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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread Pt1]

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  • Originally posted by Arabia (DoC) View Post

    I was led to believe I was trading a tech to Britannia in exchange for a voucher but even though I didn't receive a tech I lose a voucher for transaction and receive the voucher back - nso in effect my vouchers stay the same. WTF! This makes no sense. Why would I trade a tech for nothing?
    You traded for a voucher, but that voucher is always used up. You hadnt lost anything in this trade except you "gifted" Brittannia a tech -it's not really a gift actually since they paid/used up a voucher for it. The real gift would have been if you give a tech and you use your own voucher.
    There is good reason it should work like this, other ways (I wont explain here) it could be exploited.
    So as i said You hadnt lost anything, but if you feel it was unfair you should discuss it with Brittania to receive a tech from them for the same price..


    • Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
      I'm sorry, Russia. I have undone the reload.
      You have logged in to the game after the tech exchange, so the auto save I had from you was not the right one.

      I have to reload the entire turn to undo the tech exchange.
      I don't think that's a good idea. (But others may convince me).

      I'd rather say that you do not lose a voucher but next time you're going to trade a tech you do 1 turn research of that tech as well to compensate. (without lowering your research of course)
      we cant redo one turn? it really messed me up, cause now I don't have anything to trade away to the civ I traded with for the tech I really needed... There's no war on, so if people could be so kind as to grant me a little relief, that would be really swell...

      It was this turn. And the turn isn't even over yet...
      Last edited by Russia (DoC); October 25, 2009, 12:17.
      Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
      The Russian Dynasty:
      Samo the Headbanded
      Catherine the Progenitor
      Dominika Ekatarinova
      (Konya the Lost)
      Igor Exilaskaya


      • this totally messes things up for me!
        Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
        The Russian Dynasty:
        Samo the Headbanded
        Catherine the Progenitor
        Dominika Ekatarinova
        (Konya the Lost)
        Igor Exilaskaya


        • Originally posted by mzprox View Post
          You traded for a voucher, but that voucher is always used up. You hadnt lost anything in this trade except you "gifted" Brittannia a tech -it's not really a gift actually since they paid/used up a voucher for it. The real gift would have been if you give a tech and you use your own voucher.
          There is good reason it should work like this, other ways (I wont explain here) it could be exploited.
          So as i said You hadnt lost anything, but if you feel it was unfair you should discuss it with Brittania to receive a tech from them for the same price..

          You are 100% right. Arab has lost nothing but if he feels cheated he should take it up with the rules for I have followed the trade rules as written so I have done nothing wrong.
          The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


          • Russia - Pausing the game without even posting on here that that is what you have done is pretty rude. I've check civstats, it told me I have an hour to play, I don't have long but made the effort to logged in but can't play. Yes I know you are unhappy about something to do with a tech trade, but taking it into your own hands to pause the game is a bit rich.

            But hey I know how these things can get to you, and IG I like you! But a post on here to say you had paused it would have been helpful.

            Whatever happens now - I insist that I am given the time I need to play my turn, when the game restarts.
            Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


            • you can unpause whenever you want...

              i just wanted the possibility to change a big mistake and buy a little more time to discuss the matter before the turn progresses.
              Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
              The Russian Dynasty:
              Samo the Headbanded
              Catherine the Progenitor
              Dominika Ekatarinova
              (Konya the Lost)
              Igor Exilaskaya


              • I don't mind reloading if it saves us from the headache..


                • As long as it is reloaded before russia accepted the trade and not any time after then I don't care.


                  • if not, I'm gonna have to find some way of agreeing with England and everyone else about how our tech trade went through and what the results were. some might say I "cheated" to get an extra trade. as said, a bit confusing.

                    Here is what happened.
                    England offered a deal of wheat for corn
                    I wasn't sure about it, so I declined and wanted to counteroffer with a tech trade.
                    Then a new screen pops up, England wanting to trade Calender for Construction and I hit accept offer when I thought I was offering a different trade. It would just be easier to cancel it out rather than make exception-rules and stuff. And it also gives me the (to me) very important chance to get the tech that I need.
                    Last edited by Russia (DoC); October 25, 2009, 13:27.
                    Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                    The Russian Dynasty:
                    Samo the Headbanded
                    Catherine the Progenitor
                    Dominika Ekatarinova
                    (Konya the Lost)
                    Igor Exilaskaya


                    • Originally posted by Rasputin View Post
                      that Mr Mali is what life isa bout, Fair is only fair if it is fair to us as individuals.

                      My choose is to play a game i cant compete in or go look for alternatives.

                      What Diplo has become is not right or wrong, just suits diferent people.
                      What is your goal in competing? Are you trying to win the whole game? Are you trying for the most diplo points, story [points, etc. Are you trying not to be last. There are many goals you can shoot for.


                      • Originally posted by Russia (DoC) View Post
                        you can unpause whenever you want...

                        i just wanted the possibility to change a big mistake and buy a little more time to discuss the matter before the turn progresses.
                        How does one go about unpausing the game. I'm stuck in a diplo screen and no matter what I do, I can't get out of it to take my turn. I can't even exit the game normally, so I hope my closing the game doesn't screw the server. Can an e-mail be sent once the unpause happens so the rest of us can take our turns. Might want to extend the turn about 5 hours as well.


                        • Game is now unpaused. Sorry for that, I just thought that if we reloaded the turn before it ended then it would be better...

                          you can pause/unpause the game by hitting the Pause/Break key on your keyboard
                          Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                          The Russian Dynasty:
                          Samo the Headbanded
                          Catherine the Progenitor
                          Dominika Ekatarinova
                          (Konya the Lost)
                          Igor Exilaskaya


                          • No problem Russia. Though Mali is right - if you have a diplo screen you can't unpause it but nor can you reply to the diplo - a wierd 'bug', which is very annoying when you are caught in it!
                            Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


                            • Ok, here's the deal:
                              1. I suggest we reload for Russia, I haven't seen anybody objecting to that, so I guess everybody is fine with that.

                              2. We need some "cold turkey time" for Arabia. (see Dictionary of Terms for explanation).
                              I have saved and closed the pitboss for now. I'd say, let's wait 24h at least. (or till Arabia says he's ok with the situation)

                              Arabia, I understand that you don't like this.
                              Please answer:
                              a. Do you agree that we are following the rules?
                              b. If (a) is a 'yes', then the next question is: do you agree with this rule or not?
                              c. if (a) is a 'no', then please explain how the rule has been broken
                              d. If (a) is 'yes' and (b) is 'no', then please explain why you disagree and how we could improve it to fit your needs.

                              If you agree that the rule has been followed, can we then proceed the game and discuss the rule in the meantime.
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                              • Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
                                Ok, here's the deal:
                                1. I suggest we reload for Russia, I haven't seen anybody objecting to that, so I guess everybody is fine with that.

                                2. We need some "cold turkey time" for Arabia. (see Dictionary of Terms for explanation).
                                I have saved and closed the pitboss for now. I'd say, let's wait 24h at least. (or till Arabia says he's ok with the situation)

                                Arabia, I understand that you don't like this.
                                Please answer:
                                a. Do you agree that we are following the rules?
                                b. If (a) is a 'yes', then the next question is: do you agree with this rule or not?
                                c. if (a) is a 'no', then please explain how the rule has been broken
                                d. If (a) is 'yes' and (b) is 'no', then please explain why you disagree and how we could improve it to fit your needs.

                                If you agree that the rule has been followed, can we then proceed the game and discuss the rule in the meantime.
                                i glad we have the nerve to stop the game this time and i for one want to applaud robert for doing this, it casues so many heartaches in BtP when game continued.

                                now for my thoughtso n the TWO issues.

                                1. Russia - Sorry it is a mistake make a story about it. Dont do it again. This could set a precedent for asking for mistakes to be unmade. If i atack the worng stack. A barb takes one of my undefended citys. etc etc. Mistakes are not worthy of reloads. In my opinion

                                2. Arabia. The trade you describe every one is doing. You give a tech to another nation they use one of their vouchers. Result is you dont use any of your vouchers. If hte nation you traded with didnt agree to use of their own vouchers then YOU must pay the voucher. Simple as that.

                                No reloads needed.

                                No changes needed.

