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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]
Originally posted by Sommerswerd View PostAll you can do is offer the Peace Treaty in 5 turns or accept when he offers it in 5 turns. Did you already offer the peace treaty in-game?La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors
Originally posted by Spain (DoB) View PostIt should be 1 or 2 more turns (I am uncertain - will check in game) before I will offer the Peace Treaty. But he has units that are directly blocking some tiles that are under my control, and I find it very annoying if I have to let those units stand there in peace while I wait for him to return - regardless of whether he is busy. If the case is that all I can do is wait, I ask that we make some amendment to the rules so that we empower players with the opportunity to attack units inside their own cultural borders while waiting for a MIA player to return when it comes to the use of Measured War rules. It's going to be very unfair if I have to wait 10-14 turns for his return (if he stays away for the entire period and then logs in again the 20th turn) to remove those units as it holds my entire game plan up.
Originally posted by Sommerswerd View PostYou don't have to refrain from attacking if he fails to login and accept the Peace Treaty. You only break rules if you refuse to offer it and refuse to accept it when offered.
Does that apply to cities as well?La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors
Originally posted by Japan (DoB) View PostAs was I. I think 500 gold compensation for all booted out is only fair..."In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy
Offer of Peace Treaty sent in-game to Portugal 5 turns after Terms have been given.
Terms made public: AD1360/T575
Peace Treaty offered in-game followed by public post: AD1370-T580
Just as a head up that I would not vote for stories which lay on untruths. Fiction is one, lying is second and writing stories how the Portuguese citizens celebrate their "moving" in Valencia is just weird. How they were moved? What is the connection with the game itself? Razed cities and their citizens just disappear. Or the citizens of St.Julien coming willingly to join Persia? How is this possible after you attack the city and capture it with force? Fiction is OK, but it either must be presented from interesting way and point of view, or must be somewhat connected with the reality.
Not to mention what is my opinion on those who break their words. Not once but some of them few times.
How you vote is up to you. That is your prerogative.
It is stated in the OP that lies and propaganda is part of the game. Get used to people telling lies and bending the truth about you... and don't take it personal. I am not writing to hurt your feelings, and I believe that nobody else are out to hurt your feelings either. I suggest talking with Sommerswerd if you have grievances, perhaps he can be of assistance on the matter?
Grievance? I have no such, nor I am complaining. Just missing the whole point here, which is to enjoy story-telling and enhanced gameplay, not limited to the usual "I will take what I can because I can". How to destroy my enemies I know well, which Spain can confirm by losing more than half of its cities to me in a single turn.
Hi guys
Gentle reminder to try to keep the arguing (about what is going on in the game) IC and in the Story thread. Just as an example, Portugal's last two posts could have easily have been done in story form. Especially the one yesterday... Everything except for the very first sentence could have gone into the story thread. Not a big deal, I know how fun OOC arguments and debates are (as everyone knows).
New story thread coming soon. Cast your votes for last month (if you haven't already). With all the action going on this should make for some very interesting packs of li... ahem, I mean propaga... hehe, I mean TOTALLY ACCURATE AND SAINT-LIKE HONEST stories.