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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 11 (June 2009)

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  • #16
    From: Prime Minister Olaf Petterson, on behalf of King Erik XII
    To: The Japanese Government.

    Although it may appear that you have the better of our nation in our current conflict, let me assure you that all is not as it appears. I know you and your allies are fighting a costly war on another front, and I have many fresh troops about to enter the fray.

    That said, it is not the desire of our government to cause your nation undue distress-as our needs are quite small. We believe that the city of Anasazi was taken from it's *rightful* owners-the Oldonians-by Japanese duplicity. We overlooked this insult for as long as possible, but finally decided to take what was rightfully ours. Should you give us the city of Anasazi, then I am sure that we can come to a truce in the immediate future.


    The Right Hon. Olaf Petterson.


    • #17
      Greetings Olaf Petterson,

      It's nice we can finally hear from you.
      We are sad however to see you declaring war on us. We thought the Oldonians are more honorable than to launch an unprovoked attack on their neighbours, especially when those are already at war with overhelming seems pretty cowardish to be honest. And for what? For a city which is Japanese for hundreds or thousands of years. (ooc: i have no idea). Anasazi Is Japanese now, there are no vikings living there why do you think it would be fair to our citizens to let them live under viking rule?
      I see that the Russians told you many things.. confused you with the promise of easy loot, but they may forget to mention the fact that Japan is in the state of total war. Every japanese citizens are ready to grab weapons to protect our land from any invaders-and we will stay in this state untill the safety of our cities and families are granted. Are you ready for this kind of war?
      I say lets find a way out of this conflict.

      Yoshiro Nakamatsu, head of the Japan Interim Government
      Last edited by Pitboss Japan; June 4, 2009, 07:59.


      • #18
        Summery of the recent developments in Maya/Korea

        Alexander offers a cease fire to Rome.
        Spartan armies retreat from the front in Visyava while the white banner is shown to Rome.

        Rome ignores the white banner and takes possession of the abandoned city of Visyava.

        In the east Roman armies cross the border from Verona to besiege Hyangsan.
        The status quo that arises there won't change during the time depicted in this report.

        Rome moves a division of 8 tanks into Korean territory towards the city of Sung Yu.
        Spartan armies destroy the entire division. (3 Spartan artilleries are destroyed in the process. 1 survives the battle)
        Spartan armies march to Durango and take the city. In the process 4 bombers are destroyed. (apart from an anti-tank unit and an infantry unit. 1 Spartan infantry dies in the process)

        The current situation.


        • #19
          To: Yoshiro Nakamatsu
          From: Prime Minister Olaf Petterson

          What you seem to disregard here is the sacrifice of Oldonian lives which allowed you to take the city of Anasazi. That city was a common threat to both our nations, a threat which the brave knights of Oldonia gave their lives to remove. Yet before we could gain the spoils of victory, your government took it from under our noses. For more than a century we allowed this slight to pass, but the new king of Oldonia has decided that our people need BREATHING SPACE. You seem to forget that ours is also a warrior culture-we can give as good as we get if needs be, and our king is rousing the populace into a nationalist, anti-Japanese frenzy which (off the record) I believe will be bad for both our peoples. However, if you would agree to hand over Anasazi, then I am sure peace can be reached. Otherwise, I would prepare yourself for a long and costly war.


          • #20
            To: Prime Minister Olaf Petterson

            "Breathing space".. typical warmonger speaks like this.. You would sacrifice your population to get a hollow city.. hollow because the japanese are determined to protect it at all cost...
            However.. I also have the responsibility to save Japan.. to end this madness before it's too late, but it's required that all nations who seeks our destruction be willing to discuss the terms of peace. I can not deny the reality that we are not winning this war. To serve Japan's best interest Anasazi could be one of the many cities we are willing to offer for peace. So far our enemies are not willing to discuss terms with us.

            Yoshiro Nakamatsu


            • #21

              From: Chairman Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin, Council of Transition and Stability
              To: Alexandra the Imperialist Coward, Yoshiro Nakamatsu the Shelterer of War Criminals
              CC: Civilised Nations of the World

              I applaud the bravery and selfless endeavours of Russia's brave Oldonian Allies. They fight and die in the North to simply gain justice, to right a wrong done to them many years past and honour the Treaty of Kiev. Prime Minister Olaf Petterson is a noble and wise leader - Russia chooses her friends with care and she has chosen well.

              The two-facedness of Japan knows no bounds! Declare they wish Peace and then threaten further War! Nakamatsu you are powerless to determine Peace with anyone as you are nothing but a toy for the Grecian Ogress to play with. See your people die and yet know that, until the Monster from Sparta decides that she has swallowed enough of the World for a while, you are but a tool to be used and discarded! When that criminal Sato sold the entire Japanese nation into slavery to save his own skin he forfitted the right of Japan to decide upon matters such as War or Peace.

              Does Russia refuse to negotiate? Does Russia desire everlasting War? The answer in both cases is NO! Will Russia be satisfied until she sees the trial, conviction and execution of that butcher and mass-murderer Sato? Will Russia rest whilst Pax Romana is attacked? Will Russia forget her Oldonian Allies? Will Russia permit any Piercian to have to live under Japanese oppression? Will Russia forget the crimes done to her by the 'Atrocity from Athens'? Again the answers are NO!

              Nakamatsu, best that you pray for a change in Greece for whilst Alexandra lives there can be no Peace! All now lies with the Greeks themselves to decide. If they wish Armageddon then they will remain prisioners in their own nation under Alexandra. If they wish Peace then they need to act to get rid of their evil Queen so that Pax Romana might have someone to negotiate with. Until that time nothing can change and yet more will die.

              Major-General Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin
              Chairman, Council of Transition and Stability


              • #22
                Nakamatsu finished reading the last Russian statements


                Turned to his secretary to compose the answer

                To: Nations of Terra

                We are worried that there are true obstacles in the way of peace and those are not at our side. The lies and insults from the so called russian "diplomacy"-which are among the main reasons of this war- remained the same.
                I wish there wasnt this terrible war.. we could have a good laugh on statements like this: " ..threaten further War".. How could we threaten someone with war who has just declared war on us?? We would even give in the Oldonian's demand-despite it's not rightfull- the only thing we would ask is to close this war at once and not separately.
                Then these charges about war crimes.. non sense. The japanese havent commited any warcrimes, still: we are going to allow foreign investigators to look into the cases, but we won't give our people-leaders and heroes- into enemy's hands to kill them for pity revenge.
                We ask for reasonable terms, but it seems our enemy's interest is the continuation of this bloodshed, I think it's clear for everyone.

                Yoshiro Nakamatsu, Japanese Interim Government


                • #23
                  Discussions in the Nave of the Temple of Mars

                  "What news from the front-line?" Marcus Aurelius asked his generals.

                  "Ugly chaos" to be frank, sir. "The front line has completely broken down. Roman troops are now entering ancient Spartan territory at multiple points - north, west, and east from the sea. There are no professional troops anywhere in Sparta, just drafted teenagers and old men, and even most of those have been ordered by mad tyrant Alexander to join him in his Korean grave"

                  "And in Korea?"

                  "Alexander drives his forces to fight on. It is bloody sir - basically a war of attrition. Alexander has ordered his troops to die in their locations, and many are. We have suffered some losses, but despite the Spartan propaganda, they are matched unit by unit. The noose is tightening. The Spartan army is cut off in Korea, and slowly being crushed."

                  "And our choices?"

                  "Three, sir:
                  1. Hold the noose in Korea while we drive into ancient Sparta, seizing all the weakly defended land.
                  2. Wait until the army is refitted with the new weaponry, and then crush Alexander's army like a grape.
                  3. Press on in Korea as we are"

                  Marcus smiled. "Well, I think its obvious ...."

                  "And what of Archelaus?"

                  "We haven't heard anything recently. As ancient Spartan cities fall we hope that the mutiny will happen. But ... its hard to know. Alexander and Sato have an iron grip."

                  "Well get a message to him. The terms of peace for Sparta worsen daily while this war continues. Reparations will be paid for ever Roman loss after our original offer to put him on the throne was made. The possibility of Sparta keeping its ancient territorial integrity is slipping between his fingers."


                  • #24
                    Yoshiro Nakamatsu,

                    I understand that you are the spokesperson for the so-called Japanese Interim Government.

                    I am unclear what status your government has. Your military forces appear to still be controlled by the butcher Alexander of Sparta, and Sato his henchman in this evil war which has led to the death of millions.

                    If your government intends to continue the imperialistic policies of Sato, claiming land such as Piercia far outside ancestral Japanese land, supporting the Spartan state, then you should know well that Sparta is collapsing - a cracked reed splintering in the hand of those who rely on it. Its fate is now sealed. Roman fleets approach ancestral Japanese land from the West. New weaponry will soon arrive in Piercia.

                    If your government is willing to turn away from war, and embrace peace, seize control - return all Japanese troops to barracks, including your navy operating across the straits from Alecetas, and hand over the blood-soaked Sato to Roman forces at Pierced Hill.

                    Sato and his imperialism is a cancer in Japan. It will be removed. The only question is whether the surgery leaves the rest of the body alive. I hope you can cut it out now and quickly.

                    In the past the Japanese people have been Rome's friends. Grasp peace and we will ensure you gain something from Sparta to compensate you for what they have done to you.

                    Marcus Aurelius Custos of Rome, Guardian of the Pax Romana.


                    • #25
                      Explosion of computing technology in Rome

                      Rome - the eternal city - has been all but untouched by the Sparta/Japanese invasion these last years. Its airport has been a staging post for tanks flying to Korea, and its people have suffered the same deprivations in imported goods, but when the war started Custos Marcos declared that the true peaceful spirit of the Roman Empire would be maintained by devoting the eternal city itself purely to peaceful research throughout the war.

                      At the beginning of the war, and through its darkest phases, this looked like madness. The generals counted the endless tank divisions which could have emerged from Rome, when instead its young men played games on computers. But finally, it has paid off. The breakthrough came because of the threat of Spartan/Japanese invasion. For the computer engineers worked at how to ensure that the whole military computer system did not collapse because of Spartan capture or sabotage of one element. This led them to the idea of a network or web of many connecting nodes. The internet was born.

                      Rapidly this technology was taken up, here in Roman lands, but also most significantly among the two most advanced nations - far more advanced than Rome - the Portugese and Khmeri.

                      "This is truly a revolution in knowledge" said Custos Marcus "based here in Rome, but bringing all the nations of the world together".


                      • #26
                        We told ya...

                        Marcus connected...

                        (OOC: preparing this picture for some time now )


                        • #27
                          Factual Report of the Spartan/Roman war.
                          No lies or propaganda (as in the Roman reports)

                          • 4 Roman naval invasions
                          - Invasion of the Gobi (Romans succeed, 4 tanks destroy 3 machine gunners, 3 infantry and a knight

                          - Invasion near PyongYang: Fails, Spartan armies immediately destroy the invasion force. (a tank, anti-tank, marine and infantry). Romans destroy 2 battleships and 1 transporter in the port

                          - Invasion near Argos: Pending, 4 Roman infantries entered Spartan territory close to Argos. The true destination of the transport: a direct naval attack on Argos, was blocked by 2 Spartan warships.
                          Next period these Roman troops will most probably be eliminated by Spartan armies.

                          - Naval invasion of the land-bridge: invasion force intercepted on the sea by Spartan warships. All Roman armies are destructed.

                          Conclusion: out of 4 Roman naval invasions only 1 one succeeded. The Romans seized the Gobi desert and factually posses now the Spartan oil wells. Sparta still holds 7 more oil wells.

                          • Battle front near Sung Yu
                          - This is the front were Spartan armies destroyed 8 Roman tanks last period
                          - This period another Roman tank was destroyed. A Spartan artillery was destroyed in the process.
                          - The number of Spartan forces and Roman forces more or less level each other out.
                          - 4 Roman bombers continue to hit the Spartan army.
                          - Help is finally expected to arive during this period for the Spartan defence.
                          - Right now this front is a status quo. Roman armies are expected to move into the direction of Syng Yu during this period while Spartan armies are healing with the help of a super medic.

                          • The front near Wonsan
                          - This is a small front with only a couple of units on both sides. It's more a heavily guarded border.

                          • The front near Hyangsan
                          - Roman and Spartan armies level each other out at this front. A status quo has been created that's only being challenged by Roman bomber attacks.
                          - Sparta expects help finally here next period.
                          - A spartan super medic is healing Spartan armies from the bomber attacks every period.

                          • Durago has returned into the hands of the Mayan people. Spartan forces liberated the city and in opposite to the Roman expansionists Sparta had no interest in keeping the city. Sparta still intends to Free all of Maya from Roman occupation.

                          • Roman invention of the internet will most probably turn the war into the favour of Rome. Sparta asks all nations on Earth for help. Sparta has been brave fighting against the Roman bombers and superior weapons. Now the battle will become even more uneven. Japan is facing equal odds. Now Russia took THREE tech vouchers from Oldonia the Russian technology will soon be superior to Japanese technology.
                          Sparta still fights for the liberation of Piercia and Maya! Sparta has no intention to keep these territories.
                          All money and army donations are very welcome in the battle against the alliance of 4 nation!

                          Sparta and Japan have to fight against Rome, Russia, Wyandonia and Oldonia.
                          Last edited by Guest; June 5, 2009, 05:49.


                          • #28
                            From: Yoshiro Nakamatsu
                            To: all who listens...if any...

                            This will be a big and long announcement. An other attempt from us to stop this madness which would cause deaths of thousands if not millions on both sides. As we stated before Japan acknowledge Rome's superiority and ready to lay down arms-we only ask to spare our citizens and main cities.

                            Rome might missed the fact that General Sato resigned years ago and since then a civilian government is in charge in Japan. It's true that many generals, including Sato, who led the invasion forces are still in command in the military. Replacing them in the heat of war would be disasterous to our army, but ofc our enemies know this very well.

                            It's true that we started this war.. and every war is evil-yet sometimes it's the lesser evil. We Japaneses are proud people-our honor doesnt allows us to watch idle that a nation constantly insults us and get away with it. The insults, the lies, the threats, the spy infiltrations and their aggressive land stealings via culture were way beyond what we could endure. we fought bravely but we are losing this war-should we be punished by total destrucion what our enemies bring on us?

                            War crimes.. we take these charges very seriously. I'm confident that none of our generals or soldiers commited any war crimes, but if you have (-non-fabricated-) evidences show them. Fighting in a battle is not a warcrime.. we had declared war and all we killed lie on the battlefield.
                            You shout "warcrime" for we attacking the wyandot macemen with tanks. This is actually a lie which we can prove that we did not killed any macemen unit during whole Japan history, but it is true that our tanks attacked them-thought we can since they were those who declared war on us.

                            But let me tell you something about the so "peacefull Wyandots". They even stated that they had no intention to participate in this war, but they had no choice.. the first act they did that they completely cut of one of our big city's supplies. Million japanese citizens left without basic health resources and started starving. We asked the wyandots to not allow this disaster happen but they ignored our request. It was our desperate attempts to establish a supply line to our city with our tanks, but it's failed due to a roman invasion...
                            But the wyandots are guilty not only in passive massacre...:

                            This is a clear evidence of massacring civilians, something we never did and never will.

                            So every japanese general, including Sato Eisaku and every civilian who was in charge, including myself are ready to be trialed by a fair independent jury. But we demand that criminals, like Chief Tarha be trialed as well. Giving our people into your hand, who seeks nothing more but revenge is unacceptable.

                            The other matter is this so called ancestral Sparta, ancestral Japan.. I ask where is ancestral Rome, ancestral Russia?
                            Land near Oldonia? It's Japan for a thousand years, the land near the wayndots? it was given to us and populated by Japans.
                            And Piercia? they joined the Japan empire more than a huindreds years ago, and since then Osaka and Owari become a true cultural centres of our country. Many national wonders built-in the last hundred years-, we had founded an academy, many of our great persons settled there. These cities are far too important to every japanese to let them lost. When we ask for reasonable peace - you cant demand us to lose our best cities... There is no Japanese who would sign such a treaty..

                            I see you are determined to kill us all and you have the power to do so. I still hope we can find a peacefull solution which could save the life of many Japanese soldiers and of yours.

                            Yoshiro Nakamatsu, head of the Japanese Interim Government
                            Last edited by Pitboss Japan; June 5, 2009, 08:53.


                            • #29
                              Partenos moved closer to Alexander and Mistos. He heard parts of the conversation.

                              "...archelaus....strike soon."
                              "....we still have time....."
                              "..will you lead me to them..."
                              "...trained marines....."
                              "....not aware of my treachery...."

                              Partenos knew enough.
                              He left the room and travelled back to Athens immediately.

                              Partenos, the nervous man on the left, explains it all to Archelaus

                              Archelaus opened the door. "You came back?"
                              "Yes, and I'm here to serve you" Partenos said.
                              "Why?" Archelaus asked.
                              "Everything I heard here is true..... and..."
                              "And?" Archelaus asked.
                              "And Mistos, the chief scribe, betrayed you. He told everything to Alexander."


                              "Then we must strike fast!" Archelaus said with a loud voice.
                              Immediately many men came from corners of the room. Archelaus and his loyal followers went to the square in front of the Oxford University. Many people had already gathered at the square.

                              "People of Athens" Archelaus started.
                              "People of Athens, people of Corrinth, people of Argos and Thebes, people of Knossos, people of GREECE....!" everyone cheered and applauded.

                              "..People of Greece, we must end this insane war NOW!" Archelaus continued.
                              "We must replace Alexander! I am Archelaus, heir to the throne of Menelaus! Follow me and I will lead you into peace with the Romans and the Russians! I will make Sparta a shining nation again!"

                              cheering and applauding.

                              "While we are here, similar gatherings are happening in Knossos, Argos, Corinth and many other major Greek cities!"

                              More applauding

                              Then some units of infantry entered the square.
                              "Freedom Freedom Freedom" the people started to chant towards the soldiers.
                              Then the soldiers turned their backs to the people and pointed their guns into the air, showing their sympathy for the revolt.

                              Archelaus then went to Sparta with a group of infantry.
                              When they arrived at the war center Partenos entered the oom first to locate Alexander.
                              Mistos immediately located him and walked towards him. "You were at the meeting with Archelaus as well, weren't you?" Mistos asked.
                              Partenos became nervous immediately again. "uuh.... yes I was" he answered.
                              "You left the meeting in silence" Mistos continued, "are you still one of us, or did you betray us to Alexander?" Mistos asked.
                              "I am one of us now" Partenos said. "Are you?" Partenos stabbed his knife into the heart of Mistos. Then he yelled: "For Greece!" with a great voice.

                              Immediatley Archelaus entered the war center with his unit of infantry.
                              No shots were fired. Alexander was arrested. Then Archelaus spoke to the present generals: "I am Archelaus, heir to the throne of Menelaus. I have replaced Alexander the Fool. I will try to make peace with the Romans, I'll leave it up to you now to make war plans, but I insist: don't use any offensive violence against the Romans, only defend yourself."

                              Arrested Alexander


                              • #30
                                Message to the Romans:

                                Marcus Aurelius of Rome,

                                My name is Archelaus, leader of the Free Greek City States.
                                I have imprisoned Alexander II, your enemy.
                                I will hand him over to you if you cease fire immediately and promise to retreat your armies from original Greek territories.

                                I am willing to negotiate all terms of peace during the cease fire.
                                Greece is willing to give in a lot, but we do expect reasonable claims from you.

                                All I ask you when we hand Alexander over to you is that you give him a public, fair trial, where he can defend himself without restrictions.

                                Archelaus of Greece

