You are so very wrong Ras, Funglish were to be the winners IG.
No announcement yet.
Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread VI]
I guess since the game is just about finished, and the plan has been foiled, there is no need to keep the secret anymore. Here are my original e-mails to my co-conspirators:
To St. Jon, June 21:
In your run-down of possible ways to win, you overlooked one option. Just as I
overlooked it before yesterday, and as everyone else in the game has no doubt also
overlooked it. The UN isn't the only way to win a diplomatic victory.
The other option is the Apostolic Palace.
Since the Funglish own it, and they don't have Mass Media, it isn't expired. To win a
diplomatic victory we need around 1200-1300 votes. This is so ridiculously simple I
can't believe I hadn't thought of it earlier. Right now, just Khmer, HRE and Metalheads
have over 1,000 votes between them. Add in any two of America, Celts, or Funglish would
win it.
The only thing we need to trigger a diplomatic election is to spread the Church of Metal
(Hinduism) to a Mayan city and a Greek city. Every other civ has it. Rome & Portugal
don't have enough votes to stop it.
I am wary of sharing this information with you, since you don't have many Apostolic
Palace votes and can't help much, but leaking this news could certainly hurt this effort.
However upending the seemingly inevitable victory of Rome & Portugal seems much less
satisfying without a world-wide conspiracy. So I don't want this to be Ozzy moving
covertly to steal the game, but all the 2nd rate powers in this game coming together for
a common purpose and having a shared victory for all of us.
Which presents an important question. Who should win the diplomatic victory?
I am currently the Apostolic Palace resident and I have the most votes. Plus I founded
the religion. But I've 'won' two past diplogames, and while it would be a pretty
stunning upset (and I'd love to see Toni fuming to see his glorious spaceship and
military become irrelevant), I don't really have much need to win. Plus I worry that
it'd be seen as 'my' victory, instead of 'our' victory.
The only other civ who would be eligible for diplomatic victory is the Funglish. I LOVE
the idea of a last place civ who has been behind and irrelevant the entire game pulling
off an improbable win at the very end. How humbling would that be for Portugal and Rome?
With the most lowly nation on the planet 'winning' it would be a better way of saying
that all of us co-conspirators win. Russa, Greece, Meduian, etc, instead of being about
Ozzy. Plus what a historic ending to the longest and biggest diplogame ever. It'd be a
great way to say that it really is possible that anyone can win, even the worst civ in
the game. And making a point that the civ with the biggest army, most land, highest
tech, etc isn't what matters in diplogames.
My only trouble with that though is that MMC never actually plays. If he was a
struggling minor civ, but still reliable I couldn't think of a better reward. But since
he hasn't given a damn for months, is it right to give him the victory over people who
have played and posted every day? Or would he just be a surrogate for backwards civs the
world over? I don't know...
So at the risk of spoiling this whole thing, I am letting you in on my plan. I want your
advice (and your strictest secrecy). Should we vote for me or for the Funglish?
Obviously spreading Hinduism to more of your cities and voting if/when the election comes
would be a good idea too.
I am very interested to hear your thoughts.
Sent to Celts & America, June 29:
We have undeniably reached the end of this game. Portugal is just a few parts and techs away from finishing their spaceship. Rome and Portugal are each building massive militaries, preparing for, what many expect to be the final bloody battle to decide who wins this game. Khmer and Metalheads are building up troops as well, either to join in such a war or, at the very least, defend our shores from foreign invasion.
Currently the 3rd and 4th most powerful nations in the game are Meduian. However each are so far behind #1 and #2 it seems obvious to everyone that only Rome and Portugal have a chance of "winning" this thing.
However, that is not the case.
We, the allied nations of Meduian, have complete control over this game and didn't realize it. This game doesn't have to be decided by a brutal war, or by the launching of a spaceship. This game can be decided by a vote. A vote by the followers of the Church of Metal. A religion that has been the faith of choice for most of Meduian for centuries.
The Apostolic Palace works like the UN, and can result in a Diplomatic Victory. I am currently the resident of the palace and I can call the vote. Since the Metal religion (Hinduism) is not common outside of Meduian that means that we have the vast majority of votes. I did the math and Khmer, Metalheads & HRE have about 1,000 out of the 1,300 or so votes we need for a diplomatic victory.
If any two of the Celts, Americans or Funglish vote in favor of it, then we win.
There are two civs eligible for diplomatic victory through the Apostolic Palace, the Metalheads, as the largest nation with Hinduism as state religion, and the Funglish as the owner of the Apostolic Palace. If we all vote for me, it will be interpreted as Ozzy's master maneuver to steal the game away from Rome & Portugal.
However, that's not what I want.
You two have played this thing from the beginning, through many ups and downs, but generally the Celts, Americans and Funglish have been small players without much hope to compete with the major powers for the entire game. Yet, unlike other players who started this game, you guys stuck around and have been dependable players. That gets a huge amount of respect from me.
So I have an idea. One of the main ideas of diplogames is that anyone can win through guile, diplomacy and strategy. This isn't just a game of brute force. Yet usually there are like three or four players who win every single diplogame. I want to shake that up, with your help.
I'd like to do this diplomatic victory, and I'd like all of us Meduian powers to vote for the Funglish.
The Funglish are absolutely last in score, and have been for pretty much the entire game. But they built the Apostolic Palace and are eligible for victory. Giving the victory to a civ with a third of the points as Rome & Portugal would be a shocking upset. But it'd be a joint victory. All of us nations of Meduian would need to vote to make it happen, and all of us would share in the victory.
The Funglish, as the smallest and weakest of us, would be the symbolic victor, but really it would be for all of us.
What do you guys say?
Basically all you need to do is be sure to play your turns every day and vote for the Funglish when I put it to a vote. It might be another 5-10 turns before that happens.
If all of us vote we will have more than enough votes to win it. Portugal, Rome and everyone else will be absolutely SHOCKED. Nothing like this has been done before in a diplogame, this will be making history. I really hope you guys are down for this, I think you have earned it.
Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
We have reached the end of the game. Portugal is just a few parts away from launching their spaceship, Rome is just a turns away from invading them to stop it. The whole world is bracing for the final Armageddon to decide whether Rome or Portugal wins this thing. There seem to be no other options.
But there are.
The most unlikely of civs has, actually, a very good chance to win this game.
You have been behind all game, no doubt your small power, small territory, and backwards tech has caused you to loose interest long ago. I think it is a real shame you have quit on this game. But you have a chance to redeem yourself and make diplogaming history.
One tenet of diplogaming that we always repeat is that anyone can win. These games come down to guile, diplomacy and cunning moreso than pure skill with the game. Yet often there are just a handful of players who win every single diplogame. I think it is time to fully prove that ANYONE can win.
Everyone is focused on a spaceship victory or a domination victory. Everyone has overlooked one more option - a diplomatic victory.
Portugal owns the United Nations, and with votes based on population, and how poorly liked Portugal is, there is no chance he, or anyone, can win a diplomatic victory through the UN. But the UN isn't the only way to win a diplomatic victory, the other way is through the Apostolic Palace (AP).
Voting isn't based on population, but based on cities with the Church of Metal (Hinduism). The vast majority of cities with this religion are on Meduian. Between us Meduian nations we possess a super-majority of the votes, more than enough to elect whoever we like.
There are two civs eligible to win a diplomatic victory through the AP, the Metalheads, as the civ with the highest Hindu population, and the Funglish, as the owner of the AP.
Considering how far ahead of everyone (even Khmer!) Portugal & Rome are, the possibility of anyone else winning this game seems remote, and would be a shocking upset if pulled off. It would be shocking if I, as the #4 power was able to claim victory. However I am one of those players who seems to always win these games. If I won, it'd be a big upset, but it wouldn't do much to prove that ANYONE can win.
So, after discussing this with our Meduian allies, we have decided to all vote for you.
The Funglish, despite being in last place and over 2,000 points behind the leader are going to win this game. I intend to make sure of it.
You prized diplomacy in this game. You sacrificed your own nation's gains to organize the Hastings Conferences. You were a loyal ally to me all game. You built the Apostolic Palace and, because of your loyalty to me switched to Hinduism so the AP would be forever linked to the faith I founded.
Now it is time to be rewarded. We are going to give you a diplomatic victory in this game.
It will be a victory for all of Meduian. The Celts & Americans, also small, insignificant civs for the whole game, will share in this victory for all followers of the Church of Metal. We will come together and vote and shock Portugal, Rome, Greece, and everyone else.
This victory will be for all the small, minor powers in these games who think the game is hopeless. It isn't! ANYONE can win!
I have spoken to the Celts, Americans, Russians, Khmer, and Holy Romans. We all intend to vote for you. Your votes are also needed if we are going to win this vote. Plus, it would look pretty bad if everyone voted for you to win this game and you never showed up to vote for yourself.
We have about 4-10 turns until the diplomatic victory election. Your votes are needed to make it happen. Please show up and play. I'm not entirely sure when the vote will come, but your votes are important to win.
So please, come back to the game, log in every day, and vote for yourself when the time comes (soon).
We will make Diplogame history.
Sent to Spain, July 8:
I am responding personally, because I wish to calm your fears and I wish to welcome you fully into the community of Meduian. If you are committed to a Meduian victory, then it shall become a reality.
I tell you this in the utmost confidence. The world braces for one last great war. A war between the Roman and Portuguese juggernauts. We are afraid this war will spill onto our shores and thus build military accordingly. We suggest you do the same.
However, we have no desire to participate in this war. In fact, if our plans are successful this war may not happen at all. We do not however intend to concede victory to Portugal's spaceship or Rome's drive for conquest. We have a uniquely Meduian end-game in mind. And unlike the selfish desires of Rome and Portugal, we intend this option to be for ALL Meduian. Not one power over another.
My last public statement, regarding my prayers in Black Sabbath did not tell the whole story. I had a vision that day. A vision of unity and brotherhood for all the people's of Meduian. A vision of peace triumphing over war. Of faith triumphing over technology.
When our great Metalhead nation came into being we introduced to the world the great faith of the Church of Metal. Our holy religion preached community, brotherhood and tolerance. It spread rapidly through all our neighbors and most nations of Meduian adopted it as an official state religion. The Church of Metal has followers in nearly every city on this continent and of New Sparta. Indeed it has begun to spread globally, and Metal communities exist in every single nation on the planet.
Many years ago, the Funglish, a Meduian follower of the faith, built a great palace - the Apostolic Palace to provide leadership for the Metal Church. It is through this magnificent wonder of the world that our continent can "win this game" through votes - not bombs.
As the vast majority of Metal followers are on Meduian, we hold our destiny in our own hands. Rome, Portugal, Greece, Japan, and all the rest may have more people, and more power than we do, but they have no ability to stop a vote.
A vote of Meduian nations can elect a diplomatic leader for all this planet.
I hope I can count on your vote when the time comes - and the time will come very soon. Sometime in the next week I estimate.
We will have two nations and two leaders to elevate to such a high honor: the Metalheads and the Funglish.
While we Metalheads founded this religion and have clawed ourselves to the top of our great continent, we feel a Metalhead victory will be seen as a victory for the Metalheads. This is not what we want. We have become strong and prosperous only through the friendship of our Meduian allies. We wish for a victory that includes us all, a shared victory.
Therefore, when the time comes, the Metalheads, and other Meduian nations will vote for the Funglish. The smallest, weakest, most backwards nation on the planet. The nation least likely to be a threat to the massive, arrogant powers of Rome and Portugal will ultimately defeat them. If we can count on your vote we shall not fail.
The end of days are upon us, and the first shall become last, and the last shall become first. The haughty scheming nations of the world will be amazed to see their plans crumble down around them and united front of Meduian ascend to victory. A world united and at peace is within our reach.
-Ozzy the BateaterCaptain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Ozzy, you had this great plan, did a good job spreading your religion to all civs.
I had huge problems how you abused your sub-positions to carry it out, but I decided to keep silent about it and accept it, to avoid a fight.
I made some one-line jokes about it though, which I should not have done. I should have kept silent completely.
But, apart from an email I sent you in private, I accepted it in public.
But I was able to counter your plan with completely valid game mechanics. And now you whine like a little baby because your plan failed.
I knew that this was about the Funglish. (not when I voted though, that was pretty stupid)
You had a chance for victory, but you failed. Get over it.Formerly known as "CyberShy"
Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori
To Ozzy:
and I'd love to see Toni fuming to see his glorious spaceship and
military become
I never know until now how much you despised my skills for the game Ozzy. Talk about OOC influence. Unlike you i do not neglect and try to hide my admiration for others achievements in our games. Every time I see something worth saying well done I do so, doesn’t matter if it’s Deity, u, CS, Japs or the Rus.
Anyway I am proud of my performance in this game i tried maxing out what my civ was given like traits and most improtantly location. I achieved what I had put forward – still as everyone else I made some mistakes which will cost or cut it very clsoe the SS ingame victory.
Still this game was Rome's by score voting for a good part of the whole game, thanks to great stories, military success, diplomacy and ingame score.
Again as i said yesterday I am glad to see you pull such a trick at the last momment.
P.S A good reason to not have 2 continents with civs for next game. I doult such a smart move by Ozzy will ever be possible if all civs were in close proximity. The peaceful nature and safety by distance from the more powerful civs from across the sea aloow for such startegies. Again i admire what ozzy is trying/ maybe achieved already.
But I was able to counter your plan with completely valid game mechanics
P.S If i could vote i would have given Oz my votes nevertheless for his great strategy.
I can resume playing Portugal after the 21st. I will be home then and able to play. Until then my hands are tied due to no access to the game. I guess for now Maya are in control (To Rome, for the record Maya are in totla control, diplomatically etc, sad to see that they have decided to to destroy what me and you have worked for so long PEACE and STABILITY)
If the game is still going, i will be playing after the 21st..
Till then i will be only able to read and chat on poly...
Thanks for confirming you want to play again from the 21th on again, Toni.
Regarding the Apostolic Palace failure, the hinduism religion needs to be in all civs on the world to make a religious victory valid. Portugal invaded Sparta (on New Sparta) and took the only Sparta-hindu city in the world. This cancelled the AP vote b/c Sparta now has no Hindu cities anymore, which is needed for an AP victory to succeed.
Edit: I had written a lengthy explanation of why I had problems with the way Ozzy played and a report of what happened.
Then I decided that it's not a good idea to have it in public, starting another huge fight. If you want to read it, send me a PM.Last edited by Robert; July 16, 2009, 04:30.Formerly known as "CyberShy"
Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori
So, what do we do?
3 options:
- Wait for the 21th and continue with Toni (game will last +- 13 turns from then
- continue immediatley, game will last +-13 from now
- we stop the game nowFormerly known as "CyberShy"
Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori
Since only 5 players played their last turn I decided to pause the game.
Please all say how you want this game to end (see post above). If not enough people respond the game will end hereFormerly known as "CyberShy"
Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori
This is a mess now.. just gives me headache to find who subs who.. having to deal with the third Khmer already is too much.
I also had my plans, but couldnt do too much in 13 turns anyway.
While i would like to comment these events about the AP vote maybe it's better if i wont. But the roots of the dispute are still the quitters. The reason why i1m hesitating to sign up for the next game..
Thanks Robert for pausing the game, Still I would advice that you continue without me. I have nothing against maya to play out Portugal. I do not want to see the game stopped at my expense. Again please do continue!!!!
To Maya: I hope you play out wisely the cards you inherited by me - they were good cards!!
If the game is still going on, i will play the last few turns of it.
P.S To the current play of Portugal or Khmer, did the Portugese and Khmerian navies ever clash? To the rest you guys have no idea the sizes of those two navies - i just regret not being able to play that out myself. Roughtly both civs had around 35 ships per civ watching eachother supported by many carriers full with jet fighters (well Portugal at the time of my departure still dominated the skies) .....Last edited by Toni; July 16, 2009, 07:43.
Once again a few big egos who feel they own the game destroy it. We have been here before. We are back in the world of some people thinking they are the only ones who have plans, that their plans are the 'reality' of the game, and its all about the fulfilment or otherwise of those plans.
As far as I can see there has been nothing untoward IG at all. There was a brilliant attempted coup by Ozzy and some other nations to achieve a Religious Victory. It very nearly succeeded in game, but it didn't. Some people can grumble about the way in which those votes were achieved, some can grumble about the IG tactics which defeated it. I wasn't involved in either, but as far as I can see we haven't had any rules broken anywhere, by anyone. Just a stunning very clever move, that didn't quite work.
Toni is right that pausing until he comes back isn't a sensible option. Again why revolve around one person?
I am going to launch a fully-laden space ship this turn. Yes all that talk of Portuguese space ships and Roman conquest is wide of the mark because people just believe their own propoganda. I expect Portugal and others to invade me, but of course they may not (wisely if they want to live).
If some people want to think "well its obvious what the result IG will be now, so I don't want to play", fair enough. Seems a sad way to end. Particuarly because nothing is certain. Not long again Portugal thought their space ship would win. I think they are wrong and mine will. But then 4 days ago I was watching Metal almost seize it out of my hands. And now? Well, I think I have a good chance because (like Ozzy with his RV) nobody seems to have really noticed and planned for the fact of my space ship, so I have a chance it will arrive before the big guns (all those naval forces the Portugese and Khmer have - many, many times mine) can really be brought to bear against me. But who knows - I really wouldn't be surprised is something I haven't thought of happens again and all Rome's hopes go up in flames.
But obviously I realise that I have a particular interest in playing a bit longer to see whether I can hold off the forces of destruction (diplomatically or militarily) long enough to get the space ship to AC. If the failure of one particular very clever but not quite plan has finished for others, well fair enough I guess.
But lets not keep messing with yet more pauses.
(No criticism of Robert intended about this pause - I can understand your need to respond to the fact that only 5 people played, but I don't think we can keep re-engineering things. If the truth is that for whatever reasons good or bad most people want to abandon the game after all this time, well the rest of us have no choice.)Last edited by Pitboss Rome; July 16, 2009, 10:46.