![]() | Guru Far'Az read the letters "I'm glad that Catherin'Az and Chen'Az agree on something. It's good that the Hastogian nations are in line. Eventhough this agreement has two layers." Then Far'Az considered both the letters and made the Solomon's Judgement. A letter was sent to both Guru's; "Guru Chen'Az, fat be thy bottom! Guru Catherin'Az, hairy by thy moustache! Thanks for your letters! Thanks for agreeing with each other! The both of you should know That I have never installed these sacrifices of joy. They are a feast initiated by the people. But to honour your requests I will step up and make the feast a formal Hastogian feast! But instead of sacrificing the 10 youngsters The 5 girls will be sent to Russia The 5 boys will be sent to Britannia So we can celebrate this event together! The Hairy in the Hairy way The Fat in the Fat way Do with the boys and the girls as you wish! However you chose to treat them, Do it to Celebrate Hastog! May his fat hair cover the world in darkness! Guru Far'Az |
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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt2 - October 2009]
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Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
<a href = "http://apolyton.net/forums/showpost.php?p=5759340&postcount=49">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>
The Hairy Hastogianist Priestesses of Russia
As written by Scribe Igor the Venerable
Starting from the year 305 BC, Persia annually sent 5 young girls to Russia as part of the Hastogian feast of the Holy Day of Hastogian Mercy. The 5 girls were welcomed by High Priestess Catherine herself and became her handmaidens. Under High Priestess-Princess Catherine, they learned from her wisdom and studied writing, reading, librarianism, diplomacy and the tenets of Hairy Hastogianism.
Every year a new group was sent and they were taken in and given the same training. After a number of years the first 5 reached the age of womanhood. 3 of them choose to marry, while the remaining 2 took up the calling of Hastog, grew their hair long and became priestesses. So it was that the Hairy Hastogianism of Russia became dominated by the Priestesses, following the example of the demi-divine Catherine, High Priestess and Bride to be of Hastog. These young women, generation after generation added to the numbers of Priestessses and became the core of Hastogianism in Russia. Eventually they spread the faith from the elite of Moscow throughout the Russian Princessdom. Though Catherine and the nobles were fiercely dedicated to Hair-Hastogianism, the peasants, the slavs, the foreigners and the rulers of other cities followed other faiths.Last edited by Russia (DoC); October 21, 2009, 06:48.Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
The Russian Dynasty:
Samo the Headbanded
Catherine the Progenitor
Dominika Ekatarinova
(Konya the Lost)
Igor Exilaskaya
The Glory of Byzantium
Byzantium has always stood for one thing - civilisation - peace, prosperty and security. It has pursued friendship with its neighbours, through all the twists and turns of fate, particularly favouring the weak.
Recently, reports came to Theodosius that barbarians - the scourge of civilisation itself - had been sighted north of the Eygptian lands of our dear friend Hor-Aha. The Egyptians are miners, and growers of fine dates. They are not warriors.
Immediately Theodosius despatched Boniface and his charioteers from the northern army to intercept these barbarians to protect the civilisation of the Eyptians from rape and pillage.
They chased down the barbarians - known as Uzbeks - not to huts and villages as one might have imagined, but to a whole city, a city of hate and war, poised to flood the northern Eyptians lands with warriors. The Byzantine charioteers knew their duty, knew that their god called them to defend the weak - whether Eyptians or Byzantine - and even if they ended up copying the example of the Martyr Constantine, they would do their duty.
The battle raged for many days. The superiority of the Byzantine soliders was in no doubt - the equipment, disciple and courage. But there were so many Barbarians - endless hordes of warriors. But finally, the Byzantine troops won the day, the barbarian warriors cut down like heaps of corn.
Taking control of the city Boniface gathered his troops.
"you have fought well, my friends. Today you have proved half of the glory of Byzantium - the might, discipline and bravery of our troops. Now we prove the other half - our mercy, kindness and love of our friends. Today we offer this city to Hor-Aha the Egyptian. This city is rich, the land around it full of cattle and flood plains, but the Eygptians need it more than we do. It will be a great trophy for them. A trophy of our friendship."
The next morning Boniface dispatched a messenger to Hor-Aha
"Your highness. I am Boniface commander of the chariots of the Northern Byzantine army. I bring news. We have recently destroyed large numbers of barbarians on your northern border. They have built a city in rich land. Theodosius King of Byzantium wants to me to hand this city over to you, to be a possession of Egypt for ever. That this may be a mark of Byzantine friendship and a sign of friendship between Egypt and Byzantium for ever. No nation in history has ever given rich land to another willingly. But we the Byzantines make history. We wish to give you this land - to be ever known as Friendship City - the jewel in our friendship."
The charioteers stayed, keeping the city's lands safe, encouraging the barbarian people to embrace civilization, waiting for a response from Hor-Aha.Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων
Hor-Aha's advisor approached him.
"Lord, the Byzantines have taken the barbarian city to the North, the city we were marching our armies too. They now have completely blocked our expansion, limiting us to the three cities we have now. Egypt can no longer grow."
Hor-Aha leaned forward and put his face between his hands. "Send a messenger to the Byzantines, asking for an explanation. And send a messenger to other nations asking if they know of any Byzantine plans against us. And now leave me be."
Some of his advisors thought they saw him shaking, as if he was crying.
Boniface in Friendship City looked shocked at the Egyptian messenger. "but ... but ... we have offered the Eyptians the city."
Theodosius in Constaninople laughed thinking it was a joke, till he saw the Egyptian's face. "What? But we have given you the city! We are your friends! What witchcraft is at work here?"Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων
Hor-Aha received a message from the Byzantines. Immediately he recalled his messengers that he had just sent away, messengers that were en route to ask other countries whether they knew of any Byzantine plans against Egypt. Fortunately the messengers had not yet left Egyptian lands. Hor-Aha, realizing there had been a terrible miscommunication, sat back on his throne and immediately started drafting a letter to the generous Byzantines.Last edited by Egypt (DoC); October 21, 2009, 18:17. Reason: typo's and little bit of extra info for clarity
Memorials from brother Vijay diary:
3700 OD, Adrianople, Byzantium
Almost a year has passed since we have arrived here, this day was just like the rest except now I have found someone who was willing to "listen" my preaching whole day.. and I'm glad even if I can convert only a single soul a day.. well I would have been but as it turned out the man was deaf.. and demented.. apparently He just liked the show..
The rest of the people just ignored us as always.. their belief in that "Christian God" is much stronger than those nature God lover's.
Again I've heard someone saying "Go to Persia, teach those fat stinky demonlovers to your 'tajo' "... we will of course.. we will.. but first thing first.
Our diplomats who were sent ahead made contact with the mighty English kingdom and returned today. Unfortunately the rest of the expedition don't want to "waste" more time here and want to continue their journey. While I and the other missionaries wouldnt give up so easily we have no choice. I'm too old to continue my mission and I want to see the Holy Shrine once more before I die. Also I want to give my report to the high priests personaly. They must know that these are good people, they just need more time and patience to understand the truth of Sha'Tao.
Korzan History The Finale
Records from the ancient times indicate that the Korzan Governors whilst always leading their provinces separatly , met regularly and discussed policy for interaction with the "Over Water" peoples.
The Korzans freely offered all their knowledge to all they met. What perplexed the Korzan governors was how little repsonse they got. They would send messengers to the foriegners speaking of trade, but so few repsonses were returned. Even a no would have been a repsonse like from the Indians, such nice people. But many didnt answer
Eventually the Korzans begun to forget to offer their techs and just figured the over water people did not want to trade with any thing.
The Korzans learnt many new things, new words and even new languages. With the learnings came the change to the the Provincial names and even to ther peoples name for themselves.
The people of Korza now no longer used the letter Z so begun the name Korea.
The Lands of Korea were divided into provinces each led by a Despotic Governor. They all had one enemy and that was the barbarians who sometimnes saled by and invaded their lands.
Far'Az read the message he had received from Cheyn'Az.
Then he ordered the Persian axemen that defended the north-east of Britannia to come home to Persia.
"Those issues between the Fat and the Hairy cause my head to ache" he thought.Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
<a href = "http://apolyton.net/forums/showpost.php?p=5759340&postcount=49">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>
After message was sent to the Indians about the new temple, the temple of Sha'Tao-temis, in Timbuktu, several priests of Tao journeyed across the lands to visit this masterpiece of the world. The priests of the temple shared their food and cots with the visitong priests. The Indians were very impressed with the magnitude of the temple. So much white stone was used and everything glistened in the sun. On the inside there was ample space for all worshippers to come and praise Sha'Tao. The Indian priests also brought gifts to the temple. Before leaving, the Indian priests placed smal gold discs on the alter.
"What's this?" asked the temple priests.
"These are gold coins. We use them in India to trade for items. Workers are paid with these coins instead of with grain and cattle. This currency allows people to get the items they want without having to barter away their belongings."
The temple priests replied, "You are indeed wise people. We remember your generosity and your knowledge. We are indebted to you for this."
After a hearty feast in the Temple of Sha'Tao-temis and a heavy slumber that evening, the Indian priests began their journey back to India with smiles on their faces.
Announcement from high priest Kordush:
Faithfull follovers of the Tao from all over the world!
Thanks to you the church of India is the richest in the world. The Holy Shrine brings us lots of money and now we decided that we shall share these riches with our brothers and sisters in faith. We generously offer the same money we get from the visitors from your cities back to the home country. There is only one thing we ask in return: to help us spread the true faith to those who cant see the light yet. We hope this money will help you to build more temples and incite you to spread the religion amongst your people even more. Our offer stands for the next millenia. As of this moment only the Mali eligible to this gift, we will send them the money from next period. Hopefully others will join us very soon.
((Just to clarify: you must have Tao as the state religion then we will offer you one gold per turn per taoist city you have. By helping us spreading Tao we mean: for every 3 gps/turn you shall provide us a missionary. In other words: untill you provide us the first one the maximum gold we pay per turn is 3 gps. then the maximum is 6 gps/turn and so on. ))
The Koreans were becoming more isolated as the centuries passed. Despite sailing half way round the known world, meeting many civilisations, seeing huge empires and great wonders, the Koreans still lacked the basics.
Communications with the Continent to the north was erratic and sometimes decades passed or even centuries without word from the big ones to the north.
Many sail boats circumnavigated Korea, but despite sending imploring them to visit and spend time on Korean soil, they many different flagged boats jsut sailed past.
Korea had little to offer these big nations. Whatver Korea had they had already, whether it was food, or metals or knowledge.
So Korea built defences, worked the land and remained on their island homes.
First King of Korea.
To the Nations of the Continent.
From: Raoul Dernin
Greetings leaders of the world to the north of Korea.
I wish to invite you to the Coronation of the first King of Korea. The people of Korea have become enlightened and have called upon their leaders to crown a suitable leader in similar fashion to other nations of the world. The Governors of the provinces have gathered together and selected from amongst al lthe people one simply known as Robia, soo nto be King Robia.
This momentus occasion is to happen on the 31st day of this Moon cycle. It will be held in the new Provincial Capital of our latest Settlement on Eastern Isle.
Feel free to come and celbrate with us as we proclaim a national week long holiday in honour of this occasion. The white sandy beaches of Eastern Isle are perfect this time of year so bring the Swimming Costumes and unwind after the coronation.
yours cordially
The Coronation Planner
Raoul Dernin,
King Theodosius of the Byzantine People would be delighted to come to the coronation of Robia as King of Korea. We have met Korean people as travellers on our continent, but do not know the way to your islands. Please give us directions or maps so we may join this great event, and celebrate with you.
Athenasius secretary to the King.Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων