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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • I've sent lengthy posts to Calanthian and Toni detailing what the ACE has been up to. Paswords too. Toni has the password for the Vikings (doe) account, but I do not know the Germany (doe) account password so Calanthian will have to get that from Robert.

    Enjoy your new digs guys. I'll play France until he gets back from vacation. After that, enjoy the rest of the game guys.

    If I post here from now on it will be as my normal nickname here: Rhothaerill.


    • See


      • Originally posted by Vikings (DoE) View Post
        I've sent lengthy posts to Calanthian and Toni detailing what the ACE has been up to. Paswords too. Toni has the password for the Vikings (doe) account, but I do not know the Germany (doe) account password so Calanthian will have to get that from Robert.

        Enjoy your new digs guys. I'll play France until he gets back from vacation. After that, enjoy the rest of the game guys.

        If I post here from now on it will be as my normal nickname here: Rhothaerill.
        Thanks for your involvement! Sorry you got turned off of diplo.
        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


        • Originally posted by OzzyKP View Post
          Let that be the arrangement. Calanthian takes Neandor and Russia takes Athens. Do it!
          Originally posted by Calanthian View Post
          Russia (DoE) and me made a package deal concerning WPC/G&H and DoE with the result that both games get going again..
          Last edited by Inca (DoE); October 15, 2011, 23:21. Reason: (sparta)


          • Be afraid. Be very afraid.
            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


            • Thanks Rhothaerill, for the intro and the password. Hope to see you then in another type of civ game..

              * I couldn't connect to the game. I wanted to take a look around in my new home... I guess the game is down?

              * Can we establish the exact conditions under which DoE will be continued?
              1) All alliances, deals etc. null and void?
              2) What to do with current upgrade and tech arrangements? Both sides of the conflict are completely inter-dependent countries..
              3) How to make sure that we really form new alliances and come up with new strategies?
              4) How many turns will there be universal peace, 30?
              5) Proposal: Perhaps we can design 3 or 4 alliances beforehand? Discuss them and make them public..


              • Originally posted by OzzyKP View Post
                Thanks for your involvement! Sorry you got turned off of diplo.
                It's okay. I tried out the game. I've since come to realize it's not my type of game. Nothing more than that, and not a reflection on the players here. I'd game with you again, just not in a diplogame format.


                • Wild idea:
                  perhaps we could divide all players into World War II type alliances? This will also greatly fuel story telling and diplos..

                  * Communists
                  * Right Wing Totalitarians / Fascists
                  * Democrats

                  Only rules:
                  * you may not declare war on someone within your own faction
                  * subbing only within your own faction.
                  Last edited by Calanthian; October 16, 2011, 00:26.


                  • Ally with the FRENCH!?!
                    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                    • Sounds great. Whatever... like I've said again paraphrasing Ozzy (ever and ever more loosely)...

                      Pimps Up... Hoes Down.
                      Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                      • Originally posted by Calanthian View Post
                        Well after a lot of hesitation, I am prepared to take Neandor..
                        (even if that means I could get kicked around a second time)..

                        Russia (DoE) and me made a package deal concerning WPC/G&H and DoE with the result that both games get going again..
                        Yep, fantastic news! So, we are full crew and ready to go?

                        We just need to agree on the technical details - I think 30 turns universal NAP will be good to give the world time to prepare, renegotiate, rearrange deals, reshape politics, etc. (with the exclusion to the universal NAP being the war against the China AI - I will join from the north and China will be no more in few turns, then divided or just the cities to be gifted in-game to avoid destruction and further loss of soldiers). Also Zulu I suggest to be divided equally between Mali and Israel by gifting cities and gifting/erasing any soldiers, so the capitol can be conquered.

                        I dont particular like going to extremes with the alliances with reshaping absolutely everything - after all, the game was fairly balanced the way it was and it have so much tradition and history embedded in everything this game was so far. Now with all those revelations and all said, our alliance will suffer greatly anyway as of everyone is considering me an evil mastermind and I will have hard time finding support in anything. Plus, there are mixed armies/economics/tactic with few nations and will be hard and farce to try to split and pretend those nations were never allies.

                        The way I see it, after so much debates and so many and strong points that independent nations just did not worked in this game, and the strong bi-polarizing which occurred in this game, and the impending titanic clash of the two super-blocks, I think it will be most realistic and most intuitive we to continue this bi-polar model, just to try and leverage it a bit better, as here are lot of voices that say it is unfairly unbalanced the way it is.

                        Here I will point the obvious and very strong ties between nations, in which those respective nations invested a lot and which I think will be unnatural and perverted we to try and cut artificially:


                        So, we have 4 blocks so far.

                        "Independent" nations:

                        We can call them Communists and Democrats or Fascists (great idea, Calanthian) - to strengthen the role-playing aspect and the real-life reference. But I think 2 blocks is the way to go. 3 blocks will again end up in 2 blocks opposing each-other, just they will be largely unbalanced. With 3 blocks, the first to attack, will face the resistance of the other 2. Or if 2 blocks can come to a deal to attack the third, it will be again too unbalanced - 2 vs 1 on this large scale isnt fun.

                        Neandor-France-Viking and Arabia-India blocks go together like a horse and carriage Democrats or Fascists you guys choose to be called? (I think Fascists is more appropriate, as they were called trough the whole game as The Axis, and their mainstay was/is the Neandors/Germany.

                        Russia-Turkey and Inca-England were already in alliance and also they stay good on the map - divided in two on two continents. Communists.

                        So, we have to distribute the other nations somewhat to balance the blocks.

                        I want to hear ideas of you guys, but I think Japan and India will never work together, so Japan goes to the Communists.

                        Mongolia goes to the Axis to balance the things and to make sure almost whole China land/resources joins the previously supposedly weaker Axis block

                        America (USA) and the Natives goes to the Axis too to balance the Americas - basically South America is to the Communist, while north goes to the Fascists/Democrats Axis

                        Mali becomes Communists - he was supporting us and we had supported him trough the most of the time (and a lot of countries in RL Africa was Communist)

                        Israel joins the Axis - they were with the Axis at some point and there is bad blood between Israel and Turkey (maybe with Russia too )

                        So at the end, the two super-alliances will look like this:

                        Axis (fascists or democrats):


                        Thats 8 vs 6 and those 8 include most of the land/resources of China.

                        We had to check the math behind this - Score-wise, Army-wise, land-wise but I think the sums will be pretty evenly matched, if not in the Axis advantage.

                        This is only idea, but I think it is highly doable and intuitive

                        What you guys say?
                        Last edited by Russia (DoE); October 16, 2011, 01:49.


                        • Three way competition is much more flexible, unpredictable and open for a lot more paths to victory then a two way slug match..

                          Although we might swap some civs in my list..
                          e.g. make sure that Ottomans are communist too..


                          • Apparently I had some problems registering at the WPC forum, but it was solved.


                            • Sweet, even better, so obviously, this means that I can immediately log in as China and take over for them right?
                              Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                              • Revised proposal:

                                And considering China: that would be your communist brothers who have fallen into disarray.. (e.g. let them be AI..)

