Nice turns Bunnyman.
Must be hard to build white goods when so many palaces have to be constructive. While you are correct that aquaducts are needed everywhere, I wouldn't advise building more than one at a time and then only in cities that can add many more citizens quickly. When you get explosives it will be easier but, for now, there needs to be a great amount of land prep to support more population.
Nice job razing Troy!! I get the impression that this tactic will become easier after Fundy so that you won't have to worry about units away.
Delphi looks like a good candidate for someone's second city.
Must be hard to build white goods when so many palaces have to be constructive. While you are correct that aquaducts are needed everywhere, I wouldn't advise building more than one at a time and then only in cities that can add many more citizens quickly. When you get explosives it will be easier but, for now, there needs to be a great amount of land prep to support more population.
Nice job razing Troy!! I get the impression that this tactic will become easier after Fundy so that you won't have to worry about units away.
Delphi looks like a good candidate for someone's second city.