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Civ4BtS : KRAKATOA - #42 Pitboss APT

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  • #76
    Originally posted by astrologix View Post

    I don't know what game you are talking about
    It was one huge game won by FLV99 by space ship, you were France, I was Korea, HBHR was Vikings and we 3 killed monstrous Khmer with nukes.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Estilpón View Post
      At no time did I think that in 15 turns I was dead.
      I didn't calculate it, but I thought that your fighters would destroy my terrain, my coastal cities would be indefensible and the game would be a ruin, but you couldn't conquer several of the interior cities so quickly due to the existing culture, despite the economic ruin.
      And I experienced a situation like this, I don't know if against Metra or Macedonia, and I lasted much longer (it is true that the interior area was larger), especially due to the attacker's need to accumulate units and expose himself, and despite there being land to colonize (incredible that mistake of mine).

      I offered you to try this - we kindly ask Astro to reloads the game from around that time, we play only the two of us, no help or interactions from other nations and we see how well you fare. As I said, I might be naive in diplomacy, but if there is one thing I do really well it is fight and win wars. Please, do accept this little test with the reload. It will both prove who was seeing the situation correct and as you said we can always learn new things.

      Originally posted by Estilpón View Post

      Another mistake is that you repeat that I attacked Carlo beyond an imaginary line.

      That never happened.

      You told me yourself, here is a screenshot.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Sury1.png
Views:	61
Size:	29.8 KB
ID:	9465032

      Originally posted by Estilpón View Post

      The logic of voting Eli for diplomatic victory is that you no longer had a chance of winning

      ​ I gave that as example of spite voting. Of course I will try to win and not just try to ruin someone else's game.

      Originally posted by Estilpón View Post
      Vicente advised me very well in general, and the final decision and responsibility is mine.
      It was a luxury to be able to share with him the situation of the game.

      ​ So I was right it was him who gave you that clever idea to trick me.

      Originally posted by Estilpón View Post

      I've been here 22 years.

      ​ We have a saying (again not for wolves) that "It is never too late to put shame on yourself."


      • #78
        Originally posted by 2metraninja View Post

        It was one huge game won by FLV99 by space ship, you were France, I was Korea, HBHR was Vikings and we 3 killed monstrous Khmer with nukes.
        In this incredible game you did something particularly ugly, from my point of view. We were at peace and just waiting for the turn change in which flv999 had the victory by ship. I was at war with flv999 and always played first in line. You waited until the last moment to declare war on me and send me several nukes to lower my population (and score) and thus be third in the final ranking. Without giving me the opportunity to respond to your attack, since at the beginning of the next turn the game ended when flv999's ship arrived at its destination. I protested and you admitted that I made a reload in which you would not declare war on me. If you had attacked me just one turn earlier, I wouldn't have protested.

        Personally, I don't think I committed any fault. Simply what you did was unfair because you attacked me without me being able to respond. Anyone else in my case would have protested anyway.​
        Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
        Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


        • #79
          Originally posted by 2metraninja View Post

          Post fight chill.

          I lower my guard, as I know we have a men's word how to end the game. I am not afraid of anyone and I casually play turns waiting to accumulate enough votes for AP victory. I check the turns left, something wrong happens, turns change, but I am not worried. Sury gave me his word he will support me to win via AP.
          .......... I of course did not tell them I have agreement with Sury for AP victory to not give them ideas.

          Kinda late realisation and plannig accordingly.


          Eli was at fourth position scorewise and with weak army and with no any chances of winning the game or even climbing upscore on his own. I told Eli I will kill Sury, so he will become at least bronze medalist and if Mocte refuse to sign the no-spaceship deal I would kill or severely damge him too, so he can even get silver medal and my long time friend Carlo who was dead last on score half the game would get Bronze.


          At those points, you were cheating, my friend. Please, read the rules.

          g) La victoria es individual. Votaciones.

          VOTACIONES DEL PALACIO APOSTÓLICO (PA): El jugador que pone en marcha una votación, tiene que avisar inmediatamente por el foro o el muro de la partida (si la partida ya es pública), o por mensaje privado, a todos los jugadores de la religión del PA, qué tipo de votación les será sometida en su próxima entrada. La victoria diplomática religiosa está permitida y es válida en cualquier momento de la partida. El ocupante del PA no podrá exigir, ni comprar de ningún modo el voto de otros jugadores para obtener la victoría religiosa.

          d) Mensajes diplomáticos, declaración de guerra y “doble turno inicial”

          Está terminantemente prohibido prometer a cualquier jugador que se le va a ayudar a que gane la partida. En las conversaciones diplomáticas privadas sólo se podrá rolear y no ver más allá de los 40 turnos máximos que permite cualquier tratado. En privado no se podrá dar el nombre concreto de ningún jugador real aunque se sepa. Siempre se utilizará el nombre del líder que usa en la partida. Como corolario, en ningún momento de la partida se podrá “repartir” el tipo de victoria con otro jugador. Por ejemplo, reservarse la victoria por nave a cambio de que el otro vaya a por la cultural. Tampoco se podrá convenir el orden final del podio de una partida. La infracción a esta regla tendrá como mínimo 10 puntos APT de penalización y una advertencia.

          Fortunately, Estilpón won by culture, totally against your plans. Otherwise the game would have had to be canceled.

          Because the Championship has ended, I don't want to search another cases of cheating in other games, I am tired of all that.

          But i thank you for all these thrilling games. You are a great player, like others. Thank you.
          Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
          Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


          • #80
            Originally posted by astrologix View Post

            In this incredible game you did something particularly ugly, from my point of view. We were at peace and just waiting for the turn change in which flv999 had the victory by ship. I was at war with flv999 and always played first in line. You waited until the last moment to declare war on me and send me several nukes to lower my population (and score) and thus be third in the final ranking. Without giving me the opportunity to respond to your attack, since at the beginning of the next turn the game ended when flv999's ship arrived at its destination. I protested and you admitted that I made a reload in which you would not declare war on me. If you had attacked me just one turn earlier, I wouldn't have protested.

            Personally, I don't think I committed any fault. Simply what you did was unfair because you attacked me without me being able to respond. Anyone else in my case would have protested anyway.​
            Your first reacion was "It is unfair, because we were friends and allies the whole game". Just later you came up with "this was the last turn of the game" argument. Despite there is no rule "dont attack in the SUPPOSEDLY (because someone could had taken FLV999's capitol for example) last turn of the game" I agreed on reload for the sake of making you happy.

            All this I am saying to point to you there IS such thing as feel of betrayal of unfair treatment, despite rules are not broken. Also you cannot regulate how people feel. We are humans. Luckily.

            Anyway, thank you once again to you personally for the exceptional hosting and all the exciting games and thanks for all the fish, my friends. I will be happy if we manage to revive the tournament alive by me or someone else hosting the new games.



            • #81
              Solo decir que Vicente se preocupó mucho y me preguntó varias veces si podíamos ir a por la victoria cultural. Y comento esto por el buen nombre de Vicente, no voy a entrar en más temas.

              Gracias Astro por organizar esto todos estos años.
              Israel = apartheid

