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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt2 - October 2009]

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  • Mecca Weekly - Saladin Lowers His Sword

    After weeks of debate and calls of peace, pleas to mediate and even offers of support from nations on this flat earth, Saladin decided that the advent of war at this time would be foolish. He has called for his troops to stand down and the resumption of temple building to celebrate the one true God.

    Our court contacts have learned though that relations between Brittania and Arabia remain strained. Saladin will always eye Brittania (he says it with a drop of spittle propelled when vocalizing BRITT!-ania), with a cautious eye. They should not expect us to sit at the trade table again, says one advisor, unless Williem makes an "offering of some sort to compensate for their former trading trickery."


    • Letter from Ottomania
      Guru Far'Az slowly read
      the letter he had received
      From Ottomania.

      It asked for a continental union.
      Mutual agreements.
      And for Persia to take lead,
      to unite the Hastogianists.
      Far'Az smiled
      It was a clear recognition
      of Persian leadership
      Far'Az was proud to be
      this great ruler of Persia!
      He was the true personification
      of Hastog on Earth!
      The right of the strongest
      Far'Az knew about the weak
      The weak nations who cringed together
      Makings pacts
      and scientific agreements.

      Far'Az knew how the scared
      tried to comfort each other.
      Hiding behind each other.
      Setting out paths and plans.

      But Hastog's Continent should not be like that!
      Hastog's Continent is for the Strong!
      Hastog's Con is for the Proud!
      Has' Con is for the Brave!
      Hascon is the throne of Hastog!
      Therefore Far'Az spread the message
      To the Ottomans
      And to the Russians
      And to the Britannians

      "We on Hascon
      Are not like the weak!

      The strongest will survive.
      No place for weakness.
      Be strong!

      When outsiders invade
      We will show them
      That Hastogianism is the strongest!
      Persia will send support
      To all Hascon nations
      That face alien armies.

      Persia will not battle Hasconians
      Unless Persia is under attack.

      Persia will trade it's resources
      With Hasconians first!
      Persia will trade it's technologies
      With Hasconians first!

      But it'll always remain Persia's single goal
      to bring all nations
      Under the doom of Hastog!
      This should be the goal of all of Hascon!

      Grow strong!
      Grow large!
      Fight for land!
      Show courage!
      Show power!
      Show strength!
      Tremble the weak.
      Step on the puny.
      Kill the innocents.
      It will make Hastog proud of you!

      We will not be united in tech paths
      We will be united in Hastog!"
      Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
      <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


      • The Citadel of Sha'Tao

        Listen to High priest Naveen:

        Faithfull followers of Tao from all over the world, Behold the new palace of the God, the centre of the Taoist church, the Sha'Tao Citadel. This will be the meeting place for taoist religious leaders from all nations who are already following the true path and also the instrument to spread Tao to those who are hesitant yet. Now you shall wittness the power of Sha'tur: build temples and monasteries all over your land and you will be rewarded with his blessings.

        For the opening ceremony everyone is invited who are already faithfull or just want to know more about the teachings of Tao.

        A famous indian musician, Ranjit, will perform at the ceremony. He is the founder of the first music academy in Bombay and also the one who invented a way to record music compositions in written forms.


        • An heir is born to Russia

          In the Year of Hastog 125 BC, Catherine gave birth to a child, an heiress to the Russian Princessdom. The father was unknown for Catherine had not married, nor did she have a known consort, therefore it was said that the child was fathered by Hastog himself, Emperor of the Underworld, where Catherine had travelled 9 months prior.

          The child was named Dominika, for she would soon rule Russia and place all its lands under Hastogian Dominion. She was raised with the Persian girl delegation sent in the year 120BC, educated in the same way, to read, write, catalogue library cards, and the tenets of Hastogianism. She quickly grew to become a forceful young woman and a powerful figure in Russian nobility. So fierce was her temperament, and so wild was her flaming red hair, that only Hastog himself could be her father.

          Catherine was proud, the first in a long line of rulers of Russia, now had ensured that her blood would rule Russia for generations to come.
          Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
          The Russian Dynasty:
          Samo the Headbanded
          Catherine the Progenitor
          Dominika Ekatarinova
          (Konya the Lost)
          Igor Exilaskaya


          • Indian chronicles

            After finishing the construction of the Sha'Tao citadel ((Apostolic Palace)) the clergy moved there and left the Parthenon to the Royal family which they have shared before.
            Indian pioneers feel ready to finally conquer the big jungle beyond the hills, the place where our ancestors came from. Soon it will be completely settled and the jungles are being cut down.
            The indian expedition made contact with many civilizations, our traders made lucritive trade routes and they managed to trade our high quality rice for wheat in the English Empire.
            Our religious leaders must be happy that even though Sha'Tao in its organized form is the youngest religion in the world it's already has the most followers. But they are never satisfied...


            • The corpses of the invading hordes from centuries past hung on the western borders were nothing but bones, still a subtle reminder of how Mali treats invaders. yet, the descendants (not ancestors as previously reported) of these invaders decided to try again to overtake the city of Djenne. How they expected to do so with an army of archers is anyone's guess. Volleys of arrows were fired from the hilltop, but the military forces stationed in Djenne were to great. The archers never stood a chance and were too stupid to run away. Add a few more corpses to the western border to remind people not to mess with Mali.
              Last edited by Mali (DoC); October 28, 2009, 09:54. Reason: I'm a dumbass


              • Russia needs slaves!

                To all neighbours of Russia, as part of our great project to colonize new lands and subjugate the jungles of our old lands, Russia would like to offer a trade.
                We will provide 1 Settler in return for 2 Workers. Any who are interested in this deal and can provide the slaves required within 20 turns should contact our traders. We would be willing to make this trade more than once.

                Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                The Russian Dynasty:
                Samo the Headbanded
                Catherine the Progenitor
                Dominika Ekatarinova
                (Konya the Lost)
                Igor Exilaskaya


                • Theodosius was clearly heavily affected by the summit at Friendship City.

                  Here, he was sure, was the destiny of the Byzantine Empire. Had not Byzantium from the beginning always promised trade and prosperity for all? Had Constantine not been about to proclaim a thousand years of peace spurred on by that prophecy that he had found in the ancient church of Constaninople in the days before the assassination of Floros and the Greek Affair.

                  Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and locked and sealed it over him, so that he would deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years were ended.
                  Since then the dragon had indeed been prowling round this earth, causing war and suspicion of war. But, perhaps now, perhaps it was an angel which had led Boniface to the Uzbeks, to create the moment for peace. Perhaps now the dragan would be imprisoned for a thousand years.

                  The Greek affair had come close to poisoning Byzantinium's blood - many had clamoured for war, if not against Greece, then demanding that a strong nation like Byzantium should demonstrate its power through might. But, no, thought Theodosius. That is not Byzantium's destiny.

                  And this, he looked around him at the nations gathered at Friendship City. This is what could be achieved by an act of kindness, the wisdom of Hor-Aha, and the good-will of all.

                  But the highlight of the summit was the friendship he had struck up with Aeneas the King of the Romans. The Byzantines had always had good relations with the Romans - indeed it was Roman intercession which had pursuaded the Council of Chiefs to pull back from punishment attacks on Greece. But now, in person, Theodosius recognised a ruler like himself.

                  Was the ancient name of the Byzantines not Romanoi?
                  Did the ancient pictures in the church of Constantinople not depict two rulers side by side?

                  Was the symbol of Byzantium not a double headed eagle - one looking east one looking west - a picture of Roman and Byzantium together?

                  It was also good to meet Voula in person. Less of a warrior maiden more of a ... well perhaps best not go there, though Theodosius, but it was good that Byzantium and Greece were now co-mingling at will. And of course the strong nations of our world - the Incas and the English - and the distance Arabs whose travellers had long been welcomed in Byzantine lands.

                  But it was Aeneas that Theodosius chose to invite back to Constantinople on the way back from Friendship City. They had much to discuss.
                  Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


                  • The latest reports back from friendship city, the great golden city in Egypt was that yet again poor little Korea had been ignored in the latest round of negotiations.

                    The king received the news and was saddened.


                    • The king listened to his advisors and the governors of the provinces. For the first time in its short history the council was dividied.

                      The Northern Provinces were outraged over the treatment of Korea at the negotiating tables. The Western and southern provinces thought more information was needed. Whislt the Island provicnes were too laid back to worry.

                      Janus Kiris Governor of the Provinces closest to the mainland was angry and fearful, Rejections from the other nations were precursers for war he said, The nations of the world are plotting agaisnt us. We must garner our own army and train hard now. He pressed the other governors hard for agreement

                      In the end the King shook his head and said

                      "this is all a misunderstanding, surely no one out there is planning war agaisnt us. No we will not react to this in your way Janus. We will continue to negotiate."

                      But Janus had other plans for the armies from his province !


                      • The Dream of Ahm'Az*
                        While laying in his bed
                        Ahm'Az couldn't fall asleep.
                        His head ached.
                        Then he suddenly sank
                        into the depths of unawareness

                        "Ahm'Az, I have chosen you"
                        A dark voice echoed in his head
                        Pain marched through his brains
                        "Ahm'Az, Obey me"
                        "Yes Lord Hastog" Ahm'Az said.

                        "Go to Far'Az and kill him!
                        For he has laid shame on Persia"
                        Ahm'Az was terrified for Far'Az,
                        But the terror of Hastog was more.

                        He left his bed, did not waste time
                        to get himself dressed.
                        Then he walked towards the Shrine.
                        The guards blocked him.
                        "I have a message from Hastog"
                        The guards immediately made room,
                        terror in their eyes.

                        Far'Az was sleeping when his door opened.
                        "Far'Az, wake up"
                        "How DARE you speak to me like that!"
                        "I am here to execute you" Ahm'Az said.
                        Terror in Far'Az eyes...

                        Both men walked into the night
                        Far'Az accepted his doom.
                        Prepared to travel to the underworld.

                        While Far'Az was hanging, Hastog's voice
                        was heard in the storm.
                        "You have embarrassed me!"
                        "You have embarrassed Persia!"
                        "You have embarrassed Yourself!"
                        Then there was silence.

                        Ahm'Az, the First Guru of Persia
                        When the Persians waked up
                        They didn't knew about the doom of Far'Az.
                        They had forgotten about Far'Az.
                        Hastog had cleared their memories.
                        Everybody knew nothing but Ahm'Az being
                        their leader. Since the day that Hastog departed.

                        Far'Az had never been.

                        Hastog once more spoke to Ahm'Az at the Oracle:
                        "This shame will be forgotten!
                        Kill all that mention the shame of Far'Az!
                        Declare war on all nations that mention the Shame!
                        Raze their Capital and murder their king!
                        If not now, then in the future!"

                        *Ahm'Az is pronounced as Agm'Az, the Persian 'h' being the famous Arabian hard g
                        Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                        <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                        • To the Greeks,

                          I find the need to share with you that the land you have come to settle on has been agreed by the Roman and English people to be theirs. Rome has laid claim to these lands. Some time ago a deal was made that England can settle one city west from the great channel. Rome has agreed, thus we think of this land as ours now.

                          Greece you again leave empty space behind you just to come so far and snatch land for yourself.

                          I ask respectfully ask that you stay on that hill and build your city there or move 1 tile to the west. Please do not head anymore south.



                          • An Insult To Tawantin Suyu

                            Today the Tawantin Suyu High Council was presented with a demand from the Korzan Government for the fruits of her Men of Learning's knowledge!

                            No exchange was offered - not even Gold - just a demand! Who do these men from over the sea think themselves to be?

                            In Friendship City my mighty Lord Mayta Capac met many great and grand leaders of civilised nations but did express sadness and disappointment at the pitiful nature of the Korzan delegation. Then comes this letter demanding that the arts of fiscal manipulation should be given as though in tribute! All Quechua people are disgusted by this shallow threat and warn Korzan that should this ever be repeated they might expect more than a mere rebuff.

                            Mani Acila, Speaker, Tawantin Suyu High Council
                            Suwasqa wasi hina simiyoq


                            • Dear Clandint,

                              I will settle my city where I want to, it is next to my other city DamasPoli. As you know the habbit of leaving open land very well yourself.... (You've shown it with the settling of your city next to my capitol) we don't.

                              Voula the Great


                              • The origin and history of the Indian Empire and the Sha'Tao
                                as written by a foreign historian in 3920 OD (80 BC)

                                The Indians being one of the oldest civilization who invented writing fortunately have many records about their history. They count year zero from the foundation of Delphi, the current Indian time is 3920 OD.

                                We know little about the history of the Indians before they settled the region of Delphi, only a few tales remained. According to those their ancient homeland was in the so called Black Jungle. There are legends about an ancient "Indian Empire" which existence was around the same time the Indians started to worship Sha'tur as their main God. According to this legend the Indians ruled and enslaved many neighbor barbarian tribes, but eventually these tribes have rebelled, driven away their oppressors. They pursued the Indians from their homeland through the white mountains. The threat of the returning of these ancient "evil" forces have great influence even in today's Taoism.
                                In the ancient times the Indians had worshiped various gods of nature: god of sun, water, earth etc. . It was around 500 BD when Sha'tur became the main God and protector of the Indians. Originaly the God of Night and the Moon, Sha'tur often symbolised as a blue/white dragon and illustrated with bllue-white light/flame.
                                According to the myths Sha'tur has descended from heaven to live among his chosen tribe to protect them from Evil which forthcoming He foretold. It's rumored that that time Sha'tur walked among the mortals but now He slumbers in his sacred chamber and uses all his power for our protection. There is a prophecy thought that one day He might return.. Untill then He only speaks to the high priests in their meditative dreams. These high priest seldom can be seen and there is also a rumor that they are all blessed with exceptionally long life.
                                For a long time Sha'tur was worshipped as the main God, but not the only one. It was around 2500 OD when finally the Shamans forbid the worshipping of the other Gods claiming the all the others just the "different faces" of the same one-the only one.
                                In 3000 OD high priest Kordush finished the writing of the book of Sha'Tao. From this point we count the birth of Tao in its modern, organized form. The book contains all the tales and teachings of the Indian religion and also there are new elements, most notably the will to bring these teachings to every nation of Earth. It's revealed that every soul must follow the path of Tao to avoid the impending darkness and those...

                                -Alright.. alright it will be enough- Zulkash waved to his apprentice- scrap it then find who wrote this and scrap him go!

