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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 5 (December 2008)

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  • Dear Sejong of Goguryeo, Emperor of Korea,

    We have received your message regarding our relations with Japan.
    I am happy to let you know that the relations between Sparta and Japan are very healthy.
    We have had a small diplomatic collision but overcame it peacefully. We have made a deal that resulted in benefits for both Sparta and for Japan.

    Korean soldiers and missionaries are like always free to pass through Spartan territory.

    Something else, we have send you a suggestion long ago, regarding the building of a canal in Korean territory that would connect the southern seas with the north sea.
    Have you ever received this suggestion, and what are your thoughts about it?

    Our king is on a mission in Rome, he won't be able to answer your communications anytime soon.

    Signed by the Signed by the Chief Scribe of Sparta


    • [occ - Sparta. Glad you admit that your spy never was in Rome. Fully understand about the wife and 'friends' and your stories are always great. But you can't blame me for noticing that the story wasn't accurate and storying that fact. If you 'bend reality' to fit the script you want to tell, you can't be surprised if others want to point out the unbent reality.

      However, it was a great move, and now as you have admitted the spy wasn't in Rome - another Spartan lie - I'm happy to go along with the story. Tribune Hieronymus had had a long innings. I can't do any proper storying now, but when i have a chance I will]


      • My Journal:Arrival at Korecom

        It had been a treacherous journey over the many nations and through many troubled waters, but I finally found my way back to my first home. I had spent many joyful years here, but now i Think it is going to be one of my darkest day. It was fine meeting my Dad again, but unfortunately my Brother was by his side, but I played it cool since we are doing this for mother, so I will temporarily put aside any differences for the time being.

        I rushed over to my mothers side, since I thought I might not make it in time, but I was there in time to at least say good bye to her should she pass away/ I heard from the doctors nearby that they do not think that there is much time left for her and they wer glad. I did find one of the doctors to be cute, but I found out that he was married, so I was a bit disappointed, but my main thoughts were on my mother, so it was really just a side issue for me.

        It was great for me to catch up with alll my girlfriends back here. We reminiscence about the great times we had being little girls in the palace playing hide and seek and scaring the butler all the time, but he did do the same to us by telling us some of the scariest stories we have ever heard. It was great going back to the place of my childhood The memories will live with me forever and I have not forget how my my friends meant to me, especially after they helped to console me after the nastiness with my brother. I will be hear until either my mother get better, which is unlikely to happen, or be at her side when she dies.


        • Blessing of the Conference

          Frederick, now the Holy Roman Emperor, approached the raised dais over-looking the central square in Hastings. He would not officially be Emperor until his return to Aachen, and the presentation of the Grand Sceptre by the Head of The Holy Council. An ancient symbolic gesture, mused Frederick, but he also understood te importance of tradition and ceremony.

          He looked out over the large crowd comprised of citizens of many nations, and at the host of rulers and officials lining the stage. There sat Jesse Pendragon, the new ruler of the Funglish, in all his spendor.

          Frederick reached the podium, and with arms raised, paused to gaze over the large assembly as it hushed to stillness. With his best oratory, he began...

          Friends, let us pray.

          My Lord, it is with a heavy heart, but also a sense of promise, that I Frederick, Holy Roman Emperor in Waiting, come before you to ask you to bless this conference of the people of Meduian, the Second Hastings Conference.

          A heavy heart from the loss of two great leaders: Otto, the Holy Roman Emperor, and Suryvaraman, the Great Ruler of the Khmer. I ask that you honor their names, and bless their passings to the next world. They have both given much to their people, and to the world. May they rest in peace.

          And a sense of promise, My Lord, for the nations and their people represented here today, be they Christian or Hindu, American, Funglish, Metal, Celtic, Khmer, or Holy Roman. This is a momentous occasion, My Lord. Made even more so with the coronation of Jesse Pendragon to the Funglsh throne. May his reign be blessed; may he live long and rule well.

          Lord, please bless this assembly. Give us the strength to reach agreement on that which we disagree, and the wisdom to learn that which we don't understand.

          Some nations here at Hastings have recently been at war with each other. May you bless those lost in the recent conflict, and may the new found peace be a path to a better future.

          And may the understanding that exists between Hindu and Christian, continue to grow and be an example to all the people of the land. May the Great Shiva, and you, My Lord, show us the light and the way, as you have done for generations.

          We ask this in your name, My Lord.



          • Rome was in turmoil - for a day.

            Although the Spartan assasin failed in his mission to kill Tribune Hieronymus and the Senate, he had dealt Rome the worst blow in its history with his slaves revolt, and there was more to come - on that evil fated day.

            The Senate met in emergency session, the mood was foul. Some senators were missing, believed to have been murder by their own slaves. The High Priest was central stage being asked to explain.

            "Your priests have been talking across the nation of the King of the West brining peace. And instead we get this! Explain" demanded Tribune Hieronymus.

            The High Priest had never been spoken to like this before. "Tribune ... the prophecies were complex ... the star in the West was clearly seen ... a new King in the West. But ... well ... there are some ancient legends of Satan himself cloaking himself to appear as an angel."

            "So what you mean is that there might be a holy King of the West out there somewhere, but you have now recognised that King Archelaus was not the King of the West, but Satan himself send to deceive you?"

            "Well, you could put it like ..."

            At that point, the doors of the Senate house burst open. Slaves armed with cudgels, hammers and spades poured through the doors. "To me Praetorians" shouted the Tribune, jumping down running towards the slaves. The twelve ceremonial guards joined the charge. But it was Roman silk holding back a charging boar. Blood splattered across the ancient Senate house. Tribune Hieronymus cut down the leading slave, a huge Sparta wielding a huge axe, then took down his accomplice, a captured Mayan pirate, then he was clubed down by the mob. Some say that his head even found its way back to the Sparta spy. Around him the Praetorians fell. The High Priest stood open mouthed, calling down the curse of the One God on our treacherous enemies, and was impaled to the wall by a thrown spear.

            A few older senators and the secretary Maximilian fled to the far door of the Senate, flinging it open, wondering what they would see. They ran right into a group of Roman knights, pushing through the mob. "The Senate is destroyed, the Tribune is dead. The King of the West is Satan himself" Pulling them up on to the horses they pushed back to the Temple of Mars, the rallying point for the citizens of Rome, the doors now thrown open. The young officer, leading the knights, , Octavian, stood looking out at the city from the entrance of the Temple - "Soliders of Rome - Satan himself has come among us this day. The Senate is destroyed. Our people are assaulted by Oath-Breakers on every side. I am no senator, no consul or tribune. Merely a citizen. But as first citizen I will lead you to victory, until we bathe in teh blood of the Oath-Breakers." Shouts rang out "Death to the Oath-Breakers, Victory to Rome, and princeps Octavian", as the knights started to push back the slaves - in the distances the shots of muskets could be heard.

            ooc - a fair compromise I hope. Give me a chance to catch up with storying what has happened on the front, and a 'response' to the Oath-Breakers .
            Last edited by Pitboss Rome; December 12, 2008, 18:44.


            • OOC: I don't know what Rome has planned in this regard, but perhaps the King of the West prophecy could actually refer to the new Oldonian King... And the senate merely mis-interpreted the prophecy with regard to Sparta...
              Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
              "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


              • you might be right


                • Originally posted by Pitboss Celts

                  In a display of continued friendship, the Khmer have provided the Celts with an influx in population. Several families have crossed the border looking for a new place to live. These people were not thrown out of the country, but simply wandering over from Angor Wat, looking for a new start on life. The Celtic people gratefully accept these families into their country and remain with open borders should any other families wish to relocate.
                  Did you notice the worker that had been previously gifted? Just thought I'd mention it in case you hadn't and maybe had workers on auto?

                  Suryavarman 2 will follow in his father's footsteps with regard to this policy of helping Khmer neighbors.



                  • Originally posted by Pitboss Khmer

                    Did you notice the worker that had been previously gifted? Just thought I'd mention it in case you hadn't and maybe had workers on auto?

                    Suryavarman 2 will follow in his father's footsteps with regard to this policy of helping Khmer neighbors.

                    OOC: He did say several families.
                    Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
                    "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


                    • Originally posted by MMC

                      OOC: He did say several families.

                      ooc: it was a significant while back and a totally separate event. why do you always have to try and pick people up? I was just interested to know if he had workers on auto which means you may not notice a gift, perhaps...


                      • Pretaus returning home in Sparta with the head of Tribune Hieronymus

                        ooc - a fair compromise I hope.


                        • It was now a month after that fateful Ides of March when the Roman Republic collapsed …

                          Princeps Octavian sat in full combat uniform around the great table built from planking from the sunk Maya pirate ship, bound with iron from Mediolaneum. From this table standing in the nave of the Temple of Mars, the survival and victory of the Roman people would flow.

                          “Reports please Maximilian”

                          Report from your fellow Triumvir Marcus Anthonius in the West:
                          ‘A major Oath-Breaker force struck north from Meeting in the days following the Ideas of March aiming for Velitrae. They are currently crossing the deserts bringing with them many siege engines. The slave revolt has brought work on the castle at Velitrae to a halt. Half of the Western reserves have been deployed in Velitrae, the other half are assembling at Ardea with the main force of the Western Standing Army to push towards Meeting. The province of Tarentum and the new settlements south of it remain well defended.’

                          "I grew up in Velitrae" "Yes Marcus Anthonius is well aware of that Princeps"

                          Report from Tiumvir Marcus Aemilius Lepidus in the East:
                          ‘Little aggressive action from the Rus. Our invasion will proceed along the same lines as in the Second Rus-Roman war’. New Mediolaneum is garrisoned by macemen, with elephants in support, but it will fall in due time.’

                          Report from Consul Aulus Hirtius commanding your forces in the South:
                          ‘On the night of the Ides of March, as the slaves revolted and the port of Satricum was in flames, a small Mayan pirate fleet sailed right into the harbour at Satricum and off poured war elephants. The ceremonical garrison was soon overwhelmed, with the mob on one side and the elephants on the other. They died to a man. The city has fallen. The true nature of the Mayan pirates has been demonstrated by a second invasion, this time of macemen into the jungle west of Satricum aimed at capturing the famers and loggers clearing the ground. Such is the bravery of the Maya – an invasion fleet of armoured macemen sails across the ocean to capture some farmers! To the South East a large force of Satanic siege engines has been also reported.

                          Report from Marcus Lurius commander of the fleet:
                          ‘The navy is currently split into four squadrons each of the appropriate make up for its duties. Squadron one is approaching Meeting from the South, scouts first, marines behind ready to join the assault on Meeting when the Western Standing Army arrives from Ardea. Squadrons two and three approaching Satricum (from the West and East respectively) to close off any possibility of further troop carrying Pirate ships arriving from Maya. Squadron four approaching the Rus coast from its Ocean bases, marines ready.

                          Princeps Octavian nodded. “and the north?

                          “Consul Gaius Vibius Pansa is now half way to the Portuguese border, to strengthen the northern defences on the two land bridges and the inner sea. He assumes that invasoin will come, but not quite yet since the Portuguese appear not to have been part of the Ides of March plot, and so their forces were not ready on the frontier”

                          “Good. Now we just wait for our the oath-breakers, pirates and aggressors to show their full strength. Let us not be distracted into thinking that these initial forces are all they have.”

                          “Maximilian – issue a decree to all Roman people in the name of the Triumvirate of Princeps Octavian, Marcus Anthonius and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus


                          • The decree issued from the Temple of Mars travelled quickly across Roman lands:

                            People of Rome,

                            I must confirm the rumours circulating in our land. On the Ides of March the Satanic imposture instigated a slave revolt across Roman lands. Here in Rome, the Senate was broken, and Tribune Hieronymus murdered. The honourable Tribune, who closed the doors of the temple of Mars after the ancestral wars, and who offered peace to every nation (though some refused) and who never broke a treaty, is dead, his body hacked and mutilated. The doors of Mars are open once more, and it will be many ages before the world has drunk enough blood for them to be shut once more.

                            Our enemies are many.

                            To the West the Oath-Breakers. The sworn ‘durable peace’ cast aside on a whim. To them vengeance will come. Friends, enemies, God and even Satan himself despises oath-breakers.

                            To the South, the Mayan Pirates. Greedy and hungry for plunder. Their first piracy against Rome failed when their warship was sunk when it preyed on our merchant shipping. This pattern will be repeated.

                            Joining with them is the false King of the West, now revealed in his dying breath by the High Priest as Satan Himself. It was he who tricked our slaves into revolting and brought this evil day upon us. Even now his soldiers with foul engines crawl out from our jungles.

                            To the East, the Rus barbarians. Not content with the gift of New Mediolaneum to them, they pour across the frontier again intent on rape and pillage. They only understand one language.

                            To the North there is ominous silence.

                            We three have formed a triumvirate to defend Rome in its gravest hour. Princeps Octavian defending the North, South and Central Lands. Marcus Anthonius defending the Western lands against the Oath-Breakers. Marcus Aemilius Lepidus in the East facing the Rus.

                            Our charge to you is simple:

                            The first duty of the citizens of Rome is to bring their localities back into order, re-establish control over the slaves, rebuild your workshops, restore your mines.

                            The first duty of the soldiers, sailors and marines of Rome is to defeat the foreign aggressors, oath-breakers and pirates.

                            Some powerful distant nations support us, but for now we must look to our own defence. Together, we will avenge our fallen and bring destruction to our enemies.

                            The Triumvitae
                            Princeps Octavian, Marcus Anthonius and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus
                            Last edited by Pitboss Rome; December 13, 2008, 08:05.


                            • The Oldonian Dark Age...

                              While the reign of King Jeffry of Oldonia was marked with bloodshed, infighting, and emmense civil and religious strife it would not make the end of Oldonian hardships would eventually come to be known throughout the kingdom as the "Dark Age." Under Jeffry Oldonia openly supported Greek policies which were directed at the demise of Roman hegemony in the east. The Romans had used what they deemed as a Russian violation of Portugese lands as an excuse to invade the small eastern nation, which set off an international chain of events eventually leading to a vast eastern conflict that consumed the continent for centuries. Oldonia, for its part, was largely uninvolved in this conflict as its lack of power relegated it to diplomatic statements and brash condemnations of Roman imperialism. Jeffry was disliked throughout much of Oldonia, but primarily by a sect of Islamist militants who held power in the Oldonian city of "Holy Razite" (now known as the city of Raas). These Islamists were angered over Jeffry's refusal to adopt their faith, and rumors ran rampant of Jeffry's sexual activities, which the Islamists saw as a sign of weakness, so they rallied against their infadel King. While the Islamist uprising was put down by a coalition of Oldonian forces under Big Kevin and a Korean army commanded by General Jumong of Pyong'yang this did not end Oldonia's problems. Big Kev was quickly thrust into power but the task of unifying the small duchies that comprised the Oldonian Kingdom and maintaining a clear Oldonian policy proved difficult for the new King and would ultimate result in his untimely demise. The Korean army that had helped Big Kevin left the country as they were on a diplomatic mission to the east, and Big Kevin found it difficult to gain Oldonian warlords who supported his reign, in fact many believed that they should be King.

                              The death of Big Kevin did little to help the warring Oldonian duchies, in fact it merely exacerbated the problem. The religious diversity of Oldonia caused disunity, its position as a central route between the nations of the south and the nations of the north meant that influence from all sides was felt and the various dukes and lords of Oldonia had differing alliances and religious obligations. Oldonia fell into disarray, the capital being nothing more than a titular figurehead, representing what once was the Oldonian Kingdom. Various would-be Kings claimed the throne and war between these competing states spread into small cities who were unable to recognize all of the powerful warlords that vied for power. This lead to the sacking, pillaging, and rape of numerous Oldonian cities, which lead to orphanage and the loss of work. Young Oldonian boys without work and families of their own quickly became Oldonian mercenaries who sold their services to the various conflicting warlords; one month a man would go on campaign for one lord, and the next stand in the army that opposed him. Oldonia was in such disarray that even localized loyalty fell by the wayside.

                              The Story of Erik Hardhammer...

                              Word spread throughout the city of Gateway that an army under the command of Aarlo Andersson, one of the most powerful dukes of southern Oldonia, was making a bid for the strategic city of Gateway. Controlling Gateway meant control of passage through Oldonia from the south, and thus trade from the rich and powerful Greek empire. If Aarlo gained control of this city, he believed he could control important finances that would help him raise a large and powerful army to sack the capital. A young metal-smith, Erik Hardhammer, was angered over this. It was only months ago that his entire family was killed in a battle over Auld's Bay. He barely escaped with his life, and felt that a far flung city like Gateway would at least offer temporary peace. He hoped it would be a little more temporary than this though; "Hardhammer!" a boy said running up to the metal-smith, who was busy making axes.

                              Erik turned around, and whiped some sweat and soot from his brow, "What is it boy?"

                              "Andersson's army has arrived! Governor Sigurdsson is calling for all able-bodied men!" the boy said hurriedly, he quickly ran to the next building to gain more troops.

                              Erik shook his head and picked up a sword and his hammer, he heard women screaming and didn't have time to put on his armor, "Damn it!" he muttered to himself as he ran into the city square...

                              "AN OATH OF FEALTY WILL END YOUR SUFFERING!" Aarlo said from atop his horse, this of course was not the case as his men were busy ripping the people of Gateway apart, not giving them an opportunity to acquiess to his demands. "Spare the women, we shall take them back with us!" he ordered, the Oldonian dark ages saw a practice of rape in order to raise more workers and soldiers for the local lord.

                              Governor Sigurd walked into the town square, he wore the armor given to him by King Jeffry proudly, as he took his helmet off ofhis head. "You are a coward Aarlo!" he said "Why don't we settle this matter the old-fashioned way?"

                              Aarlo laughed hearitly, "I am the coward Sigurd?" he said, looking at his men "And where has your brave son gone? Where is Harald? Oh, that's right, I nearly forgot; he's escaped with the Koreans. He may be a coward but at least his has more sense than his drunken fool of a father!" he laughed again.

                              "Come and face me like a man, I will fight you one on one, spare my people! It is Oldonian tradition! If you win, you can keep Gateway, but spare my people!" Sigurd said.

                              "One on one he says?" Aarlo said mockingly, "Very well" and still upon his horse he quickly lifted a crossbow and shot Sigurd in the head, killing him instantly. "I win."

                              It was at this point that the men of Gateway rallied to the city square to fight Aarlo's men. Including Erik, who was still bare-chested from working in the forge, "Look at this rabble sir!" one of Aarlo's men said, "That fool isn't even wearing armor! This shall be easy."

                              "Hmm, he's a blacksmith, take him alive, we need a weaponsmith. We will take him as a slave." Aarlo said, Erik threw his hammer which flew right into the soldier head, smashing his skull and killing him, "CHAAARGE!" Aarlo ordered.

                              Aarlo's men engaged the men of Gateway, while the battle was hardfought it was only a matter of time before Gateway was overcome. Aarlo's army was vastly superior in size, experience, weaponry and armor. One by one the men of Gateway fell to Aarlo's army, until there were only a handful left including Erik. The men of Gateway retreated towards the governor's palace, which was slightly better fortified and preapred for defense. "Damn it!" Erik muttered again, "How many left?" he asked one of the men.

                              "Perhaps twenty, we can not hold them off, we must collect as many women and children as we can and head for the jungles, perhaps we can find sanctuary in Greece?" he suggested.

                              "We don't know if the Spartans back Andersson, that is foolishness, they may turn is over." Erik said, "Take to the jungles, we will make camp there."

                              "But they will follow us Erik!" the man said.

                              "I will distract them, I have no armor and we must spare as much as possible, just go!"

                              "But Erik, you will surely die!" the man pleaded.

                              "I have no family, save your own, quickly, GO!" Erik said as he took the man's sword. The man quickly got as many together as he could and they fled from the scene.

                              Aarlo's army approached the governor's building "People of Gateway, if you come out now and bow to your new master we will spare you, and you will be allowed to work my mines!" he said confidently, as his men began to set the city on fire.

                              Erik walked out of the front door alone. Weilding only a sword. "It is only me Andersson, the others have killed themselves, they refuse to become your slaves!"

                              "Nonsense blacksmith!" Aarlo said, "I know they are hiding in there, don't be a fool. We will spare you form the mines, you can become a weaponsmith, your life will be slightly more comfortable, just stand down and turn over the others. They will be spared of you do so, otherwise we will torch the building, and let them burn to death!"

                              "I already told you Aarlo, they are all dead." Erik said, as he charged Aarlo's army.

                              "TAKE HIM ALIVE!" Aarlo ordered as a few of his men rushed to fight Erik, "If you kill him I kill you!"

                              Aarlo's men engaged Erik, who fought bravely. He killed three of Aarlo's men before he was knocked unconscious. True to his word Aarlo torched the governor's palace, but the survivors had already escaped to the jungles. When Erik awoke he was chained up and in a caged cart with only women and children. He looked around and could see that everyone had been crying, and they were certainly far from Gateway as they were in the mountains. He looked around and saw Sigurd's daughter Helga, he shook his head at her. "I am sorry Helga" he said.

                              She smiled back, "It is okay Erik, you did your best, you saved some of our people."

                              A small child said, "The Romans say there was a star, and that a new king of the west will come, perhaps they speak of Oldonia, perhaps the king of the west will come to save us."

                              "Perhaps young one, perhaps..." Erik turned his head, as his eyes welled-up; he didn't want them to see him cry.
                              Last edited by Pitboss Vikings; December 13, 2008, 16:46.


                              • Taj Mahal

                                Suryavarman 2 was devastated.

                                The memorial building, well not a building but a wonder, to his father had been built by the Portuguese - assumption that it is in their capital. He was livid. It was only one more period away from being built in Angkor Thom. Now it lay in ruins.

                                A few strange things though. He wondered about the excellence of the Portuguese intelligence. How did they build it one period before the Khmer? Luck?

                                The very last period he had noticed that the Portuguese had slaved much and it seemed their capital had gone down from 18 million to a population of 12 million which must have been the only way they could build it so quickly - assumption by Khmer.

                                He knew his father would like him to be diplomatic about this but Suryavarman 2 was a very different man. He felt less warm towards the Portuguese. He was already beginning to see them as a nation totally out for themselves.

                                What could he do?


                                ooc: I'm pretty sure I know who the Portuguese player is and I entirely trust him/her and I'm not suggesting anything untoward. But I think it deserves a story line to explain either the brilliant Portuguese intelligence or the circumstances that led them to slave, presumably their cap by one third. It has dropped out of the Top 5 cities. This is not a thing done lightly. It is of course possible it was built in another city other than the capital and Khmer intelligence on their capital size may be wrong. However the slaving on the previous period (score went from 808 to 802 in one go) must have occurred in just one city.
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by Guest; December 14, 2008, 01:08.

