I am sorry Robert, but I do not understand what a Diplo-gaming purist means.
Does it mean that we have no in-game activity at all but just write pretty stories?
Does it mean that I have Australia to my North with a Gold Mine I want and Bulgaria with a Copper Mine to my South that I have no need of that I should stop and think - Australia is a poor player and I will defeat him easily so I must not be unfair? Do I attack Bulgaria because they will give me a tough fight that I may lose over something I don't want?
This is utter rubbish! If it is a Diplo-Game, or any Game, Australia should have made an agreement with Bulgaria to stop me and if they didn't then they deserve to lose their Gold Mine. How else am I supposed to get that Gold in Raz's 'Purist' view?
Diplomacy is all about getting friends who will help you and you accept that the price you will pay is that you will offer a deal in return. If Bulgaria has no reason to attack me to defend Australia then why should they? Put doubts in their mind about me, offer them free Gold for a century or suggest a later attack on my Silver Mine - That is DIPLOMACY!
In terms of In-Game winners it does then come back to 'How the Hell do you End the Thing'? Do you just run a Game to full-term and call it quits after 9 months? Do you just wait until everyone becomes so bored of reading the latest misdeeds of the Sung Dynasty or how Augustus is a phony and that he is really sleeping with Incitatus as well as his mother and all his sisters that they slit their wrists?
I really do want to know the answer to this so please explain as I am baffled.
Does it mean that we have no in-game activity at all but just write pretty stories?
Does it mean that I have Australia to my North with a Gold Mine I want and Bulgaria with a Copper Mine to my South that I have no need of that I should stop and think - Australia is a poor player and I will defeat him easily so I must not be unfair? Do I attack Bulgaria because they will give me a tough fight that I may lose over something I don't want?
This is utter rubbish! If it is a Diplo-Game, or any Game, Australia should have made an agreement with Bulgaria to stop me and if they didn't then they deserve to lose their Gold Mine. How else am I supposed to get that Gold in Raz's 'Purist' view?
Diplomacy is all about getting friends who will help you and you accept that the price you will pay is that you will offer a deal in return. If Bulgaria has no reason to attack me to defend Australia then why should they? Put doubts in their mind about me, offer them free Gold for a century or suggest a later attack on my Silver Mine - That is DIPLOMACY!
In terms of In-Game winners it does then come back to 'How the Hell do you End the Thing'? Do you just run a Game to full-term and call it quits after 9 months? Do you just wait until everyone becomes so bored of reading the latest misdeeds of the Sung Dynasty or how Augustus is a phony and that he is really sleeping with Incitatus as well as his mother and all his sisters that they slit their wrists?
I really do want to know the answer to this so please explain as I am baffled.