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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • I just checked my MMW is 1412 AD, I will check the turn when turn rolls over.
    "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


    • Congratulations Sommers!!


      • Based on positive feedback from some of the players in this game, I am considering hosting another diplogame on Fast speed. The game should be over in about 6 - 8 months with no pauses and a brisk timer.

        I have tested our DoB Map on Fast speed and surprisingly, gameplay is still pretty good on Fast speed. I will start a new thread to discuss the possibility. I would use the same Map, with any suggestions/changes you guys come up with. I have already fixed the hole near Greenland that allows early access to the American continents.

        The main thing I need suggestions on is simplifying/streamlining the ruleset. I want to have some protections in there to prevent steamrolling and rage-quitting, but I also want to allow more freedom and flexibility to wage war. I also really want the rules to be a lot less complicated this time. Anyway here is a link to the discussion thread:


        • Originally posted by Persia (DoB) View Post
          If you find that RL stuff is keeping you from doing a good job with your civ, why not get a sub that can take the turns? It is in the rules that you can get a sub on your own, or you can ask Sommer to help you find a sub. That way you do not lose cities/troops simply from lack of presence. If the game takes a toll on your spare time, remember it is only a game.
          I assume, being the avid civver he is, that Gillian should be good to fill in as a temporary sub within a few months.

          Sommers, let us know how her first game goes


          • I would be happy to participate.

            Originally posted by Sommerswerd View Post
            Based on positive feedback from some of the players in this game, I am considering hosting another diplogame on Fast speed. The game should be over in about 6 - 8 months with no pauses and a brisk timer.

            I have tested our DoB Map on Fast speed and surprisingly, gameplay is still pretty good on Fast speed. I will start a new thread to discuss the possibility. I would use the same Map, with any suggestions/changes you guys come up with. I have already fixed the hole near Greenland that allows early access to the American continents.

            The main thing I need suggestions on is simplifying/streamlining the ruleset. I want to have some protections in there to prevent steamrolling and rage-quitting, but I also want to allow more freedom and flexibility to wage war. I also really want the rules to be a lot less complicated this time. Anyway here is a link to the discussion thread:


            • Does the MMW 5 turn countdown go into effect from when Nether refused my MMW terms, from when I offered MMW, or from when Nether requested MMW? My read of rules was that it began at point of refusal.

              It is currently turn 603. I offered my MMW terms last turn (turn 602). Not sure if Nether refused terms at end of turn 602 or start of 603 but I am happy with using turn 602.

              This would still put forced peace at turn 607 though and not 606 if the MMW countdown commences from when I think it does.


              • Originally posted by England (DoB) View Post
                Does the MMW 5 turn countdown go into effect from when Nether refused my MMW terms, from when I offered MMW, or from when Nether requested MMW? My read of rules was that it began at point of refusal.
                That is correct. The 5 turn War clock begins on the turn that the refusal of terms is announced not when the MMW is called or when the Attacker issues terms. Netherlands posted that he called MMW in 1412 which I believe was turn 601 (turns are 2 years long now...Gotta love Marathon). This forces the Defender to actually respond instead of just calling MMW then waiting 5 turns silently, then insta-refusing/demanding peace as soon as you issue your terms.
                Originally posted by England (DoB) View Post
                It is currently turn 603. I offered my MMW terms last turn (turn 602). Not sure if Nether refused terms at end of turn 602 or start of 603 but I am happy with using turn 602.
                Also correct. If Netherlands did not respond until turn 603 then the 5 turn War would end on turn 608. If they responded the same turn you gave terms (turn 602) then the 5 turn clock ends turn 607.

                Originally posted by England (DoB) View Post
                This would still put forced peace at turn 607 though and not 606 if the MMW countdown commences from when I think it does.
                Correct. However looking at the story thread, I see these two statements by Netherlands:
                Originally posted by Netherlands (DoB) View Post
                If England asks for Netherlands cities without compensation, we refuse, let the war continue 5 more turns and be then be done.
                Originally posted by Netherlands (DoB) View Post
                your terms are essentially for us to give up 2 cities for free, which we already rejected. Your terms are rejected and war must end on turn 606.
                What it appears Netherlands was trying to do, is preemtively reject the terms they expected you to make in order to have the 5 turn War clock start immediately. This is not allowed. The Defender must wait for the Attacker to actually give terms before they can refuse them. So assuming Netherlands rejected the terms the same turn they were issued (the rejection was roughly 3 or 4 hours after the terms) then the War clock ends on turn 607 not 606.


                • Any chance we can shorten the timer to say 13-14hrs.


                  • I'd like to keep timer as is. One day per turn is pretty good in my book.


                    • Current timer works best for Persia.


                      • Timer works well right now as is for China

                        AND congrats for coming out of the ashes Apolyton !


                        • long fog of war!


                          • Glad we are back up.

                            I will try to get a new thread done tommorow.


                            • Pitboss crashed. Ottoman save was corrupted so I had to use the Greece save to restart.


                              • Welcome back Apolyton.

