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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 5 (December 2008)

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  • #91
    Imperial Proclamation

    Harald Hardrada Sigurdsson.

    Harald Sigurdsson was an Oldonian man from Gateway. Many years ago he offered to travel along with General Jumong of Pyongyang as the Korean envoy travelled north (by land) to Piercia. Stories of General Jumong had entranced the young Harald, who read of the brave Korean General's exploits against the southern barbarians that threatened his town of Gateway. In travels with Jumong he learned many things, and fought bravely alongside the Koreans to rid Oldonia of an Islamic uprising. He agreed to go along with and guide the Koreans through Wyandot lands to their destination in the Piercian town of Meeting (Mi'Ting in korean). General Jumong was able to get both Kings Jeffry and Kevin of Oldonia to give Harald the rank of General or Warlord, but during his travels with the Koreans Oldonia fell into chaos, and became a pariah of world affairs; declaring war recelssly before falling into obscurity. Harald longed to see Oldonia return to prominence, and Sejong had similar aspirations.

    The dinner the Emperor held with the returning "northern envoy" was quite tense, and many Korean officials saw their positions of power quickly dwindle (but more on that later). Harald Sigurdsson, however, found that the Emperor of Korea had different plans in mind for him. In the past few decades Oldonia had staved off an Islamic insurrection (with help from a Korean army under General Jumong), had beaten back barbarians from the southern deserts (again with General Jumong's support), and had reestablished King Kevin and order to the Kingdom... only to see it fall apart years later. The lack of leadership of King Jeffrey may have acted as a catalyst, but King Kevin didn't fare much better and saw a similar fate; death at the hands of his own people. The Oldonian state yearned for peace and security and Emperor Sejong was determined to deliver it, and re-establish peaceful and friendly ties with that nation. His plan was to install Harald Sigurdsson (who Sejong routinely called "Fairhair" which was a common term used in Korea to describe Oldonians) as the King of Oldonia. He had many reasons for this, and issued the following proclamation to all nations of the continent...

    Imperial Proclamation of Sejong of Goguryeo, Emperor of Korea

    It has been some time now since the Kingdom of Oldonia has fallen under complete chaos. Even prior to this occuring the state of Oldonia was under clumsly and often reckless rule by King Jeffry. He allowed for roving bands of religious fundamentalists to nearly allow his Kingdom to fall under their sway, hardly protecting his empire from their forces. His borders were undefended and under constant attack from barbarians. Even his successor, King Kevin, who bravely crushed these Islamists was unable to maintain security and order in his country after Korean forces under the command of General Jumong of Pyongyang left for thier mission to Piercia.

    Clearly, regular and recognized leadership of the Kingdom of Oldonia is essential for the prosperity of our continent. The country stands at a crossroads between the northern Kingdoms and the Kingdoms of the south. They are neighbors to Japan, and it can be surmized that with a stronger Oldonia in place Japanese settlements on the mainland could have been safer. It could be surmized that with real leadership in Oldonia perhaps a better movement towards peace, an earlier movement towards peace perhaps, in the Russo-Roman conflict could have been achieved. It was under the auspices of this leadership vacuum that my own attempts at achieving a unified front for smaller states fell by the wayside as well. A regularly ruled, and an assertive Oldonia in their corner of the world is of value to all nations.

    We ask all nations, and already have recieved the blessings of at least four nations (who are friends and enemies of one another, to show there is no bias) who would recognize Harald Sigurdsson of Gateway as King of Oldonia. He is the SOLE remaining official of the former Kingdom, with his rank as General bestowed upon him by both King Jeffry and King Kevin prior to their abdications. He has traveled along with General Jumong whose bravery is unmatched, he has traveled to and been in audiences with Tarhe of Wyandot and Aziz of Piercia. He is learned and experienced and already has the full backing of Korea as well as at least four other nations as previously attested to.

    We ask that the nations of this continent accept and bless the arrival of Harald as leader of Oldonia. That they recognize his title as King, and the return of Oldonian sovreignty and independence. If there are those that question the motives of Korea, and question why a Korean-backed leader should be put into place I issue the following three reasons;

    1) Oldonia had on at least two occasions in the past offered their Kingdom as a vassal to Korea. They did this out of respect for our efforts against their barbarian threat, as well as our efforts to stop the Muslim insurgency. We declined because we believe a sovreign and independent Oldonia is key to peace on this continent. However this displays the Oldonian willingness to accept Korean tutelege.

    2) Korean forces on more than two occasions have augmented the armies of Oldonia, and helped ensure its security and prosperity. From both insurgents and barbarians alike. Our General Jumong has given an eye to this cause, there is no question that Korean blood helped to keep Oldonia safe. Oldonians recognize this fact.

    3) Harald Sigurdsson, being the last remaining official of Oldonia, and holding the highest official rank in Oldonia has been travelling with Korean soldiers for decades. he is familiar with our ways, and our support of his Kingdom, in both administration and policy would be key to the survivial of the Oldonian state.

    We further agree that we can accept Oldonia as vassals in order to aide in their upkeep costs until they get back on their feet. We believe our proclamation is fair, and ask the nations of this continent, the nations of Portugal, Rome, Russia, Piercia, the Wyandots, Japan, Greece and the Maya to recognize Harald Sigurdsson as the King of the Oldonians.

    - Sejong of Goguryeo, Emperor of Korea
    Last edited by Pitboss Korea; December 11, 2008, 18:08.


    • #92
      King Archaleus and the Nations of the World

      The people Rome grieve, not at war, but at the sad truth that Sparta's words and honour are meaningless. For centuries we believed that despite our war, one thing stood true in this world and that was the trustworthiness of Sparta words. Your actions prove otherwise.

      1. You claim that your spy entered Rome. This is a lie. Not only a lie but a stupid one. All can see from the picture you distribute that the city is a border city (the blue Piercian border is clearly visible at the top of the picture). This city is Velitrae a small desert outpost on the Percian-Roman border. We present here a picture of Velitrae which clearly matches your picture. Furthermore, any can see from looking at the picture of Rome publicised Korean scouts recently that the picture your spy presented is not Rome.

      2. You claim to have killed many Senators and Tribune Hieronymus. This is a lie. They are in Rome, while your spy was in Velitrae. Also, the very fact that I am writing this rather proves that I am alive.

      3. You claim that the southern coast of Rome is fully of Spartan galleys. This is a lie. The southern coast is empty of anything but Roman ships.

      4. You proclaimed "You have dishonoured us and disrespected us. You have spit on our leaders and our dignity." This is a lie. Give some examples and let the world judge.

      5. We agreed a cease-fire to allow you to come to speak in Rome. You used this cease-fire to provoke revolt within Roman cities. By any reckoning this was an aggressive act, done while our cease-fire was in force. When you agreed to this cessation of our war you proclaied "And believe me, we will live up to this deal.
      I'd rather die then break a pact that I sealed." These words were indeed empty lies, for you did break your word.

      The Romans have never feared war. No nation has ever succeeded against Rome in war, nor will they. If your idea of war is lies, treachery and espionage, then enjoy. But no nation ought to be in doubt that anyone taking on Rome on land on Roman soil will fail. Only fools will try. Only fools would believe that Sparta will ever commit itself to real war with Rome, they merely try to provoke others to bring on their own destruction.

      But today the people of Rome weap. For today with their mulitple lies and betrayals the honour of Sparta has been shattered.

      Tribune Hieronymus
      Attached Files


      • #93

        We believe our proclamation is fair, and ask the nations of this continent, the nations of Portugal, Rome, Russia, Piercia, the Wyandots, Japan, Greece and the Maya to recognize Harald Sigurdsson as the King of the Oldonians.

        - Sejong of Goguryeo, Emperor of Korea
        The Senate of Rome has considered the proclaimation of the Emperor of Korea carefully, and has welcomed the opportunity to discuss the matter with the Korea scouts currently in Rome.

        We have decided that Oldonia clearly does need new leadership and that the claim of Harald Sigurdsson is true, and presents the best future for the Oldonians. Therefore we recongise this claim.


        • #94
          [OOC]Rome: please don't let the fact that I made the graphics in another city then Rome stay in the way of a good story.

          I actually did overthrow your leadership and brought your slaves into revolt. You're not in slavery anymore.

          That those graphics are not Rome is an OOC-photoshop issue, not an in-game issue.

          I'll answer the rest in-game.
          But your leader and senate are gone.
          You're free to install a new one like the former one, but don't act as if building up espionage against you for 100 turns and bringing a spy walking from Sparta to Rome, and then overthrowing your civic-regime means nothing.[/OOC]


          • #95
            A messenger came to Archelaus:
            "Sir, Rome denies the existence of Spartan galleys near the Roman coast!"

            Archelaus answered: "I don't care if they believe it or do not believe it. I've heard that they don't believe that their tribune is dead either. Oh well, they apparently are living in their fantasy world."

            "They also ask for examples of when Rome insulted Sparta" the messenger concluded.

            "Hahaha, we're done talking with Rome. They've had hundreds of years to ask us this question, and now they suddenly question our reasons for this war? What a joke! we won't let them buy time!"

            "What about their claim that we broke the cease fire and abused their trust?"

            "That makes me angry. Sparta has not violated any deal. Neither did we abuse their trust! We lived up to the cease fire, that was agreed on for as long as my ship was in Roman waters.

            It was obviously an attempt to mislead Rome, and I succeeded. Though I have never claimed to go to Rome to make peace. I came to Rome to deal with the issue and end this for once and for all. And I'm going to do that, through war.

            Was Rome really that ignorant to think that Sparta would make peace that easily? That we would ignore our pride that soon? And give up our vendetta against Rome without a battle?

            And during the cease fire we did not violate anything.
            Our spy was in Rome for years already. We did not need the cease fire to get him there. We have not attacked any Roman during the cease fire.

            And I have ended it vocally before we continued our war on Rome.
            Sparta is true to it's words, we are honourable. And Rome only makes it clear that it consists of weasels who try to find any excuse during a war.

            When they invaded other nations they had no pity, now thy have to deal with an invasion themselves, which was foretold to them hundreds of years ago, they drown in babbling and excuses. Do they expect me to have pity for them when they never had any mercy for others? Fools."

            In the meantime Petraus arrived back home in Sparta and showed the head of Hieronymus to he scribes.


            • #96
              [ooc - Sparta, genuinely have no desire to stand in the way of a good story, and was going along with it, until I realised that the spy was not in Rome - at least not according to the pictures you gave. Not doubting the extremely clever slave revolt and definitely will story it, but where the spy was is an in-game matter, surely?, and the trustworthiness of that claim might affect the trustworthiness of others. In game Rome is not in anarchy - if it were i would story the loss of leadership, but its not - a bit rich for you to story major changes in my leadership. Maybe i am being grumpy and will think differently in the morning, its time for bed here.]


              • #97


                - You have continuously doubted my trustworthyness.

                - You have insulted me in public.

                - You claim to be peaceful, but yet you have acquired a new weaponry system known as "gunpowder". Who of us is the most faithful ?

                I have heard your leaders are dead and I hope the rumors are true for if they are not, I will find and torture them for their offenses.

                I hereby declare war on Rome.

                Aun'O Asiz Asizia


                • #98
                  To : Emperor Seijong of Korea


                  I have studied your argumentation concerning the possible heir of the Oldonian throne. Your words are showing the farsight of yours, and I agree.

                  I hereby recognize the claim of Harald Sigurdsson on the throne of Oldonia.

                  Aun'O Asiz Asizia


                  • #99
                    Sir Oliver's Heavy Cavalry accompanied Frederick, the Holy Roman Emperor in Waiting, through the gates of Hastings. It was Frederick's first visit to Hasings, and he was impressed by the small city on the coast. The Funglish had done a wonderful job of creating a serene, yet functional urban environment - perfect for hosting the conference. Preparations for the conference were well underway, and from the sounds from some of the ale houses, so were the preliminary celebrations.

                    With a wave of his hand, Sir Oliver directed his mounted troops towards the stables, while Frederick's carriage proceeded to the residence where the dignataries were staying. A Funglish diplomat was there to welcome the Holy Roman representative, and escort him to his chambers. It was then that Frederick heard that the Great Suryvaraman I would not be here; that he was gravely ill.

                    Fredrick sighed. He had looked forward to meeting the Khmer ruler. particularly after all he had heard about him from the Emperor. But the news also reminded Frederick that his own ruler and mentor was close to death too. He gave a quick and silent prayer for both his Emperor and Suryvaraman.

                    As he entered his room, he and the diplomat discussed the conference agenda, and Fredrick's blessing of the conference. He subconsciously patted his coat pocket containing the draft of the prayer. With the news regarding the Khmer ruler, he would need to add a few lines.


                    • We further agree that we can accept Oldonia as vassals in order to aide in their upkeep costs until they get back on their feet. We believe our proclamation is fair, and ask the nations of this continent, the nations of Portugal, Rome, Russia, Piercia, the Wyandots, Japan, Greece and the Maya to recognize Harald Sigurdsson as the King of the Oldonians.

                      - Sejong of Goguryeo, Emperor of Korea
                      It has been well documented that Japan and the Oldonians have always had problems. But with Korean leadership guiding them Hopefully they will regain their senses. Never the less we will not accept Harald as king unless Oldonia converts to the teachings of Budda.

                      Ieyasu Tokugawa


                      • Back in Aachen, Otto lay on his death bed. Two doctors were in constant attendance, unless Otto's strength was sufficient to 'shoo' them from the room, which was not the case tonight. And old friend, a pious scholar by the name of Jonathon was also close at hand. As was Simon, the young advisor.

                        Otto: "So Simon, has Frederick arrived in Hastings yet?"

                        Simon:"Yes My Lord. He arrived two days ago. All is set for the conefernce. Now, why don't you get some rest, My Lord. It would be best."

                        Otto: "I know what is best, Simon, don't lecture me." Otto smiled weakly at the young man.

                        Simon smiled back, understanding fully the affection that was flowing to him.

                        Otto: "And Bremen? It is settled, and it grows?"

                        Simon: "Yes, My Lord. As planned."

                        Otto: "And the research plan? It is going well?"

                        Simon: "Yes, My Lord."

                        Otto: "The Spanish proposal?"

                        Simon: "We are still waiting to hear from the Queen, My Lord."

                        Otto: "The military plan?"

                        Simon: "On schedule, My Lord."

                        There was a lengthy pause after this series of staccato, and predictable (thought Simon, fondly) questions. Then ...

                        Otto: "You will look after Frederick, won't you Simon? He is a good man and will make a fine Emperor. But he will need you."

                        Simon:"To the utmost of my abilities and then some, My Lord."

                        Otto: "And ..." With that, Otto fell into a fit of coughing and weezing. The doctors hovered. Simon grasped the Emperor's right hand as he held it out to him. and Jonathon the left. After another fit of coughing, he asked in a voice that was barely a whisper..

                        Otto:"My life? My service? Did I do well for the Empire, my friends?"

                        Both Jonathon and Simon had tears running down their cheeks.

                        Simon: "No Emperor has ever done more, My Lord".

                        Otto: "Praise the Lord, and may he keep you well ...."

                        With that, the Emperor's head rolled to the side, his eyes open but lifeless. Otto, the first Emperor of the New Age of the Empire, had died.
                        Last edited by Pitboss H Roman; December 11, 2008, 21:23.


                        • dp


                          • Suryavarman 1 departs this world

                            Suryavarman 2 bent over his father and whispered in his ear "Otto has just died."

                            The faintest flicker rippled over Suryavarman 1's face. It was as a smile like he was almost greeting him in the great land of Holy Ghosts. Hindu and Christian together in their heavens.

                            Suryavarman 2 covered his father's glistening eyes and wiped his own.

                            He put his thumbs in his belt and swaggered around the room deep in thought.

                            So many ideas. So much happening in the world. A world of lies and deceit and love and loyalty.


                            • Originally posted by Pitboss Rome
                              [ooc - Sparta, genuinely have no desire to stand in the way of a good story, and was going along with it, until I realised that the spy was not in Rome - at least not according to the pictures you gave. Not doubting the extremely clever slave revolt and definitely will story it, but where the spy was is an in-game matter, surely?, and the trustworthiness of that claim might affect the trustworthiness of others. In game Rome is not in anarchy - if it were i would story the loss of leadership, but its not - a bit rich for you to story major changes in my leadership. Maybe i am being grumpy and will think differently in the morning, its time for bed here.]
                              I used that city just for graphic reasons.
                              I liked the way it was situated next to the river with the bridge.
                              I could've easily moved it to Rome (the spy was in that other city for over 15 turns!), and it would've cost me only 20 EP's more in Rome.

                              If I had known this would be an issue, I would've moved it to Rome. I just were like: "who cares, it's about the story". Sometimes I just bend reality a bit for story reasons.

                              Like Sparta is not my capital, according to game-mechanics, but it is story-wise.

                              Further: I've never claimed your civ is in anarchy! The slaves are in anarchy. They have ended slavery, setted up by my spy.

                              I haven't made it clear in my post, but I had the intention that my spy would decapitate the Tribune, show the head to the slaves and pushed them into anarchy.
                              But I was in a hurry (my wife insisted on watching 'friends' and I didn't want to let her wait for me too long) so I forgot the decapitate thing.
                              But the fact that it hasn't been told doesn't mean it didn't happen

                              I don't think the trustworthiness has been harmed. Spy-position is only a technical game detail. It makes no difference game wise or story wise if it was located in Rome or not.

                              I'm sorry for your tribune, but he was like 600 years anyway, so he deserved to die anyway

                              And I would not have killed him if I had no in-game mechanics for it. I think sending a spy on a successful civic-chance mission is a valid storyline. But if others think it's not, let them speak up! [/OOC]


                              • The scribes of Sparta talked about the dead of Suryavarman of the Khmer.
                                "Let's write them a letter and tell us that we are sorry and wish them the best" the new chief said.
                                "Also include something about the continent we found" the red haired scribe said.

                                Then the chief wrote the following letter:

                                To the people of the Khmer,

                                We wish to let you know that we grieve with you over the dead of your great leader, Suryavarman!
                                We thank your nation for what he did to us, sharing his information about the new continent with us!

                                We will use our claim on this continent!
                                Right now we can't disclose the details right now, but believe us that we won't use it for our own benefit.

                                May your nation find new ways now your leader has passed away.
                                Hail to the new leader of the Khmer!

                                The Scribes of Sparta

