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[PBEM] Succession Game #3: Random

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  • #76
    250 A.D.

    (I will play (most likely) only 10 turns tonight as I do not have a great deal of time to devote.)

    Started Walls at Besh, besh is close enogh to enemy territory that I am nervous having unprotected archers protecting the population.

    Started Settler in Turfan so we can exploit corn, Sugar, and Iron north of Turfan. It would be a shame if someone got to it first.
    Attached Files


    • #77
      275 A.D. (continued)

      Started roads to connect Ning to our empire, and to a pig farm west of Karak.

      The city walls are complete in Besh, now building our army with a new Keshik unit.

      Karak finishes a library, now working on Keshik.

      We are still running -3 gold but I will let that go for a while longer. Karak now has 4 angry workers, and this is a real problem as the productivity of Karak is being stifled! I plan to work on the Calendar at first opportunity se we can start taking advantage of the happy resourses throughout our region.

      Ning builds Keshik, now starting walls. And the buildup continues...
      Attached Files


      • #78
        400 A.D.

        This year we started work on a pig farm to the west and a horse ranch to the north-east. Life is good, but the people grow weary. We need spices, dyes, sugar!

        Christianity was founded in a distant land.

        We finally researched Mathematics, and we really NEED Calendar, so of course that was not an option. We must be satisfied with Construction and that delightful catapult contraption.
        Attached Files


        • #79
          450-500 A.D.

          Besh builds yet another Keshic and starts yet another! Building roads to resorces we hope to someday use (if we ever get calendar )

          Ning (hsia) builds a granary and has now started on...(wait for it)............................................... .................. .................................................. .................................................. a Keshik! (How did you guess? )

          Slowly, our military prepares for the conquest of Peter to the west and north. Our empire has a few problems (still running a deficit and we really could use a few luxuries) but we are strong! We will prevail!
          Attached Files


          • #80
            The Future Awaits...

            Ready for you Quinalla!
            Attached Files


            • #81
              Great work, John!

              Looks like we're about ready for a war

              Yeah unhappiness is annoying in the capitol.. does construction allow colloseums?

              BTW in that last screen shot you have some resources shaded out while the free ones remain normal color- what is the hotkey to enable that?


              • #82
                540 - Kara trains Kashik, starts on an Archer. -4g per turn now as we are over our free units. Send worker to connect to iron by Besh, other workers continue improvements.

                560 - Peter proposes open borders and is refused after I finish laughing. Besh trains Keshik and starts another.

                580 - Turfan trains a settler and starts on an archer. Settler heads to the iron/corn area. I turn science down to 80% as we can still get construction in 4 turns and ugrade our chariots to prepare for war.

                600 - Kara finishes archer, starts another. Ning finished walls and starts on an archer. Iron is connected and taken as a good omen to declare war. We send 8 Kashiks to attack St. Pete.
                Attached Files
                Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


                • #83
                  620 - Besh finishes Kashik and I start an axeman to coinside closely with construction to be able to build a catapult. Peter tries to send 2 archers from Moscow, but they are easily handled.
                  Attached Files
                  Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


                  • #84
                    620 (cont) - Old Sarai is founded and starts a library. St. Pete has 2 archers and 2 warriors with 65% defense. We will lose some units, but our treasurey needs that anyway. We attack and lose 3 units and destroy all 4 of theirs.
                    Attached Files
                    Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


                    • #85
                      640 - Units are promoted and start healing and preparing for the next assualt.

                      660 - We learn construction and start on sailing as that leads to calendar. Turfan and Ning both train archers and start on libraries. Hinduism spreads to Ning on its own and I destroy a scout to ease our financial burden.

                      An exploring Kashik sees 6 archers in Moscow, definitely going to wait for a catapult to attack.
                      Attached Files
                      Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


                      • #86
                        680 - Besh finishes the axeman and starts on a catapult.

                        700 - Kara finishes an archer and starts on a colessium for much needed happiness.

                        720 - Finished researching Sailing and start on the much desired Calendar. Besh finishes the catapult and starts a colleseum. St. Pete finially stops revolting and begins a library. Taoism is founded in a distant land.

                        740 - Troops move into position.

                        760 - Bombard to 51%

                        780 - Bombard to 42%

                        800 - Our treasurey is hurting, so I attack with the catapult for the collateral damage and it hits all but one of the 7 archers and withdraws. I attack with the axemen and keshiks and they are down to 2 archers and we still have 5 kashiks and the cat. The next leader should be able to destroy the remaining defenses.

                        We are now running at -9 gold, but I think we should keep it there until we learn calendar and then probably head for banking as soon as we can to get the cash flowing.
                        Attached Files
                        Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


                        • #87
                          Here is the save...
                          Attached Files
                          Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


                          • #88
                            Excellent work, quinalla!

                            St. Petersburg is finally ours and the Russian capitol is crippled! Control of this continent is our destiny!

                            Cado, it's all yours!


                            • #89
                              Got it. Reports to come...


                              • #90
                                820 - Well, even with our financial problems, we are the 2nd wealthiest...go figure...

                                ...and continued our attack on their Capital. One more archer down.

