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[PBEM] Succession Game #3: Random

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  • #91
    840 - Captured Moscow!


    • #92
      860 - Starting to shift our economy to internal matters. Starting on building a Navy to see what else is in the water.


      • #93
        880 - 900 : Not much happening. Buliding a Galley in Turfan and a Settler in Besh. I think we can get 2 more cities on here. Not much can be done about or economic problems right now. Researching Currency to help stablize us.


        • #94
          Woohoo, the pesky Russians are gone!


          • #95
            920 - Peace reigns across our lands. Started Cottage bulding projects to help bring in more gold.

            940 - Still working. Off in the distance a wolf howls...

            960 - Building Plantations.

            980 - Finish Galley. Sent galley to the south to check out the small island there.

            1000 - Nothing much happening. Watching treasury dwindle. Waiting for currency then switch to 50% science and build courthouses and is the plan at least.


            • #96
              Is it 10 or 15 turns?...I wonder...I think it is 15. If I am mistaken, please tell me...
              Last edited by Cado; November 6, 2005, 13:35.


              • #97
                Yeah we're still on 15


                • #98
                  1010 - 1020: Not much happening...

                  1030 - Discovered Currency! Started Code of Laws. Started building Markets in every city. Decreased science to 60% to stop losing Gold. We have to increase our economy unfortunatly, at the expense of science for the next few turns.


                  • #99
                    1040 - Building Markets still going on. runing at only a +1 but at least we are not losing cash.

                    1050 - Founded New Sarai on southern unclamed land. All the land, that we know of, is under our control.


                    • Here is what we look like now...

                      and the save...
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Cado; November 6, 2005, 15:46.


                      • Nice run Cado, glad you started some naval units and got our economy going better.
                        Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


                        • Cool, so much has changed since my turn!
                          You got rid of Peter sooner than i expected (im glad i didnt have to lead the war; i always make the mistake to attack only half-heartedly).

                          I dont think i will finish my turns today, but start anyway and see what i can do.


                          • The war was pretty simple with the forces everyone built up toward it It didn't hurt that Peter had nothing better than archers either.
                            Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


                            • I wont be posting a report for each turn, as most turns consist entirely of worker movement and city management.

                              1050: Changed the production of a few cities which would need 30+ turns for their market and because i wanted some additional workers. While we have quite alot of them already, some of the cities are underdeveloped and there are so many special resources with jungle on them.

                              I like this view of our resources:

                              1080: We discovered code of laws. I change some of the productions to courthouses and choose to research monotheism (it only takes us two turns, because its so old).
                              Caste system seems usefull to me, so i start a revolution and our nation falls into anarchy.

                              1090: St. Petersburg has 2 Merchants now, which would also be possible with a market, but the city is quite low on hammers. Just now i realized that we didnt get a great person yet, thats very unusual i think. Well, the next governor should get a great merchant or a great scientist.

                              1110: Monotheism done; i switch to Philosophy so we can get Pacifism for the 100% GPP.

                              The following turns passed quietly, this i our Capitol at 1200:
                              Attached Files


                              • Good work, HarvestTime!

                                Wow it took that screenshot right there for me to realize just how rich of a continent we have! I've never seen such a nice area in my single player games so far!

                                The only major thing I notice we're missing is marble

                                What we got:

                                4 fish
                                2 clam
                                3 pig
                                3 corn
                                1 sheep
                                5 dye !
                                4 spices !
                                5 silk !
                                3 incense

                                1 stone
                                1 copper
                                2 iron
                                2 horse

