit: For anyone that hasn't voted in the Apolyton Hall of Fame, this would be a good time to do so as the voting his not yet closed. La Fayette is likely to be inducted post-humously by Darkcloud, but he deserves to get in on his own merit.Last edited by Sparrowhawk; January 6, 2006, 01:24."Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
This is so sad
He was a great player, and from my few private contacts with him I knew he was a real gentleman.
I am shocked from this news, which I got today after return from a longer vacation.
My condolences to the family.
La Fayette, rest in peace!
Hello, neighbours ...
Don't you want to exchange a Ctrl-N service with our Ancient Empires PBEM?
SparrowHawk provided this service for us in past (thx again, SparrowHawk), but I have a feeling it was quite complicated for him last time. For one man it may be a hard duty but it should be easier to find a ready N-man from 7 people (we have 7 people too).
Edit: 6 people, I see kengel is a bigamist.Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
Good news: we have a new player who would like to take over the Babylonians-
Probably he will drop us a short note here soon.
I believe he knew Michel personally, and to my feelings he would be an ideal successor for the ancient king of the Babylonians.
Sounds good!
I'm sure La Fayette would want this game to go on...
To the new, yet unknown, king... Welcome!
Do not be fooled by your embassy's reports. The Babylonians and ourselves (the Romans) are allied. We just haven't established the alliance on-line.
The French is the third leg in this mighty alliance that will ultimately rule the world, fairly and just!
I will try to give some very compressed information about the history and rules of our game.
First the rules (pretty simnple):
- game goals: world rulership or Alpha Centauri
- City and army bribing is not allowed!
- Tech trading allowed
- all wonders allowed
- Tech & map trading allowed
- Alliances allowed
- friendly actions (trading,...) between two players must be in agreement to each other
- Military actions must be reported to the attacked one
Be careful not to forget pressing Ctrl-N before you save your turn, and do not use the F11-button during your turn (because this triggers worker arrangement in other civs).
We have no time limit for moving, but we agreed that allies should be allowed to sub for a turn, if someone is missing for a longer time (I think one week or so? We agreed but never took use of that rule).
To the game:
It seems the world is divided into three blocks.
In the north, the mongolian/american alliance.
The middle field is dominated by the roman/french/babylonian alliance, and by the egypt/greek alliance.
Excessive wars (except for some minor incidents of no importance) were going on between France and America, between Mongols and Romans, and between Babylon and Greece.
The American/French war is still very hot, the war between Mongols and Romans has calmed down somewhat, and I have no information about the current status between Greece and Babylon, but I believe it is still going on.
The greek leader "Mostly Harmless" will know more about that topic.
This is the indomitable Civ2 spirit. Rather play a 3 year old PbEM than dabble in new-fangled "successors" to the Civ franchise.
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