BtP was dominated by 3 nations from very early on . Khmer and Portugul were always going to be the pwoerhouses because of the gret players behind them. rome was surrounded by people who could have done sometihng but left it too late.
I think sometimes people think DIplo is about avoiding wars. It has never been that to me. it is a chance for the weaker palyers to have fun , because the other nations should be waging war with the top guys and posting brillaint stories of deception.
One of the big problems with civ is everyone wants to grow their nation, this means they feel they are never ready to take action against another. or hoping osmeone else wil ldo it and in meantime they can slip up the ranks.
I would love to see a DIPLO game with no INGAME victory. let the rankings be decided by a voting system with no in game score.
But alas i feel that wont happen.
Also Jon. as i said, i posted my honest answer for leaving inthe BtP game, it was just antoher Civ game not feeling like a DIPLO. The big nations were getting bigger and by that stage the evnetual winner of INGAME and the runenrs up were all inthe top positions., Never to be challenged.
While people wont try and do sometihng it ruins the game for me. I tried to geet a groupd of people to attack the romans and faild to do so. Once this plan was thwarted i had notihng else to do.
So if that is not a good enough reason then so be it.
I dont join games to win, but to play. But it is not playing when there is little to do in each turn.
BtP was dominated by 3 nations from very early on . Khmer and Portugul were always going to be the pwoerhouses because of the gret players behind them. rome was surrounded by people who could have done sometihng but left it too late.
I think sometimes people think DIplo is about avoiding wars. It has never been that to me. it is a chance for the weaker palyers to have fun , because the other nations should be waging war with the top guys and posting brillaint stories of deception.
One of the big problems with civ is everyone wants to grow their nation, this means they feel they are never ready to take action against another. or hoping osmeone else wil ldo it and in meantime they can slip up the ranks.
I would love to see a DIPLO game with no INGAME victory. let the rankings be decided by a voting system with no in game score.
But alas i feel that wont happen.
Also Jon. as i said, i posted my honest answer for leaving inthe BtP game, it was just antoher Civ game not feeling like a DIPLO. The big nations were getting bigger and by that stage the evnetual winner of INGAME and the runenrs up were all inthe top positions., Never to be challenged.
While people wont try and do sometihng it ruins the game for me. I tried to geet a groupd of people to attack the romans and faild to do so. Once this plan was thwarted i had notihng else to do.
So if that is not a good enough reason then so be it.
I dont join games to win, but to play. But it is not playing when there is little to do in each turn.