This is the Organization Thread for the Diplo Game "Domination of Barbarians" (DoB)
- Thanks to Robert Plomp for letting me use his "Do" Series theme, as well as all his additional help.

For the story thread click
The Game is up. The IP is:
EVERYONE must PM me the password for your Anonymous ID, and the password you will use for your Civ. Once I get the PM from you, I will PM the password for the game to your Anonymous ID. EDIT: I no longer need your Anonymous password unless you need to leave the game.
Turn Trackers:
Civstats (Cs) Link:
Play Your Turn (PYT) Link:
Civstats password: DoB
CFC Backup Thread
Here is a thread on Civfanatics forums to check on game status if Apolyton is ever having technical difficulties:
Remember if Apolyton is down you will not be able to access this page so bookmark this link for future reference.
Shorthand List for ALL Players! (Especially New Diplogame Players) READ READ READ this if you dont read anything else!!!
There are a few very important things to know about the game, even if you dont feel like reading all the rules etc, right away. Note that these are not... I repeat ARE NOT the official rules of the game. This is just a quick shorthand to give you a little familiarity of what to expect.
1. This is a Diplogame - You win the game with Diploscore. All the players vote every month on who gets the most Diploscore points. Points are based on how entertaining your Story posts are, how well you roleplay, and overall, how good of a Diplogame player you are. Conquering everyone is probably not the best way to increase your Diploscore.
2. There is No Wartime Turnorder, and therefore no pauses for turnorder, or reloads for doublemoves. Plan and play accordingly.
3. This is a Diplogame - You cant elimminate other players, and the rules are designed to make it hard to conquer people, so read the official rules before going to war
4. You can't take people's Capitals in the beginning
5. This is a Diplogame - Lies and Propaganda are part of the game. Get used to people telling lies and bending the truth about you... and don't take it personal.
6. THE BARBARIANS ARE STRONG AND WILL DESTROY YOU. Do not neglect your Military. You need at least 3 or 4 Archers per city to fend off the Barbarians. This is not a joke or exageration. You will die. The Barbs are coming for you. This is "Domination of Barbarians." Be ready. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
7. The Map of the Game is available for Download so you can view it. (Post #4 of this Thread)Download it, View it. Plan ahead.
8. You can capture cities on the first turn of War, but then you have to wait for the other guy to login to capture more. If he never logs in you can't take anymore cities.
General Info
The purpose of this thread is to discuss all organizational aspects of this game. For in-character story or diplomacy posts please use the Story Threads.
This is our "UN" thread or "OOC" thread. Here there is no need for roleplaying and no points are awarded for posts here. We discuss all administrative matters related to the game, as well as personal matters. "The game crashed" "Its my birthday tommorow," "I think the Ottomans broke rule 2.6" "I wish pauses were allowed," "This game has dumb rules," "France made a great story post", "Im maxing out my points for that player" etc.
Domination of Barbarians is a diplomacy game played in Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword (v3.19) (including a special Mod complilation by Sommerswerd, which includes the "Next War" mod, the "No Score" mod and the "Double ship Movement in Ocean" Mod - by OzzyKP, among other things.
The players try to rule their empires like they are real. Role playing and story telling is an important way to achieve this.
For more information visit the Diplogame FAQ by OzzyKP
In the following posts (because I don't know how to do that cool framing thing Robet Plomp does) you find several sections containing most information regarding this game. (This is a work in progress, keep checking back)
Winning the Game
At the beginning of Each Month, we will vote on the Diploscore winner for the prior month. There is a cool program that we can use to do this, but I don't have it up and running yet, so in the meantime, you can just PM your votes to me from your anonymous IDs, and I will announce the results.
Each Civ has five (5) points to award anyway he sees fit. You can't vote for yourself.
Whoever has the most points when any other victory condition occurs or the Host ends the game wins!
That's it! Easy huh? Wait, you know I have to make it more complicated than that right?
Things to Consider:
1. Making the game fun for everyone, especially you: This is THE MOST IMPORTANT. Does this Civ make you love this game and look forward to playing it? Are they your Knight in shining Armor, or the Villain you love to Hate? Your most trusted Brother-in Arms or the Boogeyman who haunts your dreams but you couldn't imagine the game without? If this Civ just overall is really making the game for you, then give him some points for Pete's sake
2. Great Story-Posts: Also VERY Important. Whether its about the Military exploits, the Barbarian Wars, the Royal family intrigues, The Imperial Family Tree, the latest gossip, the Propaganda, hillarious banter, witty debates, Newspaper Articles, Telegrams, Theatrical Performances, Stirring musical scores, Soaring speeches, etc... The point is, do you look forward to it? When you see a post by this Civ do you say, "Yes! These are always great! I'm interested in what this guy wrote"?
Note that Quantity does not always equal Quality. Don't give points JUST because someone posts alot. If you never read what they post because its too long or too boring or too irrelevant to what is going on in the game, then you might not give points. If their posts put you to sleep and make you eyes glaze over (like this one is starting to
) then give your points to someone who posts less but posts exciting stuff.
3. Role Playing: This is an important part of Diplogaming. Does the person stay in character and really sell the role he is playing? Does he stay in character, even when he is sending a PM? Does he keep the OOC stuff out of the Story Thread like he is supposed to and leave the IC stuff out of the Organization/UN Thread? Do his IG civics and Religion reflect the IC role he is portraying? Does he do things that sometimes don't make sense from a pure MP perspective, but are great for the storyline of the game? Betryal, backstabbing, lying, trickery, rescuing a Civ in danger just for the hell of it... Doing unpredictable and exciting things should receive high marks. Does he treat the "people" of his Civ like they are real persons and not just 'zeros and ones' in a computer? In short, does he really make you believe he is the one true King of France, or Czarina of Russia, or Sultan of Arabia?
4. Diplogame Spirit: Does the player seem to capture the spirit of what Diplogaming is about, or is he just trying to win the game in a pure MP way? Pure MP style play, to just defeat, dominate and elimminate or marginalize everyone... Constantly arguing over the rules and always trying to find some loophole or weakness in the rules... Breaking rules or constantly testing the limits in order to take advantage of is not deserving of points. Reward the players who play with a Diplogame Spirit, not players who grasp for every advantage regardless of cost or the effect on the morale of the game.
5. Reliable Presence: Finally, an often overlooked element of play is the players reliability. This is kind of like the "No Tardies" award in grammar school, but it is still very important to the functioning of a game like this. Does the player play their turns in a timely manner? Do they make themselves available to sub for others, and find subs when they are away? Do they accept the administrator's rulings and allow the game to progress smoothly (this could also be part of category #4)? Does the player answer PMs and respond to messages directed his way on the Story Thread? Does he read and respond to the UN thread? In General is he always around? Is he posting, communicating, participating, rather than just playing his turn every once in a while and logging out? Players who are playing, reliably and consistently make the game so much better for everyone else, even if they are not superstar storytellers. These players are the foundation of the game and they deserve points.
- Thanks to Robert Plomp for letting me use his "Do" Series theme, as well as all his additional help.

For the story thread click
The Game is up. The IP is:
EVERYONE must PM me the password for your Anonymous ID, and the password you will use for your Civ. Once I get the PM from you, I will PM the password for the game to your Anonymous ID. EDIT: I no longer need your Anonymous password unless you need to leave the game.
Turn Trackers:
Civstats (Cs) Link:
Play Your Turn (PYT) Link:
Civstats password: DoB
CFC Backup Thread
Here is a thread on Civfanatics forums to check on game status if Apolyton is ever having technical difficulties:
Remember if Apolyton is down you will not be able to access this page so bookmark this link for future reference.
Shorthand List for ALL Players! (Especially New Diplogame Players) READ READ READ this if you dont read anything else!!!
There are a few very important things to know about the game, even if you dont feel like reading all the rules etc, right away. Note that these are not... I repeat ARE NOT the official rules of the game. This is just a quick shorthand to give you a little familiarity of what to expect.
1. This is a Diplogame - You win the game with Diploscore. All the players vote every month on who gets the most Diploscore points. Points are based on how entertaining your Story posts are, how well you roleplay, and overall, how good of a Diplogame player you are. Conquering everyone is probably not the best way to increase your Diploscore.
2. There is No Wartime Turnorder, and therefore no pauses for turnorder, or reloads for doublemoves. Plan and play accordingly.
3. This is a Diplogame - You cant elimminate other players, and the rules are designed to make it hard to conquer people, so read the official rules before going to war
4. You can't take people's Capitals in the beginning
5. This is a Diplogame - Lies and Propaganda are part of the game. Get used to people telling lies and bending the truth about you... and don't take it personal.
6. THE BARBARIANS ARE STRONG AND WILL DESTROY YOU. Do not neglect your Military. You need at least 3 or 4 Archers per city to fend off the Barbarians. This is not a joke or exageration. You will die. The Barbs are coming for you. This is "Domination of Barbarians." Be ready. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
7. The Map of the Game is available for Download so you can view it. (Post #4 of this Thread)Download it, View it. Plan ahead.
8. You can capture cities on the first turn of War, but then you have to wait for the other guy to login to capture more. If he never logs in you can't take anymore cities.
General Info
The purpose of this thread is to discuss all organizational aspects of this game. For in-character story or diplomacy posts please use the Story Threads.
This is our "UN" thread or "OOC" thread. Here there is no need for roleplaying and no points are awarded for posts here. We discuss all administrative matters related to the game, as well as personal matters. "The game crashed" "Its my birthday tommorow," "I think the Ottomans broke rule 2.6" "I wish pauses were allowed," "This game has dumb rules," "France made a great story post", "Im maxing out my points for that player" etc.
Domination of Barbarians is a diplomacy game played in Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword (v3.19) (including a special Mod complilation by Sommerswerd, which includes the "Next War" mod, the "No Score" mod and the "Double ship Movement in Ocean" Mod - by OzzyKP, among other things.
The players try to rule their empires like they are real. Role playing and story telling is an important way to achieve this.
For more information visit the Diplogame FAQ by OzzyKP
In the following posts (because I don't know how to do that cool framing thing Robet Plomp does) you find several sections containing most information regarding this game. (This is a work in progress, keep checking back)
Winning the Game
At the beginning of Each Month, we will vote on the Diploscore winner for the prior month. There is a cool program that we can use to do this, but I don't have it up and running yet, so in the meantime, you can just PM your votes to me from your anonymous IDs, and I will announce the results.
Each Civ has five (5) points to award anyway he sees fit. You can't vote for yourself.
Whoever has the most points when any other victory condition occurs or the Host ends the game wins!
That's it! Easy huh? Wait, you know I have to make it more complicated than that right?

Things to Consider:
1. Making the game fun for everyone, especially you: This is THE MOST IMPORTANT. Does this Civ make you love this game and look forward to playing it? Are they your Knight in shining Armor, or the Villain you love to Hate? Your most trusted Brother-in Arms or the Boogeyman who haunts your dreams but you couldn't imagine the game without? If this Civ just overall is really making the game for you, then give him some points for Pete's sake

2. Great Story-Posts: Also VERY Important. Whether its about the Military exploits, the Barbarian Wars, the Royal family intrigues, The Imperial Family Tree, the latest gossip, the Propaganda, hillarious banter, witty debates, Newspaper Articles, Telegrams, Theatrical Performances, Stirring musical scores, Soaring speeches, etc... The point is, do you look forward to it? When you see a post by this Civ do you say, "Yes! These are always great! I'm interested in what this guy wrote"?
Note that Quantity does not always equal Quality. Don't give points JUST because someone posts alot. If you never read what they post because its too long or too boring or too irrelevant to what is going on in the game, then you might not give points. If their posts put you to sleep and make you eyes glaze over (like this one is starting to

3. Role Playing: This is an important part of Diplogaming. Does the person stay in character and really sell the role he is playing? Does he stay in character, even when he is sending a PM? Does he keep the OOC stuff out of the Story Thread like he is supposed to and leave the IC stuff out of the Organization/UN Thread? Do his IG civics and Religion reflect the IC role he is portraying? Does he do things that sometimes don't make sense from a pure MP perspective, but are great for the storyline of the game? Betryal, backstabbing, lying, trickery, rescuing a Civ in danger just for the hell of it... Doing unpredictable and exciting things should receive high marks. Does he treat the "people" of his Civ like they are real persons and not just 'zeros and ones' in a computer? In short, does he really make you believe he is the one true King of France, or Czarina of Russia, or Sultan of Arabia?
4. Diplogame Spirit: Does the player seem to capture the spirit of what Diplogaming is about, or is he just trying to win the game in a pure MP way? Pure MP style play, to just defeat, dominate and elimminate or marginalize everyone... Constantly arguing over the rules and always trying to find some loophole or weakness in the rules... Breaking rules or constantly testing the limits in order to take advantage of is not deserving of points. Reward the players who play with a Diplogame Spirit, not players who grasp for every advantage regardless of cost or the effect on the morale of the game.
5. Reliable Presence: Finally, an often overlooked element of play is the players reliability. This is kind of like the "No Tardies" award in grammar school, but it is still very important to the functioning of a game like this. Does the player play their turns in a timely manner? Do they make themselves available to sub for others, and find subs when they are away? Do they accept the administrator's rulings and allow the game to progress smoothly (this could also be part of category #4)? Does the player answer PMs and respond to messages directed his way on the Story Thread? Does he read and respond to the UN thread? In General is he always around? Is he posting, communicating, participating, rather than just playing his turn every once in a while and logging out? Players who are playing, reliably and consistently make the game so much better for everyone else, even if they are not superstar storytellers. These players are the foundation of the game and they deserve points.