Many of the succession games currently in play are winding down, so I thought I'd add a new one, with a simple concept:
Each player may only build one city and capture one city. The goal is conquest. In other words, all other AI cities must be razed - may can do this with Spy-poisoning or simply attacking the city until it is destroyed, or by capturing a size 1 city (destroying it, but still getting pillage).
- Advanced Tribes must be reloaded, unless you haven't founded your one city and want the Tribe to be it.
- When you found your one city, you must give it a name that will readily identify it as yours. Anyone can build anything in anyone else's city (thus allowing a SSC if desired). Good natured mockery of each others' cities is highly encouraged.
- If the city you founded is somehow destroyed, you may not found another, but you may capture a second city from the AI. If the city you captured is destroyed... well... too bad
- Every player may play 10 turns to start, or longer if no good city sites are available (within reason ). If there isn't a Settler available when your turns start... do your best to found within a reasonable time. I'm trying to limit things to 10 turns so that we don't wait 100 turns to build 5 cities
After all players have played a round of turns, the second round will require a change of capital for each player (to that player's city, of course ) during that player's turns.
Medium map, raging hordes, deity, 7 Civs, MGE. Anyone who wants to play is welcome (obviously more players = more cities)
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4000: We begin with Bronze Working.
3950: Hut >Currency. Oh well, closer to Trade, farther from Monarchy.
3900: Nice river complex.
3800: Hut >Chariot
3500: Delay founding another turn to tip a hut next turn.
3450: Hut >50 g. Apocalyptia founded. I didn't want to wander too much longer - we have a river complex and some Fishes, but no coastal access Start Warriors.
I left movement points on the second Settler - the next player may want to use him to road things, or perhaps to move east to join the Chariot.
Each player may only build one city and capture one city. The goal is conquest. In other words, all other AI cities must be razed - may can do this with Spy-poisoning or simply attacking the city until it is destroyed, or by capturing a size 1 city (destroying it, but still getting pillage).
- Advanced Tribes must be reloaded, unless you haven't founded your one city and want the Tribe to be it.
- When you found your one city, you must give it a name that will readily identify it as yours. Anyone can build anything in anyone else's city (thus allowing a SSC if desired). Good natured mockery of each others' cities is highly encouraged.
- If the city you founded is somehow destroyed, you may not found another, but you may capture a second city from the AI. If the city you captured is destroyed... well... too bad
- Every player may play 10 turns to start, or longer if no good city sites are available (within reason ). If there isn't a Settler available when your turns start... do your best to found within a reasonable time. I'm trying to limit things to 10 turns so that we don't wait 100 turns to build 5 cities
After all players have played a round of turns, the second round will require a change of capital for each player (to that player's city, of course ) during that player's turns.
Medium map, raging hordes, deity, 7 Civs, MGE. Anyone who wants to play is welcome (obviously more players = more cities)
... more
4000: We begin with Bronze Working.
3950: Hut >Currency. Oh well, closer to Trade, farther from Monarchy.
3900: Nice river complex.
3800: Hut >Chariot
3500: Delay founding another turn to tip a hut next turn.
3450: Hut >50 g. Apocalyptia founded. I didn't want to wander too much longer - we have a river complex and some Fishes, but no coastal access Start Warriors.
I left movement points on the second Settler - the next player may want to use him to road things, or perhaps to move east to join the Chariot.