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  • #46
    Bueno cómo se me ha acusado por ahí de que no gano carreras espaciales posteo este post -en inglés- que posteé cuando era novatillo en deidad para ayudar a los recién llegados a este nivel y que buscan una victoria tipo builder (lo que no quita que hayan habido guerras entre medio) (no voy a traducirlo, sorry):

    Huge pangaea (*) Deity C3C SS victory.


    For Deity newbies ONLY:

    This is was my first attempt on a huge pangaea map with 8 other random civs on Deity C3C spanish V.1.22. SS victory was the goal. Played with the Iroquois (nice UU for warmongering and Commercial trait is huge at upper levels to reduce corruption= 25% up optimum amount of cities. And of course being Agricultural is just unpayable in C3C)

    I had already won many deity games on archipiélago maps with the Dutch and it was about time I tried a huge pangaea.

    Basically what I did was find a good location. On the third map attempt I came after a river and two cows, just perfect for Salamanca.

    1. I built the GL without any need for a prebuild at max research. Completely out-REXed by then. 5 AI in my continent and 3 on another continent.
    2. Once built, I put research slide to zero and after attaining Republic I rushed libraries. On the meanwhile I stashed all my gold. My banker loves me.
    3. Once I had learned Education (bye bye GL) I trigered my Golden Age immediately that same turn with my UU MW against the Russians. I used all the extra shields to build universities and then banks. On the meantime the 30 MW's I had Liberated the oppressed Russians and had them join my thriving empire, with two luxuries added (3 dyes and one incense)
    4. Put my research to a maximum, earning as little as 17 gold per turn or actually losing money. I had quite a fair deal of cash saved so I could afford to lose money every turn. I became the techleader. I prebuilt Adam Smiths. More gold, meant faster research.
    5. I researched techs that I knew the AI would not go for, you know, the typical ToE--Hoover gambit.
    6. I sold them to the AI that very same turn and was raking in from some of the most powerful civs 223 gpt. Obviously I increased my research slab to the max possible yet again.
    7. Killed off the pesky Spaniards and took their coal and my first source of rubber. They had one elephant luxury.Their land was liberated.
    8. Didn't trade Electronics until I was certain I was only 8 turns away of Hoover Dam. I had done a prebuild on it with palace in the city I had my FP.
    9. Tried to liberate the Ottomans à la Moonsinger with 80 artillery. Errm, that didn't go very well. I only took 4 cities but incorporated 3 gems (the fourth was left in their land) and second source of rubber which I left unhooked which I traded with the help of new techs for other luxuries with Aztecs (spices), Vikings (silk) and Americans(wine) Japanese (furs). I had 8 luxuries finally. I guess I have to polish up my warmongering skills.
    10. Entered the Modern Age and went peaceful. I kept signing RoP agreements since the very beginning with embassys except with those I planned to invade (Russians, Spanish and failed attempt on Ottomans).
    11. I had no aluminium. Thre were only two alluminium on my continent and they were both very deep within Viking territory, the most powerful nation in my continent and would not trade it unless I threw some new tech at them. The Aztecs could also trade Alluminium.Traded my second oil to Japanese for 220 gpt and furs with their endless war against the Vikings (my strongest neighbours) which I of course fueled all the time. I had my first oil unhooked.
    12. On the other huge continent the americans were getting beaten by the Aztecs and French ( ). Sent 5 settlers and 5 armies to settle right beside New York, because they had alluminium. Later on, I airlifted MI Aand three workers.
    13. The French took over New York which had two wines AND most important of all, alluminium. I placed five settlers surrounding New York. I rushed libraries and then Universities in all five. French had a MPP with Aztecs and the Aztecs in turn had a MPP with the Vikings on my continent; so there was no way I was going to start a war with the French. Shame on me. I culturally bombarded NY and they were reduced to one tile, the city itself. I spied on them and they were building a library, 33 turns to go. They were never culturally assimilated by me, must've been the Guggenheim or the Metropolitan museums at work . That is incredible. Didn't fire a single shot and everyone is happy with me safe the Ottomans.
    14. With the War Academy I was building prebuilds with Armies for SS parts.
    15. Sent the SS on 1810 A.D.

    Piece of cake. 41 hours and a half it took me.

    Main point is that I did tech surf all the time and then cashed in on it:

    1. Built GL: research to zero and stash gold for future research at a loss.
    2. GL expired. Trigered my GA straight away that same turn in Republic. Built banks, universities and Adam Smith. Put research slab at a maximum, even at loss.
    3. Tech bartering all the time with the other civs. Very few wars and only for luxuries and strategical resources. Researched techs derided by othr AI's civs. Raking in massive amounts of gold from AI civs. Waited 20 turns until cashflow was liberated to strike a new deal for another tech. Didn't trade If they had no gpt to offer or luxuries.
    4. Fueled wars between AI civs (namely Japanese and Vikings to buy me time on my home continent). Hoover Dam.
    5. Ended up with 70-80 cities and SS victory on 1810 A.D. Flawless reputation and polite attitude by almost everyone except the Ottomans, of course.

    Not bad for first attempt on huge pangaea map on Deity. The point was to always surge ahead techwise and sell them the techs I discovered hampering their own research. Many good articles on this on the War Academy.

    *= (EDIT: I've just checked over the weekend that is wasn't in fact pangaea but rather huge continents. No wonder I was puzzled why there were two huge continents and not one huge uniform landmass, sorry about that.)
    Last edited by Drakan; June 13, 2005, 08:23.
    If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
    Ailing Civilization Strategy
    How to win on Deity Builder style, step-by-step
    M2TW Guide to Guilds (including Assassins')


    • #47
      Originally posted by Drakan
      Sí, si. De hecho a Harry le mandé un save con las elecciones de la ONU. Y la victoria espacial es mi favorita, por eso digo que en el fondo soy un builder.
      Mucho builderismo... Pero en nuestro desafío MP 1vs1, que finalmente nunca terminamos, yo tenía 18 ciudades y vos 8, estando en diferentes continentes. ¡Asi que soy más buider que vos, a pesar de la mala fama que me hagan!
      Creo que sacar tantos guerreros y trabajadores en tu capital atrasa mucho la producción de colonos.

      Lástima que te agarró sueño, porque ya mis barquitos te tenían rodeado


      • #48
        Los romanos no son agrícolas

        Metí la pata Harry. Debería haber elegido una civ agrícola.

        No me he olvidado de ti, es que no tengo ADSL en casa y no lo tendré hasta dentro de dos meses cuando me mude a la definitiva.

        8 ? Creo que tenía unas 18 ciudades, no ?

        Elegiste muy bien a Sumeria (agrícola y científica) kudos para tí
        If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
        Ailing Civilization Strategy
        How to win on Deity Builder style, step-by-step
        M2TW Guide to Guilds (including Assassins')


        • #49
          Originally posted by Harry
          Mucho builderismo... Pero en nuestro desafío MP 1vs1, que finalmente nunca terminamos, yo tenía 18 ciudades y vos 8, estando en diferentes continentes. ¡Asi que soy más buider que vos, a pesar de la mala fama que me hagan!
          Creo que sacar tantos guerreros y trabajadores en tu capital atrasa mucho la producción de colonos.

          Lástima que te agarró sueño, porque ya mis barquitos te tenían rodeado
          Eres un warmonger.

          Cuando me dijiste que jugabas builder, me puse a jugar builder y me agarraste en pelotas. Por eso me ganste la primera vez.

          Pero ya despues saliste corriendo a esconderte tras tu pc.


          • #50
            Excusas de perdedor...


            • #51
              Sí a mí me dijo lo mismo y me confíe. Lo próximo que sé es que se acerca a mi desguarnecida (snif) capital con unos guerreros (*) y me arrasa en el SÉPTIMO TURNO de la partida mientras yo, pobre inocente , hacía mi granerito para alimentar a mi bienamado pacífico pueblo -ejem- ... grrr

              (*) O igual era un guerrero sólo, mi memoria flaquea tos, tos )

              Harry= Warmonger=
              Drakan= Builder=
              Last edited by Drakan; June 13, 2005, 12:10.
              If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
              Ailing Civilization Strategy
              How to win on Deity Builder style, step-by-step
              M2TW Guide to Guilds (including Assassins')


              • #52
                Originally posted by Harry
                Excusas de perdedor...
                Solo he perdido uno, te he ganado uno, y el tercero tambian iba ganando.


                • #53
                  Son grandes para llorar así... El tercero estaba igualado, Sammy.


                  • #54
                    Estuve rejugando el Progressive con la nuevas enseñanzas de Drakan y Samuel y borré todo como un boludo, pero la diferencia con el "real" fue abrumadora.

                    Aún así, me pasó algo que me gustaría saber cómo lo soluciono: mi pipol estaba muy descontenta todo el tiempo, llegué a subir el slider de felicidad al 70% para que no se me enojaran en la ciudad productora de Inmortales (sólo de población 3 o 4, ahora no me acuerdo), hice un templo (aproveché para matar a uno de esos molestos para rushearlo) y así y todo tenía que tener un cuidado enorme. Nunca me había pasado. Los avances tecnológicos se me atrasaron un montón, pero mi idea era tener un paquete de inmortales y hacer mierda a todos
                    Cuando un dedo señala la luna, los tontos miran el dedo. (del Mayo francés)


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Gerar Dean
                      Estuve rejugando el Progressive con la nuevas enseñanzas de Drakan y Samuel y borré todo como un boludo, pero la diferencia con el "real" fue abrumadora.
                      "abrumadora" para bien o para mal Gerry ?

                      No te preocupes, si juegas warmonger pon la ciencia a cero, al firmar la paz te dan techs (las de la antigüedad, salvo República, te las dan todas si les haces mucha pupa).

                      Luego investigas tú más. Vuelves a guerrear, pones la ciencia a cero y así sucesivamente, es una forma como cualquier otra.

                      Respecto a mantenerlos contentos te recomiendo MERCADOS, MERCADOS y MERCADOS, he dicho mercados ? Además pon los lujos a un 30-50% dependiendo del tamaño de la ciudad de si tiene templo o no, de si ya tiene un mercado o no etc ... pero que NO HAYA PAYASOS. CLOWNS NO, xnks. que todo el mundo labure en una casilla. Además en República creo que están más contentos, yo creer ...
                      Last edited by Drakan; June 13, 2005, 12:28.
                      If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
                      Ailing Civilization Strategy
                      How to win on Deity Builder style, step-by-step
                      M2TW Guide to Guilds (including Assassins')


                      • #56
                        Pero cuando habláis de la barra de lujos, os referís a la que hay dando al F1 (asesor doméstico) que hay tres barras, lujo, ciencia e impuestos, no? (entre las tres tienen que sumar 100%)
                        Club de Rol Telperion
                        Guadalajara, España


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Kane Mitchells
                          Pero cuando habláis de la barra de lujos, os referís a la que hay dando al F1 (asesor doméstico) que hay tres barras, lujo, ciencia e impuestos, no? (entre las tres tienen que sumar 100%)

                          Hay dos barras creo. Entre las dos suman 100%. La primera barra funciona por opuestos.

                          Si pones la ciancia a un 10% es que los impuestos están a un 90%. Si la pones a 90% de ciencia es que estás recaudando un 10% de impuestos.

                          La barra de abajo, o segunda barra es sólo de lujos y funciona complementando a un 100 con la primera.

                          LUXURY SLIDER:

                          Primera barra: dicotomía impuestos/ciencia (es que como si fueran dos barras en una)
                          Segunda barra: lujos

                          Primera y segunda barra suman 100%.
                          If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
                          Ailing Civilization Strategy
                          How to win on Deity Builder style, step-by-step
                          M2TW Guide to Guilds (including Assassins')


                          • #58
                            Bueno a decir verdad son dos barras. Lujos y ciencia.

                            El tercer elemento es el tesoro, la diferencia entre el 100 meno los destinado a los dos primeros, es lo que afecta e este renglon.

                            ¿Por qué estan tan enojados Gerry?

                            A un 70%, con templos, con los lujos y con los 2 guerreros que debes tener en cada ciudad. Tus persas deben estar adorandote.

                            A menos que sean como tu ...


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by SAMUEL2904
                              Bueno a decir verdad son dos barras. Lujos y ciencia.
                              Eso ya lo he puesto yo, eso lo he puesto yo
                              If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
                              Ailing Civilization Strategy
                              How to win on Deity Builder style, step-by-step
                              M2TW Guide to Guilds (including Assassins')


                              • #60
                                Abrumadora para bien

                                Pensaba postear en formato Progressive el antes y después, pero borré los autosaves

                                Igualmente voy a empezar otra vez porque me entusiasmé

                                Una duda (una más y van...) me costó mucho hacer ciudades especializadas, no tenía ninguna que diera una buena cantidad de escudos o una buena cantidad de comida

                                Otra: ¿Es conveniente que las ciudades crezcan mucho? No sólo al principio que uno está sacando settlers y workers o soldados (y les doy la comida mínima para que no crezcan).
                                Cuando un dedo señala la luna, los tontos miran el dedo. (del Mayo francés)

