Ok folks! Today's the day we kick this puppy off. I finished the map and sent it to CS. Now we just wait for him to host the game.
login location: plomp.eu:2062
no password needed.
Black Knight 427
St Jon - switched to dacole
The Priest
Game settings:
- Players: 8
- Normal Barbarians
- Huts
- Random Events
- 21h turn timer (effectively 24h)
- The first 100 turns of the game will be played with an 12h timer
- The first turn will last for 48 hours
Game rules:
1. Anonymous play (all players will receive an anonymous apolyton account, like "England (NH)" which they will use for diplomacy (post and PM) and story telling (posts). The players behind the civs won't (immediately) be revealed. When players login to the game they must write down an anonymous name to keep their true identity hidden. The logins will change hands when the civs change hands. There fore it is good to conduct diplomacy via PMs since your replacement will be able to read those to figure out past deals and arrangements.
It is not allowed to reveal anybodies anonymous identity or to speak about these identities in private or public. During the game people may get more and more clues, but still keep their mouth shut.
2. When rules are being broken the game will be reloaded. The host can reload immediately when a breaking of a rule is obvious. If it's not obvious to everyone the game will be paused (again) and conflict handling will be effectuated.
3. Civilizations that are at war or want to declare war have to observe the turn order which is set the turn before the war starts.
Thus: no double moves during wartime or when declaring war. Players are free to agree on a new turn order if all involved parties agree and this new turn order is published in the organization thread and all involved parties publish their agreement there as well. Every player gets at most 24h to make his war moves. The host will pause the game if the turn is about to advance in 1 hour while any player involved in the war did not have a chance to play his turn. When 24h have past the player just missed his turn. If the 2nd player in the turn order misses his turn he'll be first in the turn order from that moment on.
4. There is no tech trading.
4a. Furthermore, it is not allowed to have an "espionage buddy" for the purpose of stealing each other's techs cheaply.
5. City trades are allowed. Receiving a city back that you traded away in the past 50 turns is NOT allowed, unless requested in the org thread and nobody objects for ooc reasons within 48h.
6. No permanent vassalage (capitulation). The vassal must obey the terms made in a vassalage deal unless it's been freed (by a 3rd nation or by the master, or if the master doesn't live up to the terms). This rule is in place to find a way to get vassalages lasting longer then 10 turns without being forced to remain a vassal by game mechanics.
7. When 51% of the players for ooc-reasons think that a war should end then it must end. This to avoid that civs will be crippled too much by a war. The terms of the end of war are in such a case: immediate peace for 50 turns. It is advised for both parties to agree on the best possible terms for peace before this happens.
Such an end of war must be organized in the org thread. (ie. players must announce their opinion regarding the end of a war in the org thread).
Reasons for such an end-of-war vote are only OOC! Not IG (like: my ally is losing this important city) (check dictionary of terms for the meaning of 'measured war')
8. When the game has started rules can only be changed if 66% of the players agree.
9. A neutral third party not playing in the game will control which civs switch players. For simplicities' sake the civs will switch on the first of every month. The third party non-player will map out ahead of time which civs will swap rulers.
10. All players shall play to the best of their ability no matter what civ or situation they find themselves in. No player shall try to sabotage any civ they are in control of.
Diplo Score Mechanism:
After every month all players are invited to rate other players in three categories: role playing, game attitude of all other players, and military accomplishment. Each player will have 20 points to distribute among the other players in each category. The maximum points that can be assigned per player is 5, the minimum is 1. All 20 points must be used for each category each month.
The 3 categories:
- Role playing
Story telling / role playing is about how a player tells the story of his civilization. Handles his characters, shows the relation between story and in-game actions, explains the behavior of his civ, includes graphics and images, is able to entertain it's readers, etc. This includes all diplomacy, both public (letters in the story thread) and hidden diplomacy (behind the scenes in secret communications by ie. PM)
- Game Attitude
Game attitude is about the attitude a player has for this game. Does he try to make the game fun for everyone, does he try to help others, does he stay away from conflicts or is he trying to be cooperative when conflicts arise, is he willing to help weak players in the game, does he vote in time, does he play his turns, is he not spamming the story thread, does he try to help the game by reporting era changes, bring solutions for problems, etc. It's a combination of both in-game and out of character behavior.
- Military Achievement
War is fun! But we can't conquer whole nations, so military success will be rewarded via this voting category. Success on the battlefield will be rewarded here, great strategic and tactical moves, building a large, fearsome army should get high votes. Those who turtle and avoid war at all costs should get high marks in diplomacy and perhaps attitude, but very low scores in military.
1 = very bad
2 = bad
3 = neutral (= default if no educated rating can be made)
4 = good
5 = excellent
These ratings will be added to each other per month and per civ. The game master (that neutral third party) will keep track of which players are playing which civs. At the end of the game the rating points will be assigned to the correct players. Victory will be decided based on total points. Points awarded in role playing, attitude, and military achievement will be added up straight.
The player who achieves in-game victory (be it cultural, space race, diplomatic, etc) will be awarded a bonus 20 points to be added to the total from the voting. In-game score will NOT be a part of the final victory score.
Every civ casts his ratings in the first week of the month.
If a civ fails to cast his votes 4 points per category will be subtracted.
Players will rate OOC! Not based on IG situations!
Thus the player of China may be at war with the player of Russia but still gives him a 5 rating b/c of the way his enemy plays this war! Players rate based on reasons, not on score positions. (no political rating).
The ratings will remain anonymous till the game is over.
It's up to the players to showcase their achievements to gain good ratings.
login location: plomp.eu:2062
no password needed.
Black Knight 427
St Jon - switched to dacole
The Priest
Game settings:
- Players: 8
- Normal Barbarians
- Huts
- Random Events
- 21h turn timer (effectively 24h)
- The first 100 turns of the game will be played with an 12h timer
- The first turn will last for 48 hours
Game rules:
1. Anonymous play (all players will receive an anonymous apolyton account, like "England (NH)" which they will use for diplomacy (post and PM) and story telling (posts). The players behind the civs won't (immediately) be revealed. When players login to the game they must write down an anonymous name to keep their true identity hidden. The logins will change hands when the civs change hands. There fore it is good to conduct diplomacy via PMs since your replacement will be able to read those to figure out past deals and arrangements.
It is not allowed to reveal anybodies anonymous identity or to speak about these identities in private or public. During the game people may get more and more clues, but still keep their mouth shut.
2. When rules are being broken the game will be reloaded. The host can reload immediately when a breaking of a rule is obvious. If it's not obvious to everyone the game will be paused (again) and conflict handling will be effectuated.
3. Civilizations that are at war or want to declare war have to observe the turn order which is set the turn before the war starts.
Thus: no double moves during wartime or when declaring war. Players are free to agree on a new turn order if all involved parties agree and this new turn order is published in the organization thread and all involved parties publish their agreement there as well. Every player gets at most 24h to make his war moves. The host will pause the game if the turn is about to advance in 1 hour while any player involved in the war did not have a chance to play his turn. When 24h have past the player just missed his turn. If the 2nd player in the turn order misses his turn he'll be first in the turn order from that moment on.
4. There is no tech trading.
4a. Furthermore, it is not allowed to have an "espionage buddy" for the purpose of stealing each other's techs cheaply.
5. City trades are allowed. Receiving a city back that you traded away in the past 50 turns is NOT allowed, unless requested in the org thread and nobody objects for ooc reasons within 48h.
6. No permanent vassalage (capitulation). The vassal must obey the terms made in a vassalage deal unless it's been freed (by a 3rd nation or by the master, or if the master doesn't live up to the terms). This rule is in place to find a way to get vassalages lasting longer then 10 turns without being forced to remain a vassal by game mechanics.
7. When 51% of the players for ooc-reasons think that a war should end then it must end. This to avoid that civs will be crippled too much by a war. The terms of the end of war are in such a case: immediate peace for 50 turns. It is advised for both parties to agree on the best possible terms for peace before this happens.
Such an end of war must be organized in the org thread. (ie. players must announce their opinion regarding the end of a war in the org thread).
Reasons for such an end-of-war vote are only OOC! Not IG (like: my ally is losing this important city) (check dictionary of terms for the meaning of 'measured war')
8. When the game has started rules can only be changed if 66% of the players agree.
9. A neutral third party not playing in the game will control which civs switch players. For simplicities' sake the civs will switch on the first of every month. The third party non-player will map out ahead of time which civs will swap rulers.
10. All players shall play to the best of their ability no matter what civ or situation they find themselves in. No player shall try to sabotage any civ they are in control of.
Diplo Score Mechanism:
After every month all players are invited to rate other players in three categories: role playing, game attitude of all other players, and military accomplishment. Each player will have 20 points to distribute among the other players in each category. The maximum points that can be assigned per player is 5, the minimum is 1. All 20 points must be used for each category each month.
The 3 categories:
- Role playing
Story telling / role playing is about how a player tells the story of his civilization. Handles his characters, shows the relation between story and in-game actions, explains the behavior of his civ, includes graphics and images, is able to entertain it's readers, etc. This includes all diplomacy, both public (letters in the story thread) and hidden diplomacy (behind the scenes in secret communications by ie. PM)
- Game Attitude
Game attitude is about the attitude a player has for this game. Does he try to make the game fun for everyone, does he try to help others, does he stay away from conflicts or is he trying to be cooperative when conflicts arise, is he willing to help weak players in the game, does he vote in time, does he play his turns, is he not spamming the story thread, does he try to help the game by reporting era changes, bring solutions for problems, etc. It's a combination of both in-game and out of character behavior.
- Military Achievement
War is fun! But we can't conquer whole nations, so military success will be rewarded via this voting category. Success on the battlefield will be rewarded here, great strategic and tactical moves, building a large, fearsome army should get high votes. Those who turtle and avoid war at all costs should get high marks in diplomacy and perhaps attitude, but very low scores in military.
1 = very bad
2 = bad
3 = neutral (= default if no educated rating can be made)
4 = good
5 = excellent
These ratings will be added to each other per month and per civ. The game master (that neutral third party) will keep track of which players are playing which civs. At the end of the game the rating points will be assigned to the correct players. Victory will be decided based on total points. Points awarded in role playing, attitude, and military achievement will be added up straight.
The player who achieves in-game victory (be it cultural, space race, diplomatic, etc) will be awarded a bonus 20 points to be added to the total from the voting. In-game score will NOT be a part of the final victory score.
Every civ casts his ratings in the first week of the month.
If a civ fails to cast his votes 4 points per category will be subtracted.
Players will rate OOC! Not based on IG situations!
Thus the player of China may be at war with the player of Russia but still gives him a 5 rating b/c of the way his enemy plays this war! Players rate based on reasons, not on score positions. (no political rating).
The ratings will remain anonymous till the game is over.
It's up to the players to showcase their achievements to gain good ratings.