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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt2 - October 2009]

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  • Theodosius read the proclamation from Hor-Aha of Egypt, and spat forth a mouthful of finest Antiochene wine.

    "Athenasius, Athenasius!" he shouted calling his secretary. "The words of Hor-Aha, they fit the prophecy, the ancient prophecy about the Lord's Mountain. I'm sure of it".

    Soon the priests were gathered and the prophecy read out:

    In the last days
    the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established
    as chief among the mountains;
    it will be raised above the hills,
    and all nations will stream to it.

    Many peoples will come and say,
    "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD,
    to the house of the God of Jacob.
    He will teach us his ways,
    so that we may walk in his paths."
    The law will go out from Zion,
    the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

    He will judge between the nations
    and will settle disputes for many peoples.
    They will beat their swords into plowshares
    and their spears into pruning hooks.
    Nation will not take up sword against nation,
    nor will they train for war anymore.
    All eyes turned to the priest of the ancient church of Constaninople. He paused "We have never known the location of this fabled city, this Zion or Jerusalem. Maybe it is the city Boniface captured. A place of war, of barbarians, transformed by an act of kindness of one nation to another, into the place of peace". He nodded "May it be so!".

    Theodosius immediately sent messengers to Aha-Hor bringing him the news.
    Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


    • As the days and weeks went by things slowly began to get to normal. Persian troops still
      marched back to their own lands and Britannian forces moved north to take the place of
      the Persians.

      Marcus was old and with the lose of his Espada he needed someone to take charge of
      what was left of the military. He assigned his youngest son Alexander II.

      Marcus was in no shape to continue to lead Britannia so he passed his power to his
      eldest son William Zi Britannia. With the blessing of god William became the first Emperor
      of The Holy Empire of Britannia.

      The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


      • Friends, Neighbours and The Rest,

        Tawantin Suyu sings the praises of Pharaoh Hor-Aha and the Glorious Egyptian Empire. Friendship City is a true and pure monument to everlasting peace upon our continent and a delegation of Guaranga Camayoc will depart shortly to gaze upon its' wonders. The High Council have petitioned that over one half of the Quechua Army should be disbanded if this endeavour should prove a success.

        Strange rumours have been heard regarding an alien and vile 'Hairee' creature that murders babies and violates maidens in the years of their innocence. Quechua know nothing of such disgusting rites and Wiraqocha would be repulsed were his children to offer such gifts unto him. If these tales be true then this beast is unwelcome within Tawantin Suyu in any of his manifestations. Let someone speak truly that this monster does not exist for our children sleep anxiously in their beds for fear of such a thing.

        Mani Acila,
        Speaker, Tawantin Suyu High Council
        Suwasqa wasi hina simiyoq


        • The role of King was always selected by the Governors of the Provinces. Unlike other nations who passed it down through the bloodline. Sometimes the Governors would appoint a son as king but many times it was an unrelated person.

          So there was no royal family in Korea, and the power of the nation was stil lheld by the governors.

          In the reign of Regus IV, a messenger was sent to the Golden City in Egypt he was decreed to be the representative of all of Greater Korea. It was the governors dream to see much closer ties with a mainlaind nation and Egypt was seen as the most open of them all.

          Petrix Abonus was the first ambassader of Korea in th eGolden City. He wrote home of how the Egyptians treated him so well and that the food was exquisite.

          Petrix was ordered to establish full negotiations with Egypt and any of Egypts friends.


          • Last edited by Inca (DoC); October 25, 2009, 08:50.
            Suwasqa wasi hina simiyoq


            • Rome is sending the Celeres Cohort to attend the festivities at Friendship City. We applaud the initiative of Hor-Aha.

              Aeneas, Rex of Rome
              Sic Vincit Gloria Mundi


              • Mecca Weekly - Barbarian City Razed!

                All of Arabia now celebrates the destruction of the barbarian city.

                The battle was hard fought with the loss of another axe unit and an archer. The victors have burned the barbarian village to the ground and executed all with the exception of the woman and children. They will now pay for their crimes against Arabia with a life of servitude in the iron mines of Medina.

                The adjacent mountain will forever be known as Mnt Asimah in honour of the leader of the female archers that were surrounded in the first battle.

                Meanwhile Arabia has expanded to the south and the west with the founding of Baghdad, New Damascus and Najran.

                Saladin is pleased to announce a close relationship with Greece. Damascus was provided to the Greeks (not so smelly and actually quite attractive in their short smocks) in exchange for good will and as compensation for misinterpreting the border agreeement.

                We have also sent a missionary to Rome to spread the knowledge of Islam. It is hoped that a new temple of knowlege and enlightenment will spread forth from capital of our MAD neighbours to the south.

                Our wandering band of archers in the east have been instructed to make their way to a gathering of civilizations in Friendship city in Egypt ... whose border we have just discovered.


                • Voula in her party dress is also attending the Party in Friendship city.....


                  • Whew, Greece would have all my votes if I were voting.
                    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                    • By which Ozzy once and for all proves that minors should be allowed to vote because their arguments for their votes can only be better then the reasons for adults!
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • Originally posted by Inca (DoC) View Post
                        The people to the south of the Incas unfortuantly do not live for centuries like the great people on the main land. mustbe something to do with the sea air. The average life span of a Korean is only three score and ten.

                        The world leaders of other nations seem to live for centuries some for millenium.

                        Take note though that despite our younger death age, our country has seen only one civil upset, and that was to remove the slothful despot from eaons ago, Since that time the provinces have grown and the economy of Korea is now at is highest ever.

                        So our dear close nation across the sea. Speak to our ambassader in Egypt if you are there. He lives there fulltime now. Unlike some people who are there only to visit, we repsect the Egyptian offer of a place to meet so highly we have created a postion that is second only to the King himself. and seeing as the king cannot live permanently in Egypt I am sure the Egyptians appreciate our Ambassader being there.


                        • Walking further and further into the great swamp, darkness slowly set
                          upon them so that nothing could be seen a few steps in front of them.
                          But Adoy seemed to know every puddle and root and neatly overstepped
                          them and Catherine followed. After walking for many hours they finally
                          came to a great tree. There the gnome stopped and sat down upon the
                          ground meditating. Slowly, the tree began to creak and moan and in its
                          center a huge crack appeared.

                          -Enter there you must. To the underworld it leads. Walk always in the
                          direction you are now, East. Speak never to those in the air, touch not
                          those on the ground, and for the love of the entire world, DO NOT SPIT
                          INTO THE WIND!!! That last thing, just general good advice, very disgusting
                          it is to do so. Your soul will shine like a pearl in a sea of mud,
                          Hastog will find you, but there are other beings there that do not
                          follow his command and may decide to take a shining pearl for

                          Catherine took a deep breath and entered the tree-cave. The darkness
                          was deafening, but she took one slow step after the other, descending
                          ever further, until the gnome nor the exit could be seen, and only
                          dark mist surrounded her. For what felt like days she walked in the
                          lands between worlds, sensing many things, yet unable to know if they
                          were truly there. At last she saw an open plain, dry as the
                          deserts filled with sharp and spiky bristles, she made her way
                          forward, straying not. -I should really have a machine to tell me what
                          direction is which she thought to herself. I'll have someone invent it
                          when I come back.

                          As she walked onwards, a screech was heard, and as she looked up a
                          stone statue stared at her.

                          -Speak, what are you doing in these lands? It is not yet your time
                          to reign here!

                          Catherine was about to retort, when she saw that the statue stood not
                          upon the ground, but a foot above it. She remembered the words of the
                          gnome and did not answer.
                          -Answer me! It howled.

                          But Catherine pressed on and walked forwards. Suddenly she felt a grip
                          upon her shoulders, as if a giant bird had seized her, and she was
                          lifted into the air. The statue had sprung to life and now carried her
                          higher and higher.
                          Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                          The Russian Dynasty:
                          Samo the Headbanded
                          Catherine the Progenitor
                          Dominika Ekatarinova
                          (Konya the Lost)
                          Igor Exilaskaya


                          • Heeding the words of the gnome, Catherine could not speak to the demon, but she took her quill and scrawled upon its cloak: Set me down or Hastog will destroy you!
                            The demon saw what she had written and quickly landed. Catherine then wrote:
                            Take me East, to Hastog.

                            The demon stared at her, then replied:
                            East is the domain of others, I do not venture there usually. But I must travel in that direction, for something unique has occurred there.

                            Taking off again, the demon carried Catherine East until they reached a large hill. As they came closer, Catherine realized that it was not a hill of dirt or sand, but of dead men. The demon circled down and dropped her, bemoaning itself, saying:
                            -Curses upon damnations!! Who left all these dead here!!??? I'll be
                            working for months to clear this mess up!! YOU!! YOU MADE THIS... THIS MESS!!!

                            Catherine stared bewildered at the demon.

                            -These are the dead you have caused, those whose strings of life have been cut short due to your actions, past, present and future! And I have to clean it up!!! I need a drink before I get started...
                            The demon vanished and left Catherine alone with the mountain of death.

                            Stunned by the pile of slain she had caused Catherine covered her face. Uncertain of how to react, she saw no other option than to compose herself, and she began to walk eastwards. The voices of the dead whispered to her as she stepped between their bones to make her way to the path. Some begged for blessings, others cried curses, some requested that she touch them to remind them of the warmth of life. Catherine ignored them for the gnome had told her to touch nothing of the ground. She continued East for several hours.

                            pic borrowed without permission from GIS (C) Ted Nasmith
                            Last edited by Russia (DoC); October 25, 2009, 19:57.
                            Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                            The Russian Dynasty:
                            Samo the Headbanded
                            Catherine the Progenitor
                            Dominika Ekatarinova
                            (Konya the Lost)
                            Igor Exilaskaya


                            • As she walked onwards se saw in the distance a small cloud of dust upon the horizon. A low rumbling could be heard, and as she walked it grew louder and closer, until
                              the ground shook. And as it came ever closer at a storming speed, she could make out a figure rising above the clouded dust. A man, upon a crimson chariot, drawn by 12 horses, each with two heads and eight legs. And upon the Chariot of Blood, stood Hastog, Fat and Hairy. Catherine waited as he dismounted, then demanded:

                              Why have you called me to the Underworld she asked?

                              To give you an heir! BWUAHAHAHAHA!!!

                              Hastog and Catherine then consummated their long bethrothal. It was said that in many places the earth shook and mountains spewed fire, it was that awesome. Afterwards Hastog then took Catherine upon his chariot and they journeyed to a small circle of green trees. The only green trees she had seen in the Underworld stood around a small puddle of black water. Hastog lifted her from the chariot and then told her that she must jump into the green puddle.

                              But there is no green puddle... she started when
                              Hastog dropped her into the dark water. She could hear his buffawing
                              laughter dim as she sank deeper in the puddle that seemed to go on
                              forever. As Catherine swam to the surface, climbing out, she saw that
                              she was in another place, a small tranquil forest. There she saw a
                              small girl sleeping and many more puddles. Deciding it was time to get
                              home, she found a green puddle and waded into it and she suddenly sank as if it was deep like the ocean. After again swimming to the surface she found herself on the shore of a small lake next to a river that she knew well. The Volga. Catherine returned home and meditated long about her experiences. She then told them to Igor the Venerable scribe who penned them.
                              Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                              The Russian Dynasty:
                              Samo the Headbanded
                              Catherine the Progenitor
                              Dominika Ekatarinova
                              (Konya the Lost)
                              Igor Exilaskaya


                              • The Ottoman Empire wishes to alert the world of the following;

                                Our founding leader, Mehmed has passed peacefully in his sleep. His eldest son, Bayezid, will rule the Ottoman Empire going forth.

                                Mehmed was a peaceful ruler, who avoided any bloodshed and settled his disputes diplomaticaly. Although peaceful, he knew the importance of a military, which he used to deter an early Persian invasion, and leaves behind a dynamic and powerful military to his successor. He will also be remembered for his acceptance of foreign culture and religion, and has set a precedent for Ottoman tolerance towards others.

                                The new ruler of the Ottoman Empire, Bayezid, will follow in his father's footsteps and has already set the following goals for himself in the early days of his rule;

                                - Continued focus on the building of a powerful military
                                - Expansion to the North West of the capital
                                - Improved relations and cooperation with our neighbours, Russa, The Holy Empire of Brittania, and Persia

                                We will be holding a memorial period for the next year and invite delegates and missionaries from foreign lands to come and pay their respects.

