To: King Orestes of Sparta
From: Pacal Ermal of Maya
Let me start by saying that if you do not lay claim to the pirate ship that failed in it's attack on our galleon I will take that at face value, and offer an apology for my accusation. In hindsight, I agree that underhanded tactics such as the use of pirates is not Spartan military style. Several facts surrounding the encounter lead us to that initial conclusion however, and still make me wonder.
Regarding the city of New Tikal, we settled it fair and square on a landmass that as far as we can tell was uninhabited. Technically, seeing as Maya are the first to actually colonize the landmass, the continent should be renamed "New Maya". I really don't see how Sparta can claim ownership anyway, considering Khmer were the first to discover it, and Mayans the first to colonize it.
If you don't agree with that line of reasoning, and think that nations can claim land simply by knowing of it's existence, then we lay claim to the deserts east of Korea that you now seek to inhabit. Maya knew of their existence long before Korea or Sparta. We never actually referred to that desert as Mayan however, because we never had settlements on it, and were actually reserving it for the land strapped Koreans, just as you claim to be doing with "New Sparta".
Most reasonable nations would agree with the logic mentioned above. Therefore, I offer a counter proposal that will address both of our concerns about Korea's land situation.
You gift your proposed desert city to Korea, and we will do the same with New Tikal. If Koreas land situation is truly your concern, this offer should appeal to you.
Also, a bit of cultural enlightenment regarding the Maya. To die on the battlefield is the highest honor a Mayan solider can gain . Mayans would climb over each other for the chance to have a glorious death. Emancipation offers all Mayans the freedom to achieve this honor in the name of Maya. I do not know why you mention war however. Surely we can resolve this with diplomacy. You know as well as I do that a Spartan/Mayan war would be detrimental to both of our nations.
Nothing has changed lately in Maya as you have alluded to, only Sparta's view of us due to our internal governing policies. It is Sparta who aligns nations against us. It is Sparta who claims entire continents without any settlements or military presence. It is Sparta who hints at war if we do not follow it's "orders".
And for the record, Japan has publicly stated it has no interest in "New Sparta". Please refrain from including them in your defender of the weak masquerade. The fact is you settled the desert directly east of Japan just as you now plan on settling desert directly east of Korea. In Maya we have a saying that those who live in straw houses should not start fires. Dwell on that for awhile before accusing Maya (who has gifted Korea land in the past) of being the land grubbers.
- Pacal Ermal