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Imperialism 1870 v2.0 PBEM

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  • It is quite clear you Darius don't believe me, since you had somebody I don't even know check the file without first consulting me (so that he could easily see I am shipping cannons to Egypt, an operation that needs to remain hidden), and then wish to drag up completely unrelated issues. It took me so wrong to realize something was amiss because this is the only Civ2 game I am in right now and physically play. You have once again shown me that playing with you is far from an enjoyable experience, and I play this game for fun. I have better things to do with my time than argue over something that is indeed quite unprovable, so I'll save you all the trouble and withdraw from the game.
    Last edited by PinkyGen; March 3, 2004, 15:54.
    David Disraeli
    Economic Minister of Israel and former Prime Minister. Founding Member of One Israel, Exodus Democracy Game


    • Great

      Another PBEM down the tubes

      (And people wonder why Im playing CIV3 now)
      *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


      • seems to happen a lot arround here

        Well now that our rosey general has decided to depart, will the AI be made to play the remaining time or will we supplant him with another substitute?

        Personally I would like to know how far back the errant file may have been in PinkyGen's system, if for only a turn or two then let a player stand in, however if there has been a consistant change in that civ then it would be preferable for the AI to continue IMO.

        Also I am the trusting sort and am inclined to believe Pinkygens claim, If the damage was only for one turn then the clear solution would be to return to the previous save and replay.

        Then again I AM the newby so you guys tell me how things of this nature are normally handled.
        Wizards sixth rule:
        "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
        Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


        • (so that he could easily see I am shipping cannons to Egypt, an operation that needs to remain hidden), and then wish to drag up completely unrelated issues.
          I see nothing in anyones post that would have revelaled this information, save what you yourself have disclosed. And as for useless information, I don't really see that either

          I am sure the third party person would have no reason to disclose any of this information.
          Wizards sixth rule:
          "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
          Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


          • Im refraining from any decisions because Pinky is a close friend.

            Im biased
            *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


            • You need not make a decision. I'm out of the game, so you can replay the bangkok turn with AI or someone else, and the integrity of the game is removed beyond all doubt. I am leaving to purposefully not make this issue, rather than drag this game down more.

              I suppose my previous post contained some bitterness , but the motive wasn't to say "screw you" and go. It's to remove doubt in the fairness of the game, and also to save me typing. (Which so far hasn't been the case). I'll probably watch, like for that one over at civfanatics where the U.S. is beating everyone up.

              BTW, the other city the French took was Casablanca, using arty, and at least one ship (it's healing there), and the conquest is very easy to do, so I'd adivse you not to go all the way back to that.
              Last edited by PinkyGen; March 3, 2004, 23:50.
              David Disraeli
              Economic Minister of Israel and former Prime Minister. Founding Member of One Israel, Exodus Democracy Game


              • Pinkygen, a person checking a file has NO responsibility to consult you about it beforehand; the checks are done all the time behind the scenes and only become known if they find something. He tried to discuss it with you but your PM box was full, so I brought it up on AIM and you decided to make the matter public. If you're worried about me getting unfair advantage, he only told me about the results at Bangkok so I only know about the ships to Egypt from your post.

                And don't tell me the Red Front thing is 'unrelated'. The player after you finds that the map is revealed and you say it was due to a malfunction, and then now you have impossible combat results and say it was due to a malfunction. I was willing to believe you the first time, but no I don't believe you this time.

                Even IF your explanation is true, you must agree that letting you play would set a horrible precedent. From now on every cheater would have a get out of jail free card. But you've withdrawn so I guess we don't have to make this decision.
                Last edited by Darius871; March 4, 2004, 02:01.


                • I guess I'll throw my voice in here, even though things are basically settled at this point.

                  I was suspicious when you mentioned you took Bangkok, Pinkygen, particularly because that's the city that "caught" a cheater a while back. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and didn't check the casualty list. But having seen them now, and hearing of your previous problem it's a different story.

                  But I don't want to just chastize and criticize you. I thank you for doing the right thing by immediately quitting rather than dragging this out to prove your innocence, even if it is the case. Because at this point, no matter what, there'd be a cloud of suspicion anyway.

                  Regardless of your innocence or guilt, I hope this incident shows other would-be cheaters out there that at this point PBEMers are incredibly vigilant and adept at noticing unusual results. I just hope the result isn't that it kills too many games.


                  • I was who checked the file, and this is the PM I wrote to PinkyGen, but I was unable to send it.

                    Originally posted by Pablostuka
                    After the French capture of Bangkok, I was contacted by one player of that PBEM, to check if there was any evidence of reloading or cheating.

                    Just I checked the file, and your results are impossible as far as I can see. Bangkok was defended by 4 oriental infantry, and you only lost 3 cannons and 1 French infantry to take it. The city has fortifications and coastal batteries. It's impossible to achieve these results without reloading or something worse.

                    I suggest you confess on the thread or give me a good explanation in the following 24 hours, although I can't think of one.

                    Yours, Pablostuka.
                    Anyway, the damage is done, and that player left the game.

                    Good luck with this PBEM.


                    • Darius will you be continuing of should JamesJKirk replay his turn. either way I suggest that the AI take over for PinkyGen.
                      Wizards sixth rule:
                      "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
                      Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


                      • The results from France's last turn should be anulled, therefore JamesJkirk should replay as well.

                        I say we take some time to find a replacement for France, the AI will screw around too much.
                        "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
                        "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


                        • Agreed, it won't be fair to a future player to let the AI screw things up.

                          Anyone have any ideas on who'd want to be France?


                          • Originally posted by JamesJKirk
                            Agreed, it won't be fair to a future player to let the AI screw things up.

                            Anyone have any ideas on who'd want to be France?
                            I advertised at Imperialism games at CDG and CFC.

                            I saw Germanos advertised here at another Imperialism game.

                            I dunno what more to do.

                            But I do know one thing, I have a new rule. Any PBEM that goes for a month without being played Im dropping out of. Waiting around for these games is getting to be an excercise in futility.
                            *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                            • perhaps Pablostuka would like to try.
                              Wizards sixth rule:
                              "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
                              Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


                              • conmcb25: I fully understand your frustration, and I agree with your assesment.

                                I say we wait a little more to see if the advertisements have any succes.
                                Alternatively: Yaroslav seems to be getting back slowly, so he may be able to take the Brits again, and Zedd could take France?
                                "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
                                "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller

