It is an interesting to reflect on the diffiulty in keeping the end part of a game good for the majority. As I see it the problem is basically just that it takes so long. People are writing as if Rome's victory has been an obvious reality for ages, and so its boring. The fact is that only a month ago I was in a desparate war. If Portugal had attacked me then as according to Sparta they had agreed to, I would have collapsed completely. Instead Portugal held off, and is likely to pay for that by me stealing a space ship victory from them. I only build the Apollo about 15-20 turns ago, which is a tiny period in this game. I have never thought it a remote possibility for me, and since conquest is impossible in this game, for months it had appeared that the only possible outcomes were Meduia's SS or Portugals. But then a new possiblity opened up.
Saying all that, I can whole-heartedly see that for those nations not involved (basically Meduia since the amount of diplo flowing back and forth between nations on my continent at the moment is huge) a month of logging in to see someone else's victory very slowly emerge is tedious in the extreme. Although, given most seem to have been invovled in the attempted Religious Victory which has only failed this turn, we are not actually talking about that long.
But, the point still remains I think of how, in the end game when the possibilities do narrow down, the game remains enjoyable for all. I remember querying how diplo games end six months ago, wondering whether the truth was that they fell apart for understandable reasons. I was told in no uncertain terms that the end game worked fine, although people could only quote me one example (when Ozzy won a Space victory if I remember right. Many a topic for another time, but I do recognise that things do seem to close down at the end, or maybe the truth is that a game lasting for over a year is just too long.
Saying all that, I can whole-heartedly see that for those nations not involved (basically Meduia since the amount of diplo flowing back and forth between nations on my continent at the moment is huge) a month of logging in to see someone else's victory very slowly emerge is tedious in the extreme. Although, given most seem to have been invovled in the attempted Religious Victory which has only failed this turn, we are not actually talking about that long.
But, the point still remains I think of how, in the end game when the possibilities do narrow down, the game remains enjoyable for all. I remember querying how diplo games end six months ago, wondering whether the truth was that they fell apart for understandable reasons. I was told in no uncertain terms that the end game worked fine, although people could only quote me one example (when Ozzy won a Space victory if I remember right. Many a topic for another time, but I do recognise that things do seem to close down at the end, or maybe the truth is that a game lasting for over a year is just too long.