Imperial Proclamation
Harald Hardrada Sigurdsson.
Harald Sigurdsson was an Oldonian man from Gateway. Many years ago he offered to travel along with General Jumong of Pyongyang as the Korean envoy travelled north (by land) to Piercia. Stories of General Jumong had entranced the young Harald, who read of the brave Korean General's exploits against the southern barbarians that threatened his town of Gateway. In travels with Jumong he learned many things, and fought bravely alongside the Koreans to rid Oldonia of an Islamic uprising. He agreed to go along with and guide the Koreans through Wyandot lands to their destination in the Piercian town of Meeting (Mi'Ting in korean). General Jumong was able to get both Kings Jeffry and Kevin of Oldonia to give Harald the rank of General or Warlord, but during his travels with the Koreans Oldonia fell into chaos, and became a pariah of world affairs; declaring war recelssly before falling into obscurity. Harald longed to see Oldonia return to prominence, and Sejong had similar aspirations.
The dinner the Emperor held with the returning "northern envoy" was quite tense, and many Korean officials saw their positions of power quickly dwindle (but more on that later). Harald Sigurdsson, however, found that the Emperor of Korea had different plans in mind for him. In the past few decades Oldonia had staved off an Islamic insurrection (with help from a Korean army under General Jumong), had beaten back barbarians from the southern deserts (again with General Jumong's support), and had reestablished King Kevin and order to the Kingdom... only to see it fall apart years later. The lack of leadership of King Jeffrey may have acted as a catalyst, but King Kevin didn't fare much better and saw a similar fate; death at the hands of his own people. The Oldonian state yearned for peace and security and Emperor Sejong was determined to deliver it, and re-establish peaceful and friendly ties with that nation. His plan was to install Harald Sigurdsson (who Sejong routinely called "Fairhair" which was a common term used in Korea to describe Oldonians) as the King of Oldonia. He had many reasons for this, and issued the following proclamation to all nations of the continent...

Imperial Proclamation of Sejong of Goguryeo, Emperor of Korea
It has been some time now since the Kingdom of Oldonia has fallen under complete chaos. Even prior to this occuring the state of Oldonia was under clumsly and often reckless rule by King Jeffry. He allowed for roving bands of religious fundamentalists to nearly allow his Kingdom to fall under their sway, hardly protecting his empire from their forces. His borders were undefended and under constant attack from barbarians. Even his successor, King Kevin, who bravely crushed these Islamists was unable to maintain security and order in his country after Korean forces under the command of General Jumong of Pyongyang left for thier mission to Piercia.
Clearly, regular and recognized leadership of the Kingdom of Oldonia is essential for the prosperity of our continent. The country stands at a crossroads between the northern Kingdoms and the Kingdoms of the south. They are neighbors to Japan, and it can be surmized that with a stronger Oldonia in place Japanese settlements on the mainland could have been safer. It could be surmized that with real leadership in Oldonia perhaps a better movement towards peace, an earlier movement towards peace perhaps, in the Russo-Roman conflict could have been achieved. It was under the auspices of this leadership vacuum that my own attempts at achieving a unified front for smaller states fell by the wayside as well. A regularly ruled, and an assertive Oldonia in their corner of the world is of value to all nations.
We ask all nations, and already have recieved the blessings of at least four nations (who are friends and enemies of one another, to show there is no bias) who would recognize Harald Sigurdsson of Gateway as King of Oldonia. He is the SOLE remaining official of the former Kingdom, with his rank as General bestowed upon him by both King Jeffry and King Kevin prior to their abdications. He has traveled along with General Jumong whose bravery is unmatched, he has traveled to and been in audiences with Tarhe of Wyandot and Aziz of Piercia. He is learned and experienced and already has the full backing of Korea as well as at least four other nations as previously attested to.
We ask that the nations of this continent accept and bless the arrival of Harald as leader of Oldonia. That they recognize his title as King, and the return of Oldonian sovreignty and independence. If there are those that question the motives of Korea, and question why a Korean-backed leader should be put into place I issue the following three reasons;
1) Oldonia had on at least two occasions in the past offered their Kingdom as a vassal to Korea. They did this out of respect for our efforts against their barbarian threat, as well as our efforts to stop the Muslim insurgency. We declined because we believe a sovreign and independent Oldonia is key to peace on this continent. However this displays the Oldonian willingness to accept Korean tutelege.
2) Korean forces on more than two occasions have augmented the armies of Oldonia, and helped ensure its security and prosperity. From both insurgents and barbarians alike. Our General Jumong has given an eye to this cause, there is no question that Korean blood helped to keep Oldonia safe. Oldonians recognize this fact.
3) Harald Sigurdsson, being the last remaining official of Oldonia, and holding the highest official rank in Oldonia has been travelling with Korean soldiers for decades. he is familiar with our ways, and our support of his Kingdom, in both administration and policy would be key to the survivial of the Oldonian state.
We further agree that we can accept Oldonia as vassals in order to aide in their upkeep costs until they get back on their feet. We believe our proclamation is fair, and ask the nations of this continent, the nations of Portugal, Rome, Russia, Piercia, the Wyandots, Japan, Greece and the Maya to recognize Harald Sigurdsson as the King of the Oldonians.
- Sejong of Goguryeo, Emperor of Korea

Harald Sigurdsson was an Oldonian man from Gateway. Many years ago he offered to travel along with General Jumong of Pyongyang as the Korean envoy travelled north (by land) to Piercia. Stories of General Jumong had entranced the young Harald, who read of the brave Korean General's exploits against the southern barbarians that threatened his town of Gateway. In travels with Jumong he learned many things, and fought bravely alongside the Koreans to rid Oldonia of an Islamic uprising. He agreed to go along with and guide the Koreans through Wyandot lands to their destination in the Piercian town of Meeting (Mi'Ting in korean). General Jumong was able to get both Kings Jeffry and Kevin of Oldonia to give Harald the rank of General or Warlord, but during his travels with the Koreans Oldonia fell into chaos, and became a pariah of world affairs; declaring war recelssly before falling into obscurity. Harald longed to see Oldonia return to prominence, and Sejong had similar aspirations.
The dinner the Emperor held with the returning "northern envoy" was quite tense, and many Korean officials saw their positions of power quickly dwindle (but more on that later). Harald Sigurdsson, however, found that the Emperor of Korea had different plans in mind for him. In the past few decades Oldonia had staved off an Islamic insurrection (with help from a Korean army under General Jumong), had beaten back barbarians from the southern deserts (again with General Jumong's support), and had reestablished King Kevin and order to the Kingdom... only to see it fall apart years later. The lack of leadership of King Jeffrey may have acted as a catalyst, but King Kevin didn't fare much better and saw a similar fate; death at the hands of his own people. The Oldonian state yearned for peace and security and Emperor Sejong was determined to deliver it, and re-establish peaceful and friendly ties with that nation. His plan was to install Harald Sigurdsson (who Sejong routinely called "Fairhair" which was a common term used in Korea to describe Oldonians) as the King of Oldonia. He had many reasons for this, and issued the following proclamation to all nations of the continent...

Imperial Proclamation of Sejong of Goguryeo, Emperor of Korea
It has been some time now since the Kingdom of Oldonia has fallen under complete chaos. Even prior to this occuring the state of Oldonia was under clumsly and often reckless rule by King Jeffry. He allowed for roving bands of religious fundamentalists to nearly allow his Kingdom to fall under their sway, hardly protecting his empire from their forces. His borders were undefended and under constant attack from barbarians. Even his successor, King Kevin, who bravely crushed these Islamists was unable to maintain security and order in his country after Korean forces under the command of General Jumong of Pyongyang left for thier mission to Piercia.
Clearly, regular and recognized leadership of the Kingdom of Oldonia is essential for the prosperity of our continent. The country stands at a crossroads between the northern Kingdoms and the Kingdoms of the south. They are neighbors to Japan, and it can be surmized that with a stronger Oldonia in place Japanese settlements on the mainland could have been safer. It could be surmized that with real leadership in Oldonia perhaps a better movement towards peace, an earlier movement towards peace perhaps, in the Russo-Roman conflict could have been achieved. It was under the auspices of this leadership vacuum that my own attempts at achieving a unified front for smaller states fell by the wayside as well. A regularly ruled, and an assertive Oldonia in their corner of the world is of value to all nations.
We ask all nations, and already have recieved the blessings of at least four nations (who are friends and enemies of one another, to show there is no bias) who would recognize Harald Sigurdsson of Gateway as King of Oldonia. He is the SOLE remaining official of the former Kingdom, with his rank as General bestowed upon him by both King Jeffry and King Kevin prior to their abdications. He has traveled along with General Jumong whose bravery is unmatched, he has traveled to and been in audiences with Tarhe of Wyandot and Aziz of Piercia. He is learned and experienced and already has the full backing of Korea as well as at least four other nations as previously attested to.
We ask that the nations of this continent accept and bless the arrival of Harald as leader of Oldonia. That they recognize his title as King, and the return of Oldonian sovreignty and independence. If there are those that question the motives of Korea, and question why a Korean-backed leader should be put into place I issue the following three reasons;
1) Oldonia had on at least two occasions in the past offered their Kingdom as a vassal to Korea. They did this out of respect for our efforts against their barbarian threat, as well as our efforts to stop the Muslim insurgency. We declined because we believe a sovreign and independent Oldonia is key to peace on this continent. However this displays the Oldonian willingness to accept Korean tutelege.
2) Korean forces on more than two occasions have augmented the armies of Oldonia, and helped ensure its security and prosperity. From both insurgents and barbarians alike. Our General Jumong has given an eye to this cause, there is no question that Korean blood helped to keep Oldonia safe. Oldonians recognize this fact.
3) Harald Sigurdsson, being the last remaining official of Oldonia, and holding the highest official rank in Oldonia has been travelling with Korean soldiers for decades. he is familiar with our ways, and our support of his Kingdom, in both administration and policy would be key to the survivial of the Oldonian state.
We further agree that we can accept Oldonia as vassals in order to aide in their upkeep costs until they get back on their feet. We believe our proclamation is fair, and ask the nations of this continent, the nations of Portugal, Rome, Russia, Piercia, the Wyandots, Japan, Greece and the Maya to recognize Harald Sigurdsson as the King of the Oldonians.
- Sejong of Goguryeo, Emperor of Korea