Hi everybody,
Some of the players in DoB have expressed interest in starting a new diplogame on a faster speed. So I am considering hosting another diplogame on Fast speed. Hopefully, the game should be over in about 6 - 8 months with no pauses and a brisk timer. To keep the "Do" theme, I am going with the working title "Diaspora of Afroasiatics" or just "Asiatics" in the spirit of including more African and Asian Civs instead of a packed Europe (I welcome suggestions on the name

I have tested our DoB Map on Fast speed and surprisingly, gameplay is still pretty good on Fast speed. So I would use the same Map, with any suggestions/changes you guys come up with. I have already fixed the hole near Greenland that allows early access to the American continents. We would also obviously need to decrease the resources in Europe if there are only a couple European Civs instead of 9.
The main thing I need suggestions on is simplifying/streamlining the ruleset. I want to have some protections in there to prevent steamrolling and rage-quitting, but I also want to allow more freedom and flexibility to wage war. I also really want the rules to be a lot less complicated this time. Ideally, I want to be able to leave the ruleset as-is, without needing to make any changes or adjustments (which raised some tensions in the current game). So with this as the goal, it is important that the rules are simple to understand.
Another idea I had was to make all workers "hidden nationality" units. This would make it even more interesting with worker steals, because with Explorers you would not be able to tell who stole the workers. Also, you would be able to steal workers with regular units without declaring War... another Cold War option that would make the game interesting and give lots of storytelling opportunities.
So I don't forget, I also wanted to mention the possibility of playing with "No Razing" turned on, to avoid the ruleset complications from city razing.
The last idea I was considering was adding the APT mod to the DoB mod so that turnorder would be automatically managed by the game itself. A bunch of the current rules are designed to deal with the lack of set turnorder. So I would like feedback from people playing in the current ISDG, or who have used APT mod in other games, particularly, anyone who has hosted a game running APT.
Here is a link to the currently running diplogame so you can see the rules, map, etc: http://apolyton.net/showthread.php/1...ization-Thread
Thanks everyone for your comments
