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  • What's after pottery for us? Will we FINALLY research bronze working or something? We're going to get stomped on by the first chariot who wanders by.

    BTW the 2 pop civ probably has BW and is slaving something.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • The 2 POP civ is probably not playing..
      I can't imagine any ratio behind it..

      After Pottery Writing is plannend, and after that BW..
      I suggest we stay that course.


      • Yes, please stay the course. BW after writing and pottery.
        Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
        "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


        • Do we have hunting? We'd get stomped by the first chariot with or without BW if not...I trust in these guys to take the fastest course as even when I've prioritized BW in our previous "who can have the best start" competitions, they both beat me to it by going through writing and cottaging up first. It really works best to put it off unless you urgently need the whips/chops, especially in a scenario like this one where we've got so much maintenance to deal with :/


          • We do have hunting.


            • It's always a little gamble in the begining. A fast start is important to grab certain wonders, to be first to gain tech bonuses etc. and we can be sure that many of the other teams are gambling too. By gambling I mean neglecting defense and going for fast development. We can't be sure who are neighbors are, but early war is a very risky buisness, we need to secure peace through diplomacy, reason/bluff whatever. But until we see no real danger we should assume that our neighbours are going for development too (otherwise, if we would slow down and later found that our neighbours got ahead we would be hard pressed to go offensive)


              • Bellerophon has found signs of an other tribe!

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                no contact yet, they can't see us. Question wheteher we want them to spot us. also I'm not quite sure who they are..too many civs with yellow banner. (90% they are the Inca or could be Holy rome maybe). assuming that's their capital the distance between our capitals is 18 tiles.
                Need input what to do in this situation

                To the west the lion has approached Apollo, let's hope it will attack.

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ID:	9093849

                Aurora has grown to pop2 ad working on the lake for one turn (calculated that missing one food from not working a flood plain will not slow down growing at all, and 2 extra gold is good for now). Next tun our gold mine will be ready. Switched production to barrack, it shoul be ready in 9-10 turns then we will finish two warriors fast.


                • I also think they are the Inca; the nr 2 in the score..

                  INCA STATS:

                  ISABELLA of INCA (CIVFORUMDE) The Germans

                  *** Leader:
                  * Traits: SPI and EXP

                  *** CIV:
                  * Starting techs: Mysticism and Agriculture

                  * UU: Quecha

                  * UB: Terrace (Granary with culture !)

                  *** OVERALL CONCLUSION:
                  * Strong points: Quecha rush, double production speed of Terrace

                  * Weak points:

                  * Remarks on leader / civ combination:

                  *** EXPECTED STRATEGY

                  * Warmongerer?: -- YES
                  * REX? : ------------ YES, Terrace helps and EXP too
                  * Tech?: ------------ NORMAL
                  * Trader?: ---------- NORMAL
                  * Builder?: ---------- YES
                  * Early religion?: -- MAYBE
                  * Sea?: ------------- NO


                  • ** Given these stats (expected war mongerer) it may be wise to build our 4th city swiftly: build settlers back to back..
                    so we have the horses available soon.

                    ** Our nr 1 score may inspire them into militairy plans if they see us..
                    so it may be wise to let Bellerophon turn around.

                    ** On the other hand, no one has more soldiers then we do.. and a science bonus would be nice too..

                    WHO IS OUR CHIEF DIPLOMAT??


                    • One other thing: IF we decide to retreat: we have to make sure that we move before Ares (Inca) does..


                      • benefit of contacting:
                        -we could spend our espionage points
                        -we could get extra informtion of them
                        -we could make diplomatic agreements
                        -possible science bonus

                        cons: they can spy on us
                        they may prepare an invasion against us.

                        all in all I think we should make contact.

                        I wouldn't worry about an invasion becaue: the distance is very big, they have a second city, they must know that maintenance is high and quechua rush is bit too late at this point anyway. i say we follow our way focusing on science and watch their military rating carefully. we should have enough time to react even to a chariot rush. we just need to scout the land between us to catch any invasion attempt.


                        • Ok, but then we may have to start planning a fifth city in the hills to block them off.. set a border and have early warning.. The spot 1 N of the middle vineyard may be good, if we can reach it first.

                          The moment we make contact we should start border negotiations..
                          (remember DoF: the effect of my early border negotations with you)


                          • A lot to think about. Settlers back to back may be good idea but it would upset our careful plans.

                            I agree it does look like (Inca) I think we probably should make contact but can Belle first explore SW S to see if they could approach us from that direction. Or if we do decide to make contact now then to come back via the southern route.

                            If it is Inca maybe we could get some religion from them if they go for it early.

                            With 5 civs with 2 cities and Inca (if it is them) second in score I wonder is that their second
                            city rather than their capital. If civ capitals are more or less equally spread does that mean we have a civ roughly the same distance to the west or south?
                            On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                            • some info and assumption we can get from scores and stats:

                              Inca has two cities, pop 5 and 2, they found their second city 3 tuns earlier than us.
                              they are one tech behind us, also they have mysticism which they did not used (no early religion founded yet). They did not make a discovery in the last 11 turns which means they are after a big technology, most likely bronzeworking or it could be writing. Once we made contact we can find out more what tech they have (now my guess is that they have wheel +pottery to be able to build their unique building, and mining. they are after BW and it should be ready soon)
                              They have 2-4 warriors, no more (they have bigger pop but we have the biggest soldier rating (shared with some other civ(s)) tough some techs we have, like wheel/mining/hunting also increase this rating. We should look around to check wheter they have horses (I doubt they even have animal husbandry), in ny case i'd say threat level is very low thanks to the big distance.
                              I think the city we found is the capital, otherwise I doubt they would had place their second city one tile off river (there could be an other river there we can't see yet)

                              I suggest Bellerophon move SE and make contact (after Inca has moved) so they would have one less turn to react to our presence . we could start talking about borders, could be quite early though.


                              • Move SW, then S, then approach from a different direction imo. Takes longer, but we throw them off unless they spot us early.

