Vikings income came from at least two other nations sending gold to them.
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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]
You guys calling me a p&ssy?
Remember though, I just received a fairly big army from the Vikings, so I do have a rather decent military at the moment. But, yeah, not much production capability, so you're probably right in that I belong somewhere at the bottomWith regards to alliances, I'll roll with whatever the majority wants, but I am leaning more towards just letting things go on without enforced alliances, because I think that the freedom to do weird stuff is fun. Then again, I'm sure I'll enjoy myself whatever happens
CHINA PARTITION----------------------------------------------------
This is already happening, but just to make sure everyone is comfortable with it. Vote on whether you think it is appropriate for China to remain AI and have Japan, India, Mongolia, Russia, et al divide them up and eliminate them militarily.
ZULU PARTITION----------------------------------------------------
Someone logs in as the Zulu and gifts cities and units evenly between Israel and the Mali.
All alliance options assumes there is no Zulu or China. Even if people don't like the partition, they will still be AI and non-factors in the game. When voting for alliances and for peace options, please vote yes or no for each option, and then also indicate a preference for one. A winning option needs to have a majority accepting that option (voting yes) and a plurality preferring it.
ALLIANCE OPTION 1----------------------------------------------------
Axis (fascists):
Communists (or democrats):
ALLIANCE OPTION 2----------------------------------------------------
Fascist Alliance:
Communist Alliance:
Russia-Native America-Ottomans-Mongolia-Mali
Democrat Alliance:
ALLIANCE OPTION 3----------------------------------------------------
The game continues organically from here with no enforced alliances.
This is my preference.
ENFORCED PEACE OPTION 1----------------------------------------------------
30 turn global non-aggression pact (not including China or Zulu).
This is my preference.
ENFORCED PEACE OPTION 2----------------------------------------------------
20 turn global non-aggression pact (not including China or Zulu).
ENFORCED PEACE OPTION 3----------------------------------------------------
10 turn global non-aggression pact (not including China or Zulu).
ENFORCED PEACE OPTION 4----------------------------------------------------
No non-aggression pact. Continue as normal.
NoLast edited by America (DoE); October 16, 2011, 17:33.So I go, and do what I can ~ Dwight 'Diplo' Eisenhower
Thanks for the flattering, but I take it just as flattering, not a real argument
India has no infantries, that's the Arabian army
Arabia have - how much? 10? - cities and India have 5-6 - drafting 5 rifles each nation each turn and using your income for upgrades can give you 30 infantries in 3 turns! WTF? I have 40 right now! Not that if need be I cant double them in 2-3 turns, but come on - you are not as bad as you describe yourself.
Me being 100 and England being 40 is funny too. (or again the Arabian specialty of disunity in action?)
And yes, you are most probably right - we will never gonna agree. For now - thanks for the compliments. Also - I like challenges. The more challenging the fight, the more rewarding the win.
the problem is that the Axis now is relatively strong, but they lack in science. They will have hard time to get airforce, tanks, mechinf.. if ever.It is Russia who have Ministry of the Propaganda and counter- espionage.
This is not propaganda.. I know what i'm talking about, but you don't really. Me drafting 30 inf? have you checked my cities? I have one above pop6 and that's my capital.. and if I draft 30 then you 300. I'm making as much money as you? it's because you are not doing right.. but what if you start doing it.. you must feel that it's not normal that you do about the same as Arabia.
ok, here goes my votes (India)
China partition
Zulu Partition
Alliance Option 3
Enforced Peace option 4
Discussing alliance distribution is futile as we will never agree on what is fair, and if we do, it is likely that a nation may end up in an alliance they do not want to be in which may have all kinds of unexpected and unbalanced results.
Just a few comments on my own situation: Count me out when it comes to strength in alliance balancing if we do end up with that option (to me it sounds very unnatural and illogical). India is a nation that has spent everything on war against 2 superior enemies in two extremely costly wars.Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst
Let us speak plainly, "balance" is irrelevant. "Fairness" is irrelevant. The whole point of this is to preserve the game and restore the "fun" to those who claim that it has left the game. Turkey will fight to the death, no matter the odds, no matter the challenge, and it will always be fun for me. So I don't care how many allies I have or don't have or what the so-called "balance" is. I think Russia is the same way. So dont worry about making it balanced for me.
We MUST structure the alliance so there is an obvious lopsided bias in favor of the ones who will complain and be crybabies if they don't have a big advantage. Everyone knows that's Axis so just stack the deck in their favor and be done with it. I am dead serious. We are never going to agree on balance. The only way the Axis players won't quit is if they have an indisputable advantage. So what I suggest is put America, Inca, England and Japan on Democrats... put Russia, Turkey, and Mali as Communists... and put the rest on Axis, and lets go. That way Axis has Combustion, plenty of oil, and an overwhelming advantage, so there can't be anymore complaining. Plus, even with all that they will still get thrashed because they suck
Russia already won, this is for fun, so let's just have fun... I mean I was always having fun, but we need to put the most meat on the team where people feel like they have to be winning to have fun. Seriously... does any non Axis object to this?Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times
Ottomans, you aren't helping the game move on past wounded feelings. Please cut it with the attitude. Let's find a good 5 on 5 on 5 split we can make and go forward with the game.Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Sorry Ozzy, I came on a little strongsorry to those i called crybabies. That was mean.
Let me get to the bottom line. It's not about wounded feelings, its about making it fun new start for everybody. I think that the following players will accept any alignment whatsoever, including, just start the game back up, no rules, no NAP, just Gogogogo (correct me if I'm wrong).
Ottoman, Russia, America, Japan, Mali, Natives, England, Mongolia, Inca, Israel and I daresay France (in his absence, because I know he is a Warrior).
The only players who REALLY want forced realignment are Arabia, India, Vikings and Germany. All the realignment talk by others is an accommodation for these 4. That is the truth.
So what I propose is for you 4 to just come up with the alignment YOU think is fair, and make all the rules you want going forward. Then we start the game.Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times
I think an absolute fair 5vs5vs5 distribution cant be arranged, as there are 4 superpowers and they cant be fit in 3 teams without unbalance. Turkey is right that we just need we have to somewhat agree to a distribution at some point and let the game start.
About am I doing it right or wrong - it does not matter really, as what I did in this game was at the top of my abilities anyway. Yes, I put all of what I can in what Russia is.
Originally posted by Ottoman Empire (DoE) View PostSorry Ozzy, I came on a little strongsorry to those i called crybabies. That was mean.
Let me get to the bottom line. It's not about wounded feelings, its about making it fun new start for everybody. I think that the following players will accept any alignment whatsoever, including, just start the game back up, no rules, no NAP, just Gogogogo (correct me if I'm wrong).
Ottoman, Russia, America, Japan, Mali, Natives, England, Mongolia, Inca, Israel and I daresay France (in his absence, because I know he is a Warrior).
The only players who REALLY want forced realignment are Arabia, India, Vikings and Germany. All the realignment talk by others is an accommodation for these 4. That is the truth.
So what I propose is for you 4 to just come up with the alignment YOU think is fair, and make all the rules you want going forward. Then we start the game.
Thanks.Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Oh I have a New fun Idea! Russia is right that there are really 4 superpowers. Russia, England, Inca, and Neandor.
What if we have a nice High School/ Primary School style pick your team/ draft? This is how it would work.
The #1 Team -Russia would get to pick one ally, but they cant pick any other Superpowers (England, Inca, Neandor).
Then #2 Team - England picks, then #3-Inca, then #4- Neandor.
Then, #4 Neandor picks again, then #3 Inca, then #2 England then #1 Russia. Then we do the same, Neandor first, then Inca, then England, then Russia.
Finally, for the last round Russia goes first, then England, then Inca, and finally Neandor. Then the game starts.
The rules are that there is NO TRADING OUTSIDE YOUR ALLIANCE. No units, no resources, no money, no cities, no nothing, not even OB, so the alliances are truly meaningful. There is a 10 turn NAP (or no NAP). There is a 30 turn, forced alignment period, after that, all forced alliances are over, and civs can form new alliances, and trade with whoever they want.
Let everyone say what they think of this.
@ Ozzy - "Hush"? Excuse Me? Uh No thanks... Mom. I apologized to you. Drop it. ThanksMexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times